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Everything posted by Pan_Nx

  1. [hide=Firemaking][hide=Lvl 60s] [/hide][hide=Lvl 70s] [/hide] [hide=Lvl 80s] I didnt take any screenies of the last 3 I've gotten. [/hide] [/hide] [hide=Firemaking][hide=Lvl 60s] [img=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c345/fronzz/Runescape/69.jpg] [img=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c345/fronzz/Runescape/68withthies.jpg][/hide][hide=Lvl 70s] [img=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c345/fronzz/Runescape/79fm.gif] [img=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c345/fronzz/Runescape/78fm.jpg] [img=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c345/fronzz/Runescape/75withthegang.jpg] [img=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c345/fronzz/Runescape/74.jpg] [img=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c345/fronzz/Runescape/73withtoast.jpg] [img=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c345/fronzz/Runescape/72.jpg] [img=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c345/fronzz/Runescape/71.jpg] [img=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c345/fronzz/Runescape/70.jpg][/hide] [hide=Lvl 80s] [img=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c345/fronzz/Runescape/81fm.jpg] [img=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c345/fronzz/Runescape/80fm.jpg] I didnt take any screenies of the last 3 I've gotten. [/hide] [/hide] Hope that helps
  2. [hide=Test] [hide=Test2] Liek this 8-) [/hide] [/hide] [hide=Test] [hide=Test2] Liek this 8-) [/hide] [/hide]
  3. My favorite is a place near me called: Holiday world. They have the number 1 wooden rollercoaster as well as the number 3. Also there is a water park (ranked 4th in the nation on travel channel), and there is free unlimited drinks. :thumbsup: Also i like mgm studio, rockin roller coaster ftw? \
  4. Nise sig, and gl on teh fm. I was just testing my new sig on your blog tbh :uhh:
  5. It's very different here I guess :oops: Not only do I live in a very.. unpopulated area, but I guess it's just different. I've gone to every HP (except for the first one) and LotR movie at midnight, and I've never had a huge problem with lines (except for the last LotR movie.. the line was huge, but I still got a seat ^.^). I normally get there like 30 minutes early and everything works out fine. Besides, a new movie theater opened up in the same town, so now the old movie theater is always deserted (since everyone goes to the new one now). The new movie theater has had three showing times sold out for a few days, whereas the first showing at the old one only sold out a few hours ago! :shock: I went to the midnight one last night, twas good. :
  6. Happend to my brother the other week, really stinks to die and lose stuff you cant buy back.Well have fun getting the second pair of naval it will be more shiny tbh :
  7. uhh, no posters? :? Well im 30k away from 89 i should get it early tommorow morning. Today i mostly fished and then did some pee kaying with toast,mom,wisp,bp and ranged. Im about to leave to see the harry potter movie tonight at the midnight showing with some freinds. 8-)
  8. Render:My Render Text:Peterpan Anything else:Your sigs are amazing :P
  9. Ill start picking this blog back up again after i get 90 fishing, and i come back from a 3 day vacation. I should get 89 tommorow tonight, but todays my dads birthday so i doubt it. If i dont it will be first thing tommorow morning. :o
  10. lol, could you make it so current only?
  11. Um there great but there the same as the current ones...
  12. For joking around with my freind saying "selling rare black lobs" that was 6 mths ago though... :|
  13. ran out of things to do in f2p, but mainly i joined for the new skills. :?
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