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Da Pirates

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Everything posted by Da Pirates

  1. Pretty much. But just so i'm not spamming i'll post a "skill". 99 Strength; but you already knew it.
  2. Deleted like 1500 songs to make room for when I get an iPod touch. [hide=Very short list]Avenged Sevenfold Between The Buried And Me Darkthrone Dream Theater Iron Maiden Jane's Addiction Judas Priest Lamb Of God Lynyrd Skynyrd Mayhem Megadeth Metallica Nine Inch Nails Nirvana Ozzy Osbourne Rage Against The Machine Rise Against Rush Scars On Broadway Serj Tankian Static-X Stone Temple Pilots Sublime System Of A Down Tool[/hide]
  3. This. NOFX is the only halfway decent band on the list, honestly.
  4. Wtf maet, he has a choice wether or not he wants to go, he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to. Stop forcing your godamn opinions down people's throats. If someone close to you doesn't turn up to your kid's birthday party, you can go berate them all you want, but Jesus Christ, calm the [bleep] down, this isn't even your affair. I sense you're just here to piss Goddess off :wall:
  5. Da Pirates


    This is probably the only thing close to rap for me also, and it's only because Shavo is in the band ;)
  6. Wow, this thread is almost 500 pages! Nine Inch Nails - March Of Pigs
  7. What about me :cry: BTBAM - Colors (Album) Weird thing about this album is you have to listen to the whole thing in one sitting or it just doesn't sound right :?
  8. Between the buried and me - Alaska Such an awesome band tbh.
  9. Hopefully System of a Down will be next :pray:
  10. Ok guys, so avast! Antivirus is pissing me off. I'm on avast! and its messing up my computer so i'm looking for alternatives. Should I switch to Kaspersky? Also on top of antivirus what anti-malware and firewall do you guys recommend?
  11. RATM - The Battle Of Los Angeles (Album) Their best album imo
  12. Hello Friend, People on forum board like picking out information that is convenient them. They fail to realise when competing against special student one need to be gracious to opponent. They play not in honourable manner. It like playing a special kid in game of poker. Would you play to take all his money, and take advantage of 'special child' inability? I hope never. My mother Rashmi bring me up better than that. Good Luck Bro. [/hide] wow, sena just owned the thread. Nah, he's a troll. Look at his other posts. :|
  13. Crysis- Designed to stretch PC capabilities when it was released GTA IV (PC)- An unoptimized POS (technologically wise). Weren't they going to release a game that was going to top Crysis for requirments?
  14. GH is still getting cover songs? (based on the most recent WT DLC at least.)
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