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Everything posted by Wizz

  1. Wizz

    Justin Bieber

    Isn't he already 17??
  2. Wizz


    I got a job interview at Disneyland!
  3. I did that too, except I slept with her :oops:. Feels good, but then the regret kicks in makes you feel bad. :( Bonus points if she is preggers!
  4. I. [bleep]ING. LOVE. MONOPOLY!
  5. Wizz


    Bobo the Monkey like from the Pigman?
  6. The one who doesn't give a [cabbage]. Or the sarcastic friend.
  7. w00t Old game! \o/ I like to bust out old game here and there, I think they have better plot lines and stories than the shiny new games.
  8. Nadril update the first post so that we can keep track of who has done theirs already.
  9. Umm the character Michael Cera is acting is his age. Read the summary?
  10. Nice +1 to post count. I don't understand why you would even bother posting. :rolleyes: For the post count. To be honest, after taking months to understand the ending of Neon Genesis this didn't really phase me that much. I would just go with the flow without a single care.
  11. Or make this into the identify songs from videos thread.
  12. Wizz


    Oh boy, "It was a CGIfest", "It's a shallow movie that tricked you into thinking it was deep". Just a couple of comments I've seen that were almost exactly like that. Such drivel. Look, just because you didn't like a well-received movie dosen't mean you have to insult the intelligence of those who did. Or state your opinion as fact... Yes, it was a good movie, for the simple reason that an overwhelmingly large percentage of people that went to see it loved it. He's not making his opinion a fact he's just stating an opinion. Don't be an [wagon]hole. Saw the movie today. The thing that I don't get really is [spoiler=spoiler]why Ellen Page's character wakes up immediately after she gets stabbed in the stomach but when Joseph Levitt's character get SHOT in the LEG he stays awake, the question arose again when Leonardo DiCarpio's character gets stabbed in the chest near then end of the film.
  13. Wizz


    Please...Please be trolling No, it's true. If you grew up in a family in which your parents were heavy smokers there's a high chance you'll end up a smoker.
  14. Wizz


    My father abandoned us when I was 5. Then he came back when I was16 a "reform" man of religion. Pfft, he did it out of greed to save his soul. Since then I don't get along with my father, mostly grew up with my sisters and mother.
  15. But we love being on you.

  16. Ello there luv.

  17. You're as innocent as fresh snow, thats been driven over.

  18. Wizz


  19. Wizz


    Or you could say you lost it and mail it to me.
  20. Aw [bleep]. Well I guess I just better stand here and enjoy the view.
  21. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_%28film%29 Mod Chris L might start making the storyline when all the dungeoneering updates are done now that I think about it. Ah yes the famous it's on wikipedia, I don't believe wikipedia since anyone can edit it. Enough arguing about a stupid prophecy, were going to die. END OF IT. ONTOPIC: They are probably holding it back until they get a better gaming engine?
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