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Everything posted by Pan_Nx

  1. Nice on getting the drop. =D>
  2. I trained on them for a while and all i got was drops that you would have gotten a week ago. :?
  3. I hate being called def noob, then i look up that person that called me that and they usually have higher def. :?
  4. I dont need more bank space, but i think there should be easier ways to organize your bank.
  5. I always use a shortcut when its there, emotes i use when talking to my freinds. \
  6. Just realized i havent posted any pics lately, i should be posting them tommorow afternoon after i beat swan song and get 66 magic.
  7. Explored Al karid and killing chicken for their meat. :)
  8. On your 99 herblore pic, you put 2006. The year is 2007 :P
  9. New blog? :? Anyway good luck on your goals. :thumbsup:
  10. Gl on the 99 hunter, i have your old outfit before you left rs if you want it.
  11. After i get 99 theiving, hopefully you wont have to much a lead on me. Ill be fishing monks btw.
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