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Everything posted by Capone_Sabre

  1. I've been playing runescape almost 6 years now. I've never played more than 3 hours a day. Most of the time, less than 10 hours a week. And I watch all the TV I ever watch whilst on runescape. All my RL friends who played were the same. I'll never understand why able bodied people play more. It's just a computer game, there's a whole world out there. :?
  2. Is the pope a catholic? I hate skill capes. For all of you telling us not to wear them, try that when you are level 120+ Etc.. I actually find it less hassle to just wear one of the damn things and do the emote (if they say please). It's still annoying though. P.S. If you think saying that your skill cape is in the bank/in your house or that you don't have one will get rid of the noobs plaguing you, you couldn't be more wrong.
  3. I worked hard for my levels. People who used PC didn't. I don't go around saying "rs2 product" or "pc product" because it's Jagex's fault. But I can completely understand the resentment.
  4. I've been around for almost 6 years but I'm more of a stalker in the bushes :uhh:
  5. Anyone else notice they are getting more birds eggs than they were a few weeks ago? (if your kingdom is set on maples) :-k I am too impatient to leave my kingdom untapped for more than a week, or i'd post pics :P
  6. Just got 112 tears at 186 QP. I've gotten 100+ for the last few weeks, which is pretty good for me.. Pity it was wasted on hunter xp though :|
  7. Yeppers :D I can't beleive someone actually remembers that! Photographic memory ftw! :D Congrats on all your levels 8-) How you been this past half-decade? :P
  8. Were you in the Gladiatorz clan in 2001? Your name seems very familiar :-k
  9. I got it the day it came out. I had most stats in the 50s and 60s, around 75 combat. Can't remember exactly what my ST was. Freesia you must have the patience of a saint to get that mining level! Good luck on getting 99 :)
  10. You had to click the pickaxe in your inventory, then click a rock to mine. You had to right click on a fishing spot, click harpoon and keep repeating constantly to catch sharks. Getting 15k combat xp per hour was exceptionally good. You had to have a conversation with the banker everytime you wanted to get into your bank. Theiving was actually a challenge. Summary: Did you know runescape used to be difficult?
  11. They busted ons, they are working on a revenge! :) Even Tip.It crew members share it sometimes.. ;) And there is no confidential (important) information in it.. We all can learn from it :) That gave me a surprise! :lol: No, I think if anything this adds credence to that statement :P I would bet my house (well, rs house) on that person having started his job on monday, the novelty will soon wear off and he'll become like the....others :P P.s. Thanks for quotifying me...you must be very intelligent :wink:
  12. It would be better if they just removed the text and had the number in the box as a bigger font. I'm sure new players could work out what the number was.
  13. When a new skill is released, of course there are 50-60 easy levels that come quick. I don't get how more skills coming makes the game "easier". The game does get harder. As you train a skill, the higher it is, the tougher it is to train. I think he meant that they are making existing skills easier as the game progresses. That's what I took it to mean anyway.
  14. Apart from the first couple of days after its release, I have just planted 4 fruit trees per day and done nothing else. Sometimes going months without playing too. Just doing that has got me 79 farming and for that reason I love the skill :P
  15. That's one thing I've never understood either. Combat is so incredibly easy now it has almost no meaning. :-k I had 1350 skill total on classic and I consider that a much bigger acheivement than someone who started on rs2 and got 1800 or even 1900 (without hunter) because most skills are so much easier now.
  16. Not sure whether this is the right forum this but anyway.. When construction first came out I leveled it to 72 straight away for the gilded altar. I made teak shelves 1 and my butler made me tea in a gold trimmed cup which raised my stat +3 and I was able to build that level 75 item. Today I raised my construction to 73 and asked my butler to make tea but he made it in a regular porcelain cup and it only raised 2. I have tried both the demon and normal butler and even making it myself but to no avail. Am I missing something or have they changed it? :-k
  17. Make it clearer that your second month hasn't been credited. I don't think he realised that. When talking to Jagex staff, try and explain things in the way you would to a 3-5 year old child.
  18. No. 99 agility and mining would take a bare minimum of 6000 hours each to get 200m xp in. That alone is the equivalent of a full time 9-5 job for 6 years. And then you'd still be left with 21 skills to max out. No-one will ever do it legitimately, no matter how long runescape runs.
  19. What? When RS2 beta was released everyone had the same levels there as they did in the main game, along with the same items. I even pked wearing rares. :-k Oh and newer players should be glad they didn't come into the game earlier. Because if they had they'd have had to work about 10x harder for EVERYTHING
  20. That's my party outfit. Usually leave the hat in the bank otherwise. I try to go for some practicality in terms of offence/defence incase of any accidents. :P
  21. At the start of RSC the cap for a single inventory slot was a mere 65535 gp. I've never understood the reason for that either. :?
  22. Doesn't surprise me at all. As someone said earlier you can make everything at 93, so raising it beyond that is just for show/skill total. If you are going to spend all that money you might as well just go straight for 99. Construction is pretty fast xp too..
  23. I'm not saying the quest cape isnt an achievement, because it is. But all skill capes (except cooking and possibly fletching) are harder to get.
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