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Everything posted by Sprout_teh_druid

  1. Hmm. I'm not sure. A bunch of people probobly go and read the news- and others go through there to play, but i'd guess at least 1 million unique hits per day.
  2. Depends on my mood. Sometimes I just want to get where i'm going- other times, I enjoy the pretty stuff all around me.
  3. I need to reactivate my subscription. :P These look really interesting- I hope JaGeX adds more soon.
  4. Well, there was that time when I saw some guys called n0_99_melee, no_99_m3l33, and n0_3_ranged arguing in one spot. If only the thread author had show up. (This seriously happened- I WAS on world 99, so i'm not sure if it was coincidence.)
  5. The ban hammer discussed in popular culture has a more literal meaning- the monkey hitting the ban button at JaGeX HQ is using a hammer to hit said button. Personally, I think bugs like that should not be perma-bannable.. that's just silly. A warning, perhaps, but I don't see how banning someone for bringing a summoning creature into the GE threatens the game or it's players... of course, if you were bringing it to somewhere where it could be used for an advantage, I could understand.
  6. I remember back when I would give away sets of armor I made while training smithing... never really thought about it until I couldn't do it anymore..
  7. It depends on the task. If it's a good, fun, task, I usually stay a bit longer, and if it's an annoying one, i'll finish it and go. Of course, it also depends on my mood- if I want to go work on my house, I might immediatly go do that, too.
  8. Hmm. Yeah, it sounds like player manipulation, really.. the third age items just don't have enough of their kind to make a true effect that major in the GE that quickly.
  9. Looks like a hopefully interesting quest, might check it out later... I'm hoping that planks might drop in price a bit because of the update.
  10. No... i'm all for team capes remaining F2P. I'm just saying that, in my opinion, they never should have been member's exclusive, they should have been availible to F2P from when they were added. Bud, that was directed at the first post, not yours :-s Ah, fair enough. There's someone else who doesn't quite understand what I mean.. If you know what I mean.
  11. No... i'm all for team capes remaining F2P. I'm just saying that, in my opinion, they never should have been member's exclusive, they should have been availible to F2P from when they were added.
  12. I don't understand what you're saying. Now that team capes have a purpose again, you think Jagex should remove them? TBH I just don't see the logic in that... No- I said the opposite of that. I said that team capes never should have been exclusive to members, they should have been availble in the free version since they were released- I see no point not to, honestly.
  13. Team Capes SHOULD stay F2P. They should have been F2P from the start, there's really no reason for them not to be.
  14. While it's not illegal, per-se, JaGeX might mis-identify it as RWT. As people have said, use item lending- if you can't lend it, more reason to make item lending expand to more things.
  15. I find the Ogre Burial Grounds or whatever, with the Zogres and stuff to be good for higher level ranged training. The Zogres take extra damage from the ogre arrows, and while the bow is slow, at higher levels, it really pays out. Plus, the rewards from the coffins makes it even more worthwhile.
  16. Eh, the method that was described wasn't really useful, based on what a friend of mine who tried it said. (I'm not much of a fan of the method you train summoning, so my summoning level is 21.) He said it had a lot to do with luck and finding a person willing to do constant trades, and it was inaccessable to anyone without a AGS. Even if it WAS practical at my level, I wouldn't do it- it seems like too much work for too little return.
  17. Yeah. Unfourtunatly, despite all the amazing social opportunities MMOs have to offer, they're still filled with all sort of scourges, ranging from 3 year olds with a dictionary, 3 year olds without a dictionary, idiots, morons, wanna-be mods, toasters, dinner, world events, world PvP, PvP worlds, high quest requirments, idiots, infrequent updates, haters, fictional diseases, poor combat systems, poor crafting systems, poor typing systems, poor existing systems, and idiots. Note that not all of this applies to runescape, just mainly the idiots. But seriously, anyone that criticizes you because of your standing in a GAME is an idiot.
  18. Want to see some 0's? Just come watch me train. It's fun!... ESPECIALLY when I hit SO low, I actully heal the monster! like this:
  19. I think challenging can be taken not just as skill-heavy, but possibly involving literal challenges. I'm hoping for some good puzzles and maybe some reflex trials of some sort.
  20. Why bother? Because there's nothing quite like one-hitting DK lurers with a bronze mace.
  21. I had someone ask me what my combat level was once.
  22. I can see dedicated PKing clans trying to take over areas, but unless the area had some sort of reason to hold, (such as a resource only availible on the PK server) there wouldn't be much reason to. For the most part, people can just swap worlds. If we had some sort of mass PK minigame where people competed for capture points at various places on the world map, I'd be happy.
  23. I suppose it's not final, but i've heard rumors of easier Player-Owned-House room renovations, IE, replacing a room instead of just destroying and rebuilding it.
  24. ...or has future update news been somewhat cryptic lately? I mean, there's all that with the RCing guild being F2P that wasn't announced, all the 'hidden clues', I mean, compared to a few years ago, (with the notable exeption of construction) Jagex has been pretty blunt. I wonder what's up with all these 'hints'?
  25. Part of the problem is that i'm saving up for Spore and I can't really afford to renew my subscription now. I probobly will end up renewing it by the end of the year, but lately, RS has been somewhat boring, with most of the content being out of my reach/intrest.
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