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Everything posted by Pan_Nx

  1. Walked around a bit, talked to al karid guards "you need 10 gp to pass", i asked around for money. Then i noticed they said there was a backway, i looked around for a while, didnt find it. I come back and then i find 15 gp on the ground. I pay and adventure into al karid. :)
  2. I dont think so, anyway the main sara color is white (i belive). Nice find anyway.
  3. An interesting interview, also was a nice read.
  4. P2P or F2P? I have a f2p ranging guide, but killlife's guide covers all mine does.
  5. Attack: Profins Defence:Triquos Strength: Profins Hitpoints: Dork_Punker Magic: Wheels4587 Ranged: Headnazgul Prayer: Semperfy Rc: Dp Crazy Agilty: Trixstar Thieving: Outsanity Fletching: Black ruffy5 Slayer: Lliebenau Hunter: Sheynara Smithing: Auirex 01 Fishing: Potter Pkr Cooking: Pickled War Firemaking: Toast647 Woodcut: Trixstar Quest: Potter Pkr And those are my votes, good luck all! :) Edit: Woops looks like the voting is done. :-#
  6. Only one, soon to be 3. :) (cooking(99),thieving(96), and fishing(91)) Edit: After reading it over again i know dont understand, to "master it" do you have to have 99 or just able to do all of things in the skill?
  7. Good pk, was probably a pain to know what to pick up. Btw who is that hawt guy in your avvy? :P
  8. Good thing i already got 99 in that a long while ago. :-w Good luck on the fishing oreo, i was hoping to have my 99 around yours but now that i cant get on school days and with soccer i dont get much time to play rs. Now hurry up with that 99! :
  9. I know alot of good teen leaders of clans and i also know alot of adult leaders, it hard for me to say but i think that on average adult leaders do better then teen leaders.Member wise it seems that adults seem to listen to the leader alot more then the teens.
  10. Woooo grats bp. That still doesnt mean you are going to beat me though. :wink:
  11. Sad to hear that your retiring bufoman, you will be missed. I hope to see you around tif.
  12. :cry: You beat me to 99 thief! :notalk: Well this afternoon i snuck on the cp and logged on rs real quick, found that my mail wasnt lost afterall and i had member credit. (it did take 15 days #-o ) Also my parents have decided to let me get on the computer on school night now just not rs. The goal is to get 97 and 98 thieving this weekend and finish it out next weekend. :)
  13. I got members back, im hoping to get 99 thief in a couple weeks \ , good luck crafting.
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