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Everything posted by flying_death_bombs55

  1. I have a big fear of falling, I can't go near the edges of things when I'm high up.
  2. The worst thing I've done is trip, then somehow my hand slipped and broke some guys nose, then he ended up chasing after me. :wall:
  3. *looks at the forum name* :twss: On topic: I think PETA is just overreacting and making it seem far worse than it actually is, as usual.
  4. Where have I heard that before... :uhh: :-w Anyway, I just keep my change, then later exchange it for bills.
  5. I think it was never meant to be even created, and this is a sign they should stop. :-k There are somethings us mortal humans were never meant to know.
  6. Wait...you frequent /b/...but that's the worst you've seen? That's what I thought. Second.
  7. The fact that alot of the people in my class can barely even read. I'm reading the LOTR books, ( I have this giant book with all of them together) while they read books like Dr. Seuss,magazines, and picture books. -.- I won't even get started on the way they act in class.
  8. two swords, a old Halloween mask, and I think that's about it.
  9. I don't know if I should be lol'ing or facepalming, but either way it'd sad how someone actually took the other 9000 meme seriously. Of ALL the internet meme's /b/,4chan, and SA forums have produced, she took OVER 9000 seriously? GJ Oprah, GJ. #-o :lol:
  10. "new[bleep]s" are what is making 4chan and /b/ so bad, older viewers AKA "Old[bleep]s" know this and try to get rid of them, but there are already too many and more keep coming and spouting memes every 5 seconds. That's the best I can describe it, sorry. :oops:
  11. Is there a full body version of the dragon? On Topic: I do usually doodle in my papers whenever I'm bored. I even ended up drawing a map of some made up lands.
  12. 0/10 since I'm not really "into" runescape anymore.
  13. Granted, you're back in A bed............Of [bleep]es! :twisted: I wish he was on fire too
  14. Banned for banning someone who banned someone talking about them
  15. 3 reasons 1Forum Games posts don't count because they are mostly just 1 word responses or pointless things 2because they dont want people with high ranks who just joined 3 because they hate us and don't want us to win :evil:
  16. in a tree shredder while its on.(or whatever those things are called) WW vehicle
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