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Everything posted by Nurse_Renard

  1. I dunno, I have a feeling it's proably gonna be a new quest, although I'm hoping for the new skill.
  2. I agree to adding the outdated and under-used bosses (Mainly the mole.) Although I'm not sure about adding the D-med, as the F2P combat triangle is already out of wack. (Also, all the members pretty much praising each other and acting like F2P are some kind of vermin who should not even be given scraps is really making me feel bad to be a member.)
  3. I highly doubt it, as nobody would want to do anything ever with someone who cannot even inform them of how they're even feeling t'day. (Remeber when they had to communicate with emotes? Imagine attempting to do that at corp beast.)
  4. When I used to play F2P FOG, I always got paired up with really low level'd people. ... I won, most of the time, although I once played against a guy who completely avoided me for an entire match, whoever that is, Kudos to you, Sir.
  5. Yes. The person under me has retired from runescape.
  6. Damn, I was sure they did. Serious; Yeah, seem they're doing the right thing, even with all the jokes flying around runescape, you can never be sure. (proalby mean no moar suicide jokes, doods.)
  7. 7/10 (Only since I actually started reading the other forums apart from general discussion.)
  8. 8/10 I think it's pretty neat, although I keep thinking it's from Borderlands....
  9. Because there's so many of the damn things, might as well make them slightly different to each other.
  10. I was attempting to finish off temple of Ikov when I did it, so I didn't go that far.
  11. Sounds like a pretty awesome update, although when I glanced at the title, I thought it was a new quest or something.
  12. Been there, done that... I did it first, check my posts in this thread, if ye don't belive me.
  13. Well as I said, the game is supposedly Chinese, so it definetly loses the British charm RS and FO possess. God knows why Jagex published, prehaps they're branching out? (What? still no complete trashing of this from Me_Hate_Libs?) Edit; Wow, this seems to be my most posted on thread.
  14. But you're seemingly wearing A blessed d'hide top and have a terrorbird out, unless that's someone else...?
  15. Akimbo Rangers/ Model 1887 make me rage. "GOD DAMMIT MAN, I'VE ALREADY SHOT YOU FIRST, HOW DID I DIE?" I hate the Killcams magical dimension warping powers. (Also, throwing a throwing knife at some climbing a ladder is really funny.)
  16. You're a bit late for the "Inb4evony" To be honest.
  17. What do you call a deaf man on rollerskates? [hide]Anything you want, he can't hear you[/hide] I suck at this.
  18. Hohoho, She's going to have a field day with this.
  19. Fire staff save more? Hrm, the staff seems rather useless, If I was forced to use a 2-handed staff, I'd rather use a TokTz-Mej-Tal, as it serves as a decent melee weapon, as well as lookin' awesome, to boot.
  20. 8/10 I like the gold, and the quote/text/whatever, Although I don't know the charcter. only 8/10 'cuz the gold font on a gold background means I have to squint to read it.
  21. Well, that was a waste, it's is basically Evony, hell it's even got a damn store-thing. Blah, I wonder how popular this is going to be. :rolleyes:
  22. Basically, this is a thread asking what your theme tune would be, if you starred in a game or whatever. (You are allowed to use other charcter's theme tunes, if you feel lazy) Here's what my theme tune would be; Rawhide, by Nassim; I just think it's a pretty awesome song, and I'd love to show up on something to it. Post away!
  23. The only benefit of the torso was its strength bonus. How does giving the torso the exact same bonuses as a rune plate equal better? Have to agree with him, the ol' fighter torso was alot better than the new one, the new one was just a slightly different looking rune plate with a useless set effect.
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