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Everything posted by Pan_Nx

  1. I got my first at 67, i bet you will get one soon. :thumbsup: Thanks! :D This morning i got up and went to ihop (waffles ftw) :P . Then I got back and did some plunder with wild goat, and after a while i noticed i was only 40k away from 92! So i got the level with phaper and wild goat, thanks guys! More plunder today, 93? :o
  2. Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): Banner Dimensions (Size): Whatever the average banner usually is Colour(s): Greens Render (Not required): Font: As always, pick one out Font Color: White (i think :uhh: ) Text: Peterpan's Blog to Success Subtext: Notes: Border (No tech borders!): A white and black one (i think) Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): Sig Dimensions (Size): The size of my current sig Colour(s): Blues Render (Not required): Whatever you think is good (if you cant find one dont worry about it) Font: As always, pick one out Font Color: White or black Text: Peter (can it have the little , heh) Subtext: Notes: Border (No tech borders!): A white one You dont have to follow my form, just do whatever looks best. (this will be the last orders for a while, i swear :ohnoes: )
  3. Grats in advance on 99 Fletching, and gl with your clan.
  4. 85 Fishing? Very nais! =D> Now get members and fish with me \
  5. Who is that hawt guy in your avvy? oh yeah thats me... Grats on the 99 magic 8-)
  6. Heh, thanks. -.- I got 91 thief yesterday morning *changes title*, and i should have got 92 last night (which i didnt) so ill be getting that today, and hopefully have the energy to get 93. :?
  7. Call of Duty. :thumbsup:
  8. I cant wait, i love call of duty games. :anxious:
  9. Did i miss something....? Why does it have to be today?
  10. Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): Avvy Dimensions (Size): tif avvy regs? Colour(s): Blues, kinda like my sig. Render (Not required): Font: Your desicion, if possible could you pick something like my sig though? Font Color: White or black whatever fits Text: Peter Subtext: none Border (No tech borders!):A Small White one
  11. lol.. Im going into 8th grade also, 6th grade was actually more enjoyable to me then 7th grade because i find it always fun to meet new people/freinds. If you dont say anything offensive to others you should be fine.
  12. I dont belive in ghosts, or any kind of super natural powers.
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