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Everything posted by RabidChipmunk

  1. My first was Romeo and Juliet, I felt so proud of myself. My favorite was the Fremennik Isles. I lost my connection in the final battle, but the whole quest was so fun. But I got owned harder getting to the King then actualy BY the King... My worst was Enakhra's Lament, mainly because I kept forgetting things. I didn't know I needed soft clay, a candle, and a chisel. Led me to say some very unhappy-like sentences.
  2. Did you know that the Chaos Elemental is the only monster that drops dragon items that can also be purchased at a store? (The CE can drop Dragon Battleaxes) I just remembered this one. Did you know that if you look towards the wall in the Entrana Dungeon (I can't remember exactly what direction, but essentially its away from the Dramen Tree) you can see a totally blocked off room with Black Demons inside? There is currently no way into the room.
  3. Fremennik Isles, because it was hard, I loved the imaginitive puzzles, and I got to brutally decapitate a foe with my bare-hands! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: (what I've done of)Recipe for Disaster, simply because it's flipping hiliarious. Mizaru: No, you need red bananas. Yellow ones won't work. Me: Red bananas? Aren't all bananas the same? All 3 monkeys: :shock: :o :!: Me: Ooooh, riiiight, red bananas. Yeah, I get ya. Red bananas are so much better, better than blue bananas even! You'd have to be a fake monkey not to know that! Amen! Ok, it's not perfect, but I fell on the floor during this scene. And Contact!, because it was a challenge, no matter what you say.
  4. I once did the vast majority of Monkey Madness for a friend because he promised me 300k to do it (chump change to the both of us). After I did it, he removed from his friend's list and changed his Private Chat so I couldn't see him online, and thus couldn't get my measly reward. So after spending 'bout a half an hour looping the words "Cheapskate, no good, dirty rotting [cabbage]," I finally decided that I shouldn't stand by idley and take this kinda stuff, so I logged on his account again and drop traded it. (Yes, I know that's against the rules, but this was a while ago.) Surprisingly enough, we're still best friends. He asked about it once, I confessed, and that was the end of that. But my friend can be a jerk sometimes. He's yelled at me before because I wouldn't hang out with him. I had no good reason why I didn't want to hang with him, I just didn't want to. But I've come to grips with the fact that while he's a nice guy, he's got a nasty temper.
  5. Lots of pures DO drop trade in order to get they're pures up and running. It makes it so they don't have to do stuff like work in other skills.
  6. Bouncer the Hellhound recently got a new examine. "Postie Pete's worst nightmare." And this examination speaks for itself... "Like regular monkey nuts... only Tchi'kier."
  7. No matter what, if you do these things, you're some how breaking a rule in the Wilderness. Eat food. ("safer noob!") Pray. ("Pray noob!") Run away. ("Fight me, noob!") Have a good Defence level. ("Def noob!") Pj. ("No fair, nub!") Use Ancients. ("Noob, fight me close up!"/"Ancient nub!") Win. ("U got lucky, noob!") Lose. (Rofl, pwnt nub!") Have a lower level than you're attacker. ("Lol, noob") Have a higher level than you're attacker. (Lol, get a life, noob") Bring less than 4 items with you. ("Lol, scared noob?") Bring a friend. ("Scared nub!") So, basically, the Rules of Honour are nothing more than a way to irritate you until you do something so they'll shut up, but when you do this you're left vulnerable. Its just something most PKers say because they're at a disadvantage.
  8. Rudest: I did Monkey Madness for a real-life good friend of mine. He's a good guy and I love em like a brother, but he lacks basic decency sometimes. Anyways, he promised my 300k if I did it, which I did. He then removed me from his friends list and turned private chat to friends, so that way it'd look like he was offline and I could never claim my reward. :x :x Crudest: Unfortunatly, he let me do the quest for him, hence I had his password. I proceeded to take my reward anyways, even if I didn't have his consent. NOTE: I DO realise drop trading and playing on a friend's account his against the rules, however this was a while ago. During that time of a while ago, I did not know that was against the rules. But now, in this time of now, I do know, so don't tell me it's against the rules.
  9. What's this? Decency? Respect for thy fellow man? I believe that's what it's called, it's been so long since I've seen it. I believed it to be extinct! But here it is! I wish I knew people like that.
  10. My guess is Whip Merchanters. They try to buy whips for 1.5-1.6mil, and others think they'll sell on above there reach for 1.7mil. This way, whip merchanters have to pay a higher price to get one. Then people see the "Selling whip, 1.7mil," and think that's actually the price. :-k I know next to nothing about the economy, so have mercy on my pathetic attempt to explain the unexplainable.
  11. Yeah, the room where you fight Nazastarool is Multi-combat, so someone can come along and kill him. When I did the quest, someone who was doing it with me attacked the first form and ran out.
  12. What the hell are you talking about, 99% of pures sit in level 1-5 wilderness, if people dont want to encounter them go further north of it. No ones jealous of pures because pures pk utter crap. It would just be nice if lower levels could walk in the wild without being ambushed by "i zomgmahatma0wnz0rksj00pur3str11 x" dds specing 4 times and running off. Oh and its ironic that you tell people who aren't pure need to learn to pk, its not hard to think you're a great pker when you go in the wild risking a 50k dds and a power amulet relying on auto killing with specs. I'm referring to 1 def pures because the further defence people go up the more skill is involved. P2P pures would say that very long word of yours, however, if you want to go in the wilderness and not be harassed, would be to go in F2P. you won't be ambushed, nor would you be insulted. In P2P I don't know, after 3 years away from it, I don't know how bad it is. Yeah, I usually run into immature pures myself at the Duel Arena. They are constantly telling me that I should have a lower Defence level. :-s I love when pures with 99strength can't even hit me... \ This is a conversation I had with a pure in the Duel Arena a while back. He used proper English, which didn't make him less annoying. Pure: I have 99 strength. I'll own you. (fight continues, he loses) Pure: I want a rematch. You won cause of armor. No armor now. (re-match, I of course use Protect from Melee) Pure: Prayer noob, I have lost all respect for you. Me: Oh, woe is me. Whatever shall I do? Since then, I've always had a generalized negative outlook on pures, except for my friend who is a pure. I don't think I've ever met a pure that wasn't a total immature pain. Even my friend is a total immature pain.
  13. I've never bought from an autoer, mainly because I don't see them selling very often. However, I have refused services to autotypers (Are they still technically autoers?).
  14. Having that song must be a glitch then, because I haven't even completed A Fairytale: Part I yet.
  15. I've recently found an interesting song unlocked in my Music, called "On the Wing." After listening to it, I became curious to where I unlocked it. I figured the Misc. Music Guide was the best place to look. Unfortunatly, all it said abouy where it's unlocked is "Enchanted Valley." Where's that :?:
  16. I believe how it works is people look at the second trade screen and see the word "Veracs" four times, and thus assume its full Verac. Just remember never to assume though.
  17. A hopefully empty world (as of now, W144) at Experiments, getting 70 defence, and then never, ever, ever, ever going to experiments again.
  18. People will look for the easiest way to get free money, it's the same in real life too. Ah, sueing, you've mad too many people rich...
  19. I wear a Gray Fremennik cape... It matches my climbing boots...
  20. My favorites are: Evil Bob's Island Escape Etceteria (what's with all the E's?) Scape Sad Scape Wild Wild Side Wildwood Showdown Attack 2 Tremble Contest (that was, until the music update and they added an irritating background) Ogre the Top Find my Way Dangerous Way and Undercurrent. I wonder if I missed any... :-k Edit: I did miss some!! Barking Mad Labrynth Cellar Dwellars Courage Dead can Dance (love the title more than the song) Dynasty Out of the Deep Saga (for a while, my absolute favorite song, but then I found others) Royale Sojourn Iban and Monkey Madness.
  21. I love useless facts! I just happen to have one! Both Lunar quests had their difficulty rating increased shortly after release. Lunar Diplomacy was released as an Intermediate Quest, and was changed to an Experienced Quest. Dream Mentor was first an Experienced Quest, and was changed to a Master Quest.
  22. I agree, I'm getting more and more flustered as the days go by because only the dishonest players can get Death Runes from the shop. Things like Random Events don't seem to work either, because its practically standard for Autoers to have codes that tells them to run away for a certain period of time if they are attacked or if there health drops below a certain point, and then return to do what they were doing. If I had to come up with a suggestion, I think there should be random little codes players should have to type in or easy, random little questions players must answer from time to time (I believe there was something in RuneScape Classic like this). That might be bad for people fighting monsters, but I think it wouldn't be hard to make a code so this won't appear in combat or in areas with agressive monsters.
  23. Noob: Selling ultra-super rare kebab! Makes you un-hurtable for 25 minutes! Me: Kebabs don't do that... Noob: I know. Selling ultra-super rare kebab! Makes you un-hurtable for 25 minutes! #-o
  24. Well by safeing you making it pretty much impossible for the other player to have a chance to kill you and earn a few 100k, so your overprotecting your pixels. While usually the opposing player is not safeing as much as you. That seems a little greedy to me. ^^ Thats another way to look at it, which after writing i don't really completely agree with :S. Choose whatever side you want. No you are just making it harder for them to kill you. That is the law of the wild, kill or be killed. Pardon us for doing everything we can to be the killers and not the killed. Why shouldn't we do every possible thing to stay alive? Calling a person a "safer" is a stupid thing to do. Do you honestly expect people to allow you to kill them? :-s So go ahead and call me a "safer" all you want I'll be the one who's laughing when you're in Lumbridge/Falador and I'm trying on your armor. \ +1. That was an awesome point. I hate people who call me safers...
  25. I remember some of my comics. Of course, they don't look as good as these, but I still made them. Anyways, I found these really, really good, especially #13.
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