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Everything posted by Stragomagus

  1. There are plenty of legitimate reasons, other than porn, to want to turn "private" mode on Dirk. 1. The person doesn't want random sites collecting information about the status of their computer. 2. The person has a lot of stuff on their computer that could be work-sensitive as well as other things that could reveal information about their personal life.(yes, some sites do collect such information without consent.) 3. They could want to just keep their internet cache clean so they don't have to worry about cleaning it off the hard-drive later. 4. and many other reasons. It wouldn't
  2. what version of firefox is it and have you messed with the "about:config" any?
  3. That is true, but they also want things that don't make sense on an evolutionary scale. such as this:(sorry, about that new image location used now) [hide][/hide]
  4. From this point on I suggest calling out the "creationists" fallacies using this page. http://www.iep.utm.edu/fallacy/ oh.....and did all you creationists really just ignore and not even attempt to refute the videos I posted? You realize that is an admission of not having a decent argument right? There is plenty of proof. And if you want to pull that card, then where did God come from? Did he make himself, just as the cake did? What we call the "god" argument in terms of fallacy is "infinite" regression.
  5. A highly agree with this statement as it would force them to either research what they are arguing against or prove that they are ignorant by their own choice.
  6. http://www.dictionary.net/belief Science acts upon a system that is based entirely upon things that can be observed and experimented upon, which requires no belief. You too can test everything that is in a science textbook. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiometric_dating If you don't trust the wikipedia article you can check the "references" [hide] [/hide] That first bolded part pisses me off, so here are some videos from youtube that denote quite a few transitional fossils as well as a wikipedia artile, you can check the references, but I don't think you'll doubt the Smithsonian will you. Now refute it if you can. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_human_evolution_fossils [hide]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiTMJFdMlcQ [/hide] I'll restate once again. The Big Bang Theory in no way states that something came from nothing, but instead says that there was once a singularity that contained all of the energy/matter/whatever and then at some point became unstable and began to expand.
  7. respectfully disagree, still what works for one may not work for others. Suggest you read this Adrenal http://www.neuber.com/taskmanager/process/lsass[Caution: Executable File].html < --- Isass[Caution: Executable File] http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000914.htm <--spoolsv[Caution: Executable File] http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/what-is-svchostexe-and-why-is-it-running/ <--- svchost[Caution: Executable File] The only system out of those three that could be closed without affecting windows is "spoolsv[Caution: Executable File]" beings as it only deals with printers and faxes...but that's okay not you like you need to ever print anything right?
  8. This should help you greatly: 1. http://www.ccleaner.com/ <---cleans up the registry, wipes free space, deletes temporary internet file, etc. 2. http://www.auslogics.com/en/software/disk-defrag/download <---far superior to the windows defragmenter 3. To access the boot menu in windows start > run > msconfig > startup <--- any changes will require a reboot These basic things should help out a lot. If you need anything else let me know.
  9. I think you're missing the point here. Runescape is the most creatively made game out of all of those, it has broken boundaries of game programming that none of the others have come close to achieving, which is why the developers (and not the game itself) won the award. We all know graphics shouldn't be important for the enjoyability of a game, and yes, people do laugh at WoW because you have to grind so much. In terms of programming, unless you are only considering the Java language(and even then this is pushing it), Runescape has broken no boundaries in the slightest. When the majority of video-games are not programmed in C++, or derivatives of it, then you can come back and say that. To further add to this fact, Jagexs' Runescape have also not been, to any recent knowledge, mentioned in the main article on any given day in any major video-game magazine(i.e.: 1up.com, gamasutra.com, IGN.com, etc...)ever, or intermediate article(the articles on the front page, but below the main article for the day). Now for the next bolded part... In terms of grinding, that is actually a place where WoW has the upper-hand compared to Runescape. If you do a breakdown of grinding on a per skill basis, as well as a exp basis, Runescape loses in that regard very badly. If I were to start a new account on both games, with prior knowledge, the easiest 99 to obtain would be fletching and if I were to average about 2-6 hours a day for about a month, assuming 4-5 days a week, I would reach the max level in WoW. Using those numbers, I wouldn't be able to get halfway to 99 fletching, this is under the assumption that all gathering is done by the individual. In regards to the award itself.... Yes, beings as Jagex made mention of the contest several times on their site it would indeed skew any data that was gathered, the generally accepted margin of error for most polls is ~5%, but I am under the assumption that it was greater than ~10%-15%. Now, how could it be skewed that much? Well, there are several factors: 1. Jagex is a company that mainly resides in the online world 2. It would seem that the main players that Jagex were up against were mainly console developers(which already enhances the disparity). 3. Once a game is released on a console there is usually no more interaction on behalf of the developers & gamers alike, people going to visit the site of a console developer is extremely rare unless you count companies like SquareEnix and Ubisoft. If you are lucky, the only other interaction a buyer will have with the developer is through a possible review, which usually appears on gamefaqs.com (to the person who said the developers could communicate via Xbox Live...this is not a viable interest as not only would they have to divert resources to program something for it to occur, and that is just the Xbox itself, but Xbox live is also behind a paywall which makes it economically unfeasible. It would have been less ignorant to make mention of the PS3 as it is not behind a paywall of any sort(not playing console favorites here).) 4. (this one is 2-3 compressed) In general, with awards such as these things like customer service, quality of the games from each developer, responsiveness to feedback, etc... 5. Beings as all video-game developers were lumped into a single category it created an automatic disparity that was, beings as it was online, in favor of the online companies. It would have been far better to have two categories for the award: offline and online. On an overall basis Jagex by no means deserved the award, but you know what they say about "popular" vote ---> ruled by the majority.
  10. The problem I have with the AI is that, for the most part, they will only attack you without the Non-Aggression Pacts. To go even further, at some points in the game the AI will go from 7 fleets a turn to 12 and then upward to 15 or 17 and then practically skip the 20s, while I and one of the other AI will still be well below 10 fleets a turn, or just hitting 10-11.(This implies you are being extremely efficient with the planets you take) This in turn brings me to another point, resources to start out with are almost always in favor of, according to my 100% loss rate, the AI. I am not talking about home planet resources. Not only this, but you are forced into using the NAPs and if you have one of those near you and go after a planet your fleet will be sent back to wherever it came from in favor of the AI, which will in turn screw you over for the rest of the game. The Tannhusers, while being a nice idea, are nearly unblockable when used by the AI. Wait, that isn't all when it comes to these things, due to the effectiveness of these wormholes you are forced to leave behind at least 1 fleet on every world so as not to have your main fleet separated. I think that is my main gripes with the game.
  11. My largest pet peeves: 5. People who are given the chance to look at the rules that someone has laid down and then try to feign ignorance when they get into trouble. 4. Being roped into taking care of someone else' responsibilities in which they do not have time for. 3. People, whom after losing an argument, continue to hold on to ridiculous beliefs even after said beliefs have been beaten down by mountains of evidence and/or logical destruction contrary to the point. 2. People that deliberately misrepresent the views of various scientific theories, theories are after all the highest level anything attains in science(which is why you see it interchanged with "law" sometimes), in order to mislead others for financial/health deterioration/and other things for some sort of gain at those people' expense. 1. People who never listen and/or ignore everything that you say irregardless of whether it is important, especially when it is important, or not.
  12. The Big Bang Theory says nothing about "something" coming out of "nothing". All that the Big Bang states is that there was a singularity where all of the energy, mass, and other things were contained until it destabilized and began to expand.
  13. http://www.freedownloadmanager.org/downloads/countdown_desktop_info/ Is this the type of background image you are looking for? All modern operating systems have the capability to have a desktop background with motion....the problem is having such a background image uses up alot of ram.
  14. There is also another way you could do it, but it involves splitting the file into bits and pieces. so the file is 1.01 GB if the file is split into floppy disk size, there will be approximately a thousand or so of the file that will have to be re-merged after all e-mails are sent. Splitting it into 10MB will result in just over 100 pieces to re-merge. This method assumes that both parties have the software to split and merge the files. The links below denotes how to split files using winrar(link 2 is far more useful): http://www.astahost.com/info.php/how-compress-one-file-into-several-parts_t3927.html http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/how-to-split-a-large-file-into-several-small-files-using-winrar-and-hjsplit-and-how-to-merge-them-back/
  15. Your problem happens to be entirely hardware related. What this means is that you do not have enough ram to be playing Runescape. This is also noticeable by how large the "Page File" is, which is portions of your hard-drive being converted to be used as ram. My advice would be to find out the type of ram you have and then add another stick into your computer. Here is a site detailing the types of ram there are: http://www.technibble.com/types-of-ram-how-to-identify-and-their-specifications/ As for the "script error" that is entirely "Acitvex" related and only Microsoft would know what the error means.
  16. That is where firewall blocking comes in Makoto, if they have a handle on that. For that level, a firewall can be set to reject incoming packets of this nature by deliberately setting the rejection of packets to a very low level...Of course it still won't stop the clogging of the line itself. The ICMP part was mainly for the old style of DOS.
  17. http://www.itsyourip.com/networking/disable-icmp-redirects-in-windows2000xp2003/ If you don't feel like visiting the article here is how you disable icmp ping echo requests, this is what most DOS and DDOS attacks use(the simple ones at least, which is what these RS attacks are). (This will only apply in windows and other operating systems it may be in an entirely different place or disabled manually by the command line.) Start > run > regedit > HKey_Local_Machine > System > CurrentControlSet > Services > TCP/IP > Parameters A long list of names has now appeared in the main registry menu of regedit. Look for "EnableICMPRedirect", double-click, and then set it to 0. Congratulations you are now immune to these [developmentally delayed]ed script kiddies. Now, what did this do? It rejects all incoming ping requests in ICMP(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Control_Message_Protocol).
  18. If you are running windows could you do this for me so we know the specifications of your computer. Start > run > dxdiag Copy and paste everything on the "System" and "Display" page so as we have the information that we need to give you a guess as to the problem. In addition to this could you also tell us these miscellaneous things: the firewall that you are using, and its settings, and the speed of your connection.
  19. If you want to listen to music without having to pay for anything, legally at least, then try this site: http://www.acidplanet.com/default.asp?Cookie= Additionally, you could also download this program and listen to "ShoutCast", and "ShoutCast TV", radio: http://www.winamp.com/ I know it is very favorable to download the music illegally, unless you have no other recourse based on the region you live in, but the RIAA and other organizations are having a field day putting out fake files that are in effect there for entrapment purposes and not to mention that you also have to deal with the loads of real files that have malware attached to them. For the purposes of downloading audio files from youtube videos here is a lifehacker.com article on how to do so: http://www.lifehacker.com.au/2008/04/record_youtube_music_videos_to_mp3-2/ If you still feel these are not a decent enough option then here is a about.com article listing the top torrent programs. (Torrents are legal, just not for the purposes this individual intends on using it for) http://netforbeginners.about.com/od/peersharing/f/torrentclients.htm For future reference you may also want to read the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, if you live in the U.S. of course, to know what warrants "Fair Use". http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=105_cong_public_laws&docid=f:publ304.105.pdf
  20. I've been using Firefox for 3 years, but didn't notice it doing this until today when it said it was using over 365mb of ram,which is what led to the test in the first post.
  21. I have recently noticed that when reloading a tab within firefox the memory usage used by it goes up, but does not go back down to where it was previously. After doing some extra tests, starting at 95k memory and after reloading the memory goes up to 106k, but continues to keep going up after each reload. Has anyone else noticed this peculiarity or is this the famed memory leak problem I have heard so much about?
  22. It is 30 dollars for UK Students http://www.microsoft.com/uk/education/studentoffer/ I agree. If you are a part of the MSDN Alliance, a program for tech students in college, you could get windows 7 for free and as a plus the License never expires. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/academic/dd759402.aspx
  23. Camstudio cannot handle videos with over 100,000 frames in them and if he plans on making long videos that is bad. Another thing is that you only have the option of "Avi" and if you try to down convert videos that were recorded in Camstudio the quality suffers very badly. A problem with Camtasia on the other hand is that depending on the height and width of your video everything that is recorded will end up with a lot of herky jerky movements. here are some free screen recorders: http://www.nbxsoft.com/screen-recorder.php http://www.bbsoftware.co.uk/BBFlashBack_FreePlayer.aspx http://www.brothersoft.com/free-screen- ... 60122.html
  24. All you need to know about Scientology: http://itsyourtimes.com/?q=node/4473 http://xenu.net/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_Game_(Scientology) : [hide=]In written policies dating from as early as the mid-1950s, Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard told his followers to take a punitive line towards perceived opponents. In 1955, he wrote "the law can be used very easily to harass ... The purpose of the suit is to harass and discourage, rather than to win if possible, of course, ruin [the target] utterly".[/hide] Quotes from the man himself(5 pages worth) http://thinkexist.com/quotes/l._ron_hubbard/ All the techniques they use to brainwash people are contained in this book: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dianetics ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In my personal opinion, the church of scientology is nothing more than a pyramid scheme in where it separates entire families just to make money.
  25. Depending on the game some will give you the option of installing the entire contents so that you don't have to use the disk, but in general you would have to create an "iso" image. From what I have read Alcohol 120% and Daemon tools are the best thing to use for this, especially if it is protected from normal copying. http://www.computing.net/answers/gaming ... 10437.html I hope this helps.
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