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Everything posted by Beriorn

  1. "What's the closest area with a good chance of horrible, choppy/stabby death?" Actually, I'd reply with hi as well.
  2. For Slayer? Depends. If you're going to slay Avianeses, you can wait at Bandos' place until the Eight Era, without seeing one. If you're going to slay Orcs, then Bandos is your man.
  3. exactly scottish wannabes ftw :thumbsup: But kilts aren't plate... they're plaid.
  4. Yes, for it will feature Runescape with the power of BLOOM! Bloom owns new quests, items, areas, monsters and minigames COMBINED! BLOOM IS THE WAY OF THE FUTURE! REPENT, SINNERS, OR BE GLOWNED! *cough* And now for something completely different.
  5. I just can't seem to find the Varrock turkey... anyone know where it is?
  6. But what if you use one on the Lost City tree west of the four heroes?
  7. I go every day, with 825k in the coffers so I can miss a day without high loss of income. I have 10 at Coal, and 5 at Maple. I get 500+ coal, a few hundred Maple, three gems and four bird nests per day. I once got an Owl and Raptor egg on my first day. :D
  8. It helped me realise the bunch of bullcabbage that is Fletching. - Bowstrings are made from several thin threads woven together into strings, who are woven together into a string. Also, you need special equipment to make them. Maybe this was different when they were made approximage 500 years ago, but it's obsolete now. - Compound bows are shorter bows with pullies on them, being able to fire an arrow faster than an normal bow due to the increased strength. - You need long straight logs (or short trees) to make bows, not the short logs you chop with woodcutting. - You can't string a bow with one hand. You just can't. You need to use either a special rope or your feet, with the latter might result in a loss of eyeballs. I know, it's rather petty, but true.
  9. Oh, bummer... how about using it on Loisiana Jones?
  10. Another equipment slot? Like belts?
  11. It's either them, lobsters or harpooning.
  12. Well, there is only one way to find out, and I've finished Holy Grail already.
  13. I think this is how the whole "Use Herring on Tree" thing was discovered, just by trying.
  14. Professor Henry Jones the First, father of Indiana Jones, has searched for the Holy Grail all his life. I'd love to see his face when you show him the Grail.
  15. but has anyone ever used the Holy Grail on Professor Henry in the Stronghold of Player Safety?
  16. I love the little blighter. It's an infinite Draynore Glory tele, free alchemy, and almost two super energy pots per day.
  17. Very unlikely ;) Well, the "long-lost skill of Slaying" has returned too... but I think this will take a bit longer, say, 30 years?
  18. GR is RuneScape's most talented reaper; in fact, his customary black robes are no ordinary vestments, but the legendary Reaper skillcape. In the darker times of RuneScape, the Grim Reaper was revered for being the greatest reaper in all the lands. During this period, he gained large amounts of publicity. At the height of his fame, the GR toured Gielinor, wowing crowds with his talents and his catchphrase of 'Gotta reap 'em all'. The catchphrase even featured on a lucrative range of reaping-themed merchandise, little of which has survived to the present day. A possible reaping skill, perhaps?
  19. Nice article, but I want to say something about the bows. First of all: all players hold the bows with their right hand. This means they use their left hand to pull the string, which means they are right handed. The amount of left-handed bowmen (and women) is in percent equal to the amount of people who write and do other things with their left hand. Then there's the stance. You see your ranger raise his/her bow in front of her body, pull the string and release. You only get about 60% of the original power out of your bow in this way. The way to get most power out of your bow is to turn to your target, strech your arm out to your arm out, turn your head and THEN pull the string. Third: the quiver. In Runescape you see the arrows in a upper-leg mounted quiver. Arrows are too long for that. You can't walk very well with 1,5' of metal tied to your leg. Finally: the arch of the arrows are FAR too inaccurate. That type of arc is more one you get if you toss the arrow very softly. Not to mention arrows are far faster then you see them go... Apologies if this was too rant-like, it's just something that bothers me...
  20. How about a small Construction upgrade? F2P can make items up to Oak, servants can go up to the Cook, do not have some of the highest level items, and you can only have the basic portal.
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