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Everything posted by Pan_Nx

  1. I honestly cant wait to be able to use it, im very interested how jagex will do this.
  2. Just got a sceptre. The second in a two days! Im even more proud because this makes me and goat tied for sceptres gotten from plunder! I love how it always comes when i least expect it... and when my screenshot program isnt working.. :notalk:
  3. 90 Theft! Aiming for 91 later today! I also got 45 runecraft but no pic. :|
  4. Grats on the win Eos, looked like a good fight.
  5. Good fight to both clans, shame someone was using prayer.
  6. 1. DF/Corr 2. DF/Corr 3. DI 4. EH 5. RSD/VR
  7. thanks for the ending results lord_goro. Looked like everyone had a good time and it was closer then i expected.
  8. Four posts in a row by me? :uhh: After getting my sceptre i plundered alot, i got level 89 and also got 150k exp into level 90, im now about 350k away from 90. \ Should get 90 tommorow and 91 tuesday.
  9. This morning after a nice breakfest i head out to plunder in a pyramid. I get a good 90k exp and then a message pops up on my screen, "you have found my masters sceptre" Woohoo! \ one more and then ill be ahead of wild goat in sceptres. :-w
  10. Favorite type of clan: atm skilling, but i like pking clans also. Favorite Activities in the clan:Skilling events and wars. Favorite part of being in a clan? Meeting new freinds mainly.
  11. -.- Im about 200k off 89 theft, had some freinds come over for most of the afternoon so i didnt get to finish the level. 90 should be early monday now.
  12. I watched some, there quite interesting.
  13. Ah, forgot all about it. :? Anyway who won?
  14. *shines up cooking cape*Wb to rs. Ill get my 99 theft before you get joo coking. :wink:
  15. Thanks. Well i didnt play much or plunder much yesterday. Went Pking, we pked full rune and some rune wepons. This morning i got my 88 theft, and this afternoon im going to try hard at attempting to get 89. I probably wont get 91 by the end of the weekend but im going to still try at getting 90.
  16. Congrats on the win corr.
  17. Havent seen you all around lately, congrats on the win.
  18. Thanks. Dont leave us! I got 87 Theft last night, should get 88 today. The goal is 91 by sunday night. 99 next week? :anxious:
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