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Everything posted by heartless619

  1. Heartless619 Heartless was actually from Kingdom hearts the little creatures..... and i guess being born with a heart murmur would somewhat fit.. 619- thats rey mysterio i was big into wrestling at the time thus it helped create my name... otherwise my name would probly have been galaxyreaper cause i use that name for everything else..Steam, other games, and sites...and i think one time i did make that name...i will have to check. EDIT: holy cowpie i just checked galaxyreaper...says i last logged in 441 days ago..lol amazing..
  2. to me individuality is a state of mind. yes you have the looks to go with it..but really..i think its just not caring what others say or think of you that make you really individual. I do believe iv heard that somewhere..maybe a class but yes that does sound familiar.
  3. What do you care how long this topic goes on? Don't post here if you are too immature to care about someone else. She can confide in whoever she wants and its none of your business otherwise. Ultimate FAIL. Lecture Goddess of all people. Not to put her on a pedestal, but Jesus Christ, she's the frikkin' Tip.it psychologist, one of the, if not the only, person actually qualified to fully discuss this matter, other than explaining the biology of it. Don't even act like you have any right to use condescending words, especially in this thread of all places. Have you even read this thread at all? Or did you just pop in looking for a quick ego-boost? I'm not being rhetorical; it seems like you just chose someone at random to insult, without even thinking about what you were saying or who you were saying it to. If that's true, you sure as hell picked the wrong person and the wrong post to attempt enhancing your e-credz. +1. but i do have to agree with this statement he made...if she really needed to come here and spill everything out to us..then i think we can show our sympathy and empathy..other wise if you don't have nothing really nice to say or something then just don't post..
  4. yea this site is flippin funny. i like the runescape parody page about the master of each skill ex. harry potter is the first to 99 mage
  5. uh ties are alright..any tie an emo might wear is cool with me.. (someone tell me why are multiple people on the forums copying another persons avatar and siggy..its starting to scare me)
  6. N64/ PS2 ftw.. although Wii is my least favorite..its not exactly that free as i thought... just play the game its packed with..tennis doesn't feel that real, red steel is to sensitive even at 1...and the graphics stink on ice. PS3 and xbox win my votes..gears of war is pretty sweet.. but as on the first page some1 said..id rather have a bomb [wagon] computer in stead
  7. Hahaha, that's perhaps the only part of the movie i like :P You know how I know you're gay? You like the film 'Matilda'. lol Matilda was a damn good movie.. =D>
  8. Lol how did i know you would say some crap about a totally diff thread...i know i don't know much about the field of psychology, but what highlander and them are talking is common sense and yes they may have done studies and what not, but i doubt anyone in the OT has been through those studies and actually participated in one..let alone study it (besides you) but please leave out what i have said in a different thread, this is all opinion and advice and that is how i feel about what was on the first page and top of 2nd... Thanks Heartless
  9. local T.V for the daffidel (the flower) parade on a float
  10. style..i guess is a preppy punk, even tho that really conflicts..kind of like the pirates and ninjas... music...everything but mostly Alt, country, and punk but as i say in music. soul-screamo its a reflection of self.
  11. Umm. Probably. People think differently. Gawd. and maybe you think differently because you have no clue what its like to go through that. and when people say its not a big deal, and to get over it...just shows some ignorance...so i think the wording he used was accurate
  12. Now, now, let's not be so harsh on poor Highlanders. I'm sure it builds his self esteem every time he calls someone an ignorant moron on some forums. wow...and your being just as ignorant..am i the only person here that thinks highlander was correct in what he said? and have the balls to back him up? EDIT: me too. in a way..you could say im not very confident often really shy, hardly outgoing. and a real pessimist..
  13. alright im going covert ninja style in there hack there system and make my account a god. Ive already downloaded the blueprints to the inside. and already have a plan how to get in..pm for details :P
  14. You've said it yourself, although asked me for evidence... hehe fascinating. rofl what idiot psych would say that...if you cant deny the fact he was born with both male and female parts..you don't just grow them as you please and then blame it on your surroundings.. i don't think well actually i do think some human was idiotic enough to say that...tell me if im wrong in what i just said.. lol so a Christian psych would say..that if i started reading alot of stuff on trans gender and stuff alike..that eventually in my state of mind i would become one? but yet have no female parts...and i was thinking i was a trans gender? that just doesn't compute with logic.. i agree on the last part..acting a certain way to get attention..but there is a fine line between acting and having. well good think i wont let my religious beliefs get in the way of logic and reasoning. EDIT: ok uh i had forgot he wasn't born with parts he just feels it...so everything i just said above..is kind of irrelevant. but yea.. well..im not really sure at this point.
  15. id just want to get hella drunk before my death... but really..probly just french toast, or Galbi (spelling) but its asian and its pretty much ribs..
  16. ok on point 1. can i get an example? 2.Funcitonalism, behaveoralism, Psychoanalytic, structuralism as i am still somewhat new to this field of study i guess either my brain or your wording i was just getting a bit confused. 3. eh, what? im still fairly new to this whole field of study, only having taken a semester of both psych, and socio in HS and going through my first quarter.. and just as above something i deleted..about the biases i'm fairly certain i wouldnt use any bias i have but yet try to understand that person and see were they are coming from and pretty much do what were supposed to do..regardless of anything i might have against homosexuality or anything else..thats how they were born/made and thats fine.. That is just my personal beliefs and how i would/will act to a patience..some Christian Psychs i guess are judgmental but what can you do..hope people don't go to them..? (none Rhetorical)
  17. ok please now elaborate..pm me..im a Christian, and im also studing psych, socio, and a interpersonal speech in college..behaviorism isn't against us.. just because we study how behavior can effect you psyche..i don't understand how that is against "beliefs" do pm some stuff on this..and get a real answer from a Christian..not what you think we should think..
  18. eh you find your mouse smells after people use it? hmm i just smelt mine..smells normal.
  19. ugh, who cares...just leave her alone...literally...shes a train wreck..and she needs to get through it..
  20. John Ratzenberger the host of Made in America.. was also on Cheers He is a real d*** head...met him in the airport
  21. i heard bungie is getting sued for halo... something about black cavemen people..that you can shoot?
  22. Silk Road Tales of pirate or Pirate Tales
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