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Everything posted by dwarfdude3

  1. double post uggh theres something up with these forums....
  2. well, its simple really. When people make fun of you for being different, just don't let it get you down. Laugh with the people laughing at you, and they'll start to like you and get over your differences. But if you return their hate with more hate you're just going to dig yourself into a hole of despair and depression. and see, you can't change society, its been like this since the beginning of time, there is no way you're gonna change this. But you can change your attitude if you choose to. Then you can be different like you want to be, and laugh and be happy with the people and society in the world. Sure you may get a few insults, but you can't let every little thing get you down.
  3. just the weird smelly kid who goes around doing the 'peanut butter jelly time' dance everywhere.
  4. ha, my thoughts exactly. But these stories are fun to read.
  5. Why Spend the Day Looking or a Pick (When you Can Just Play Fingerstyle)- Isto
  6. No, this is specifically rap sales falling, not music in general. Duh, everyone knows that music sales are on the decline due to pirating, but of the music still being bought, rap is going down by staggering amounts.
  7. http://www.futuremusic.com/news/april20 ... iphop.html man, this is really interesting. I wonder if rap is on its way out... if so, what's next? heavy metal, techno (god I hope not), reggae? I personally hope we get like a new Beatles-like band to save music. or, most likely, rap will make a comeback in some way.
  8. oh man that was so long ago, cause I thought this was a great runescape forum. Then I quit runescape, and now its like a year or two later and I remembered this OT was pretty cool.
  9. dwarfdude3


    So, I find it really difficult to talk to my parents about my social life at all. I think I'm starting to get like a complex. I mean, I can't really explain why I can't talk about my friends to my parents, I just can't. But then it like hurts my social life, and then I get depressed. for example, I almost never invite people over to my house because well, I really dunno. I kinda just see my family life and my life with my friends and school as two totally separate worlds and I'm like scared of them combining. or is this normal?
  10. Yeah, I'm sure we can all read a paper or watch the news ourselves. We really don't need a new topic for every article that pops up. How about we get a sticky for this? I actually kinda like this one because its more of a prompt of discussion, whereas the other random news stories were kinda just there to make us go 'ugghg, this is outrageous!'
  11. I might have kept it, or at least considered keeping it. But then again its freaking 65,000 dollars, so i'd probably turn it in after arguing with myself for a long time.
  12. heh, it was a pretty good episode, South Parks done way better though. Craig was really lame. The rest was mostly really funny though I thought.
  13. I hope you are being sarcastic. Really, think about what you are saying. care to enlighten me?
  14. er, of course its not inherent in humans, because we all see acts of kindness everyday. So that means people have a choice of whether or not to be good or to be evil. The question then is, do we give these acts of kindness out of our human heart or out of some hope for reward or some social rule of society. The book Lord of the Flies is about a group of boys who are stranded on an island. With no sense of community or society or civilization, they can all act however they want, and many evils are done. Though I disagree with this pretense. People can act kindly toward one another out of their own purity and inner goodness. However, one must acknowledge the power of evil and its temptation. Many, many people fall into this trap, but that does not mean that all men are inherently evil. It just means that all men are very susceptible to evil.
  15. Incorrect. That theory of Newtonian phsyics has long since been disproved. I have to go right now, so I can't go find a source for you (though I'll get one for ya lata), but as an example, if the sun were to explode at this very moment, it would take a complete 8 minutes for us to feel the gravitational effects. Nothing moves faster than the speed of light, not even gravitons. well wait a sec, basic high school physics teaches us that gravity is an acceleration. In fact, a specific constant acceleration, 9.8m^2. (as long as you're on Earth). So, gravity does have a speed (technically acceleration), but it is a constant. though, as was stated, this is all irrelevant to the original post.
  16. well seeing as you can never reach the speed of light...... speculation on this is really kinda dumb. Einstein said that when you approach the speed of light, time slows down, which is why you can't reach it. So if you were to somehow reach the speed of light, then the objects probably wouldn't ever even hit each other because they would be infinitely moving toward each other because time would have to stop. Man this is really trippy stuff.
  17. hmm, I spoke in front of my sophomore high school class, probably like 300 people. That was pretty freaky right before I got out I remember feeling all nervous but then like getting pumped for it and stuff. It turned out all right though, the audience was a lot more welcoming than I expected them to be.
  18. isolated incidents that the media puts up when they don't have real news to make people like you freak out.
  19. just don't listen to the radio. They don't play good stuff anyway, just whatever is popular.
  20. Right Now: 1. The Beatles 2. Paul Simon 3. Bob Dylan 4. Jack Johnson 5. Bob Marley
  21. Better Together- Jack Johnson Jammin'- Bob Marley One Drop- Bob Marley Constellations- Jack Johnson Jerusalem- Matisyahu Outrageous- Paul Simon Girl From the North Country- Bob Dylan That's Me- Paul Simon Someday Baby- Bob Dylan Soul Meets Body- Death Cab for Cutie
  22. torture Larry until he gives the answer willingly.
  23. depends. My math teacher quietly plays ambient, light, or classical music while she's teaching the lesson. Its actually pretty cool, once she played the lord of the rings soundtrack. And its not distracting at all. But then if I try to study with music that has lyrics, or is overly heavy and loud, or just too catchy, it can be distracting.
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