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Everything posted by ego_scorpion

  1. are you DAFT son ? 90% of those people are famous for some reason or another Being famous would imply that everyone or most everyone knows those people no? Only person I personally know from there is bluerose13x from back in rsc long long time ago and I believe she no longer plays as of long ago. Also, I said i THINK I dindt say it as a fact, because I personally ever heard of them, but maybe they are famous for you eh? :thumbsup:
  2. I have a lot of p-mod friends in this game. Most of them are my age and older and all of them are wonderful friends. They are people you can depend on. Granted there is bad p-mods out there as well, but luckily I havent personaly ran accross them. The ones I know are funny, witty, and dependable, perfect ingame friends :)
  3. Not to mention that more than half of them are just kissing up to mods or Jagex. *cough* Wannabe mods/pmods. *cough* Or they are little kids who see Andrew as their daddy and their little minds hurt when they think people don't like their daddy. \ meili, I have to say having talked to you through a few threads you are one of my favourite people here! \ You dislike stupidity, suckups, and wonnabe-mods as much as I do and are not afraid to say it hehe :)
  4. Cool picture, but I think only famous person there is bluerose13x, first 99 smith, player mod, and an awesome lady :)
  5. Thanks, and dont hack or scam or cheat. That will only get you banned. Unfortunately, GE slowed down merchanting quite a bit, but its still possible if you are commited enough. Good luck :)
  6. Dear Dormado: Your highest skill is 72 magic as far as I saw. You are judging a large group of people that worked very hard to build up their stakers and played a risky game. It was their choice and they were deprived of their playstyle to force equality. Sorry, but just because you are after honor and not coins doesnt mean they were. You can not force your views and playstyle on others. PS. Who do you think looks more like a noob when compared to a rich staker? PPS. No, I am not a staker.
  7. Shazarabbit, I constantly remove people from my friends and ignore list. Friends list if I dont recognize the name, ignore list I periodically clean. Despite that, its still not enough room on both of them especially ignore list. I tend to instantly ignore people who whisper me things like "can I please have something", or "can I please have some money"... One person even went so far that I was going to give him some $ just for sheer creativety. I log in and get the following whisper. Hi, its me, your GF, dont you remember yesterday you asked if I will be your GF. So how are you doing BF. To which I proceed to ask who this person is and what are they on. Then after trying to convince me for a while and doing some more pretending and calling me mean 100 times for not remembering I asked what the person wanted and they said some $. I laughed a little. Begging annoys me so I instantly ignore beggars:)
  8. Dear Dan_I_Can: Thank you for our advise!, but, allow me to clarify some things for you. -don't wear expensive items: First time in ages that I switched to f2p, I didnt really think about what I was wearing. -meet somewhere less crowded: Seller wanted to meet in edgeville. -be kind and polite, if someone asks you for something say 'No, sorry. I do not have cash on me' / 'Your capable of gaining your own wealth and buying items' etc, etc. Be sure to always say sorry, thank you, and goodluck.: I was kind and polite to my seller, I did not talk to or respond to anybody else. -ignore list is your friend: Yea, except that its full, they need to have unlimited ignore list room :) -add business contacts and put public chat on 'friends': I dont pay attentnion to public chat for the most part, I just found it amusing. A crowd gathered around me immediately. Now, I am used to the begging because its same on p2p, however, these people were reporting me, or atleast, talking about reporting me for reasons unknown to me and beyond the scope of my understanding. All I did was meet with a seller and left without saying a word, lol. -use clanchat: That doesnt really have anything to do with this issue. The issue is the ignorance level present in certain places on certain words. Keep in mind that behind every ignorant character in game is an ignorant person in real life.
  9. ca2theone, you are giving a few examples. I am talking about a much larger scale. In my opinion maybe 1 or 2 out of every 100 stakers bought their gp. I think main erason is equality and not gp buying. Stakers got too rich too fast.
  10. Was reading and agreeing for the most part until I read this. This is just a vague assumption. I know countless people that have been "cleaned" and worked their way back up because their friends lent them money, which they later payed back. You can not assume everyone is a cheat because you end up punishing everyone but the cheaters if you do.
  11. Well, partialy. For one, it seems I was right about the price decrease accross the board and that oepened up some new intresting possibilities. Hop on vent ill tell ya all about it :) edit: When I get home from work that is lol, im at work right now :( I'll be on as soon as I can. oh and yeah, I didn't expect things to fall by this much. Well at least none of the disaster theories crap was correct. Heh prices going down so much isnt exactly a disaster, but still not that good of a thing. Atleast rares are somewhat stable so its all good \
  12. Fey_Warrior, after reading your post all I can add is one thing. There is a fundamental flaw with some of the posters on here and on runescape official forums. Not everybody posts to express their concerns or try to help or whatever the positive reason may be. I have noticed a rather large number of people who post simply to seek attention. The way I see it, topics that condemn large groups of people with particular play styles, or topics that "complain about complainers" are good examples of people posting simply to seek attentnion and being noticed. There is nothing wrong with that, but problem comes in when some people take it too far and dont know what to stop. As for botter problem, that one is getting worst not better. There was always 2 lvl-3 starting outfit, bold hair woodcutters in seers, cutting yews. Often they would make new characters with new names, because they would get banned. Lately, ive noticed its now 3 of them not 2. So if anything the problem got worst.
  13. HeHe when I made this account I was already rich thus I put ego there on purpose. I love delibartely getting on the nerves of those who down talk me or start drama with me out of jealousy :shame: That's another thing you said that made me lmfao irl :anxious: One question for you ego, if they take the p hats out of the game though, would you or would you not quit? Just wondering. It's also boring being alone in the vent server :anxious: At this point phats are taking up 6 bank slots. I wear blue once in a while to help me buy supplys quicker, but I dont buy them, I dont sell them, rent them, or anything else of that nature. They are there to remind me of all the fun I had earning them with my good friend unleash and my awesome merchant crew. We had a lot of fun back in the day and enjoyed the game, the hats have sentemental value to me which is bigger than any financial value. I consider myself lucky when it comes to runescape to have the understanding of the game that allows me to make something out of nothing. I have been able to keep buying supplys for 4 months that ive been back now without having any $ hehe, kinda make $ on the fly to support my compulsive spending habbit. So, to answer your question, I doubt I would quit if phats were to lose value. Only time I quit is when I run out fun things to do and get bored hehe.
  14. You use words "everybody" and "everyone". Notice that not even 10% of these forums have expressed their anger with jagex. I have also felt no effect on my economy since the previous updates. Well I have, but only in the positive direction meaning I am richer now, than before. In fact almost everyone who isn't a staker is richer now than before. So ALMOST everyone is different from saying everyone? No, you are wrong, countless people are poorer now because of the update, not richer. Merchants and stakers aside, harvesters and skillers took a hit too, so I am GLAD that you are richer, I truely am, but you != everyone. And large chunk out of everyone dislikes the update because they are poorer now. That aside, personaly, I dont care. I get my supplys for skilling one way or another and as long as rares remain in game ill remain "in power", but thats just me! On the side note, I do have to say that the updates in november werent the best ones that Jagex has done. My one problem with them is the fact that they hurt poor stakers so bad because im sure certain players were saying something along the lines of "whaaaaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaaaaaaa, this kid has 40385734857 gillionz monies and I have been playing for 2 weeks and I dont have a mil.... whaaaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaaaaa" You all know how immature players can be, not only do they report you for no reason but they also demand certain changes to suit their incompitence.
  15. HeHe when I made this account I was already rich thus I put ego there on purpose. I love delibartely getting on the nerves of those who down talk me or start drama with me out of jealousy :shame:
  16. The trade screen picture is 3 years old, prior to my quitting. All the changes to way things look have been made after I quit.
  17. I have decided to never sell these rares. I will hold on to them as a symbol of my achievement. I will enjoy this symbol for as long as Jagex doesnt give in to the whining of the few to take them out of the game :) And thanks for all the good responses :) edit: spialot2, your signature picture is amaizing. Did you draw it yourself?
  18. I have to say this absolute atttitude is getting old. Play it like a mondless zombie without any right to express your concern or dont play! Ill give you a hint, if we as players dont tell Jagex what we want how are htey to know which updates to release? Problem comes in when you are not careful what you wish for. Jagex is justifying all these draconian updates as "players asked us to stop RWT."
  19. Well, partialy. For one, it seems I was right about the price decrease accross the board and that oepened up some new intresting possibilities. Hop on vent ill tell ya all about it :) edit: When I get home from work that is lol, im at work right now :(
  20. Lucky you then, I have very large amount of maple and willows and I can't seem to sell them at lowest market value :( Also, just a heads up, but gems are going down in price! Oh and lastly, I dont know of any buy on GE sell in store or buy in store sell in GE type of trades, but I am pretty sure that if any such trade exists they were not inteded and may even be considered an exploit? So I havent really looked for any such deal nor would I post if such deal was to be found, I dont want to give people potentialy dangerous advise. Best advise for GE that I CAN give though is this: There are certain items that do not sell on GE. Things that are extremely over supplied. Best place to buy things at times is not using ge, but at ge. There is always a crowd of people there and you are guranteed to get some good results there. Ill give you example, someone sold me 5500 sapphires there yesterday for less than 200 each, becuase he just wanted them gone. Did I need them? No, but I went and resold them instantly and made some profit. So we both ended up happy. If you have the finances and the patience for that type of merchanting then you will get some good results. I just want to advise anyone who attempts this to be careful and be aware of all prices and rate at which they are going down, not to end up losing your money. I will post other ways of utilizing GE when I find them :)
  21. For one, nobody hates Jagex. You are shining the wrong kind of light on this issue. People are voicing their concerns over some changes that have happend that have hurt their gameplay. Is there something wrong to try to communicate to Jagex what you think is wrong? They feel like they are paying customers and they want to be heard. People are not asking for unreasonable things you know. But to destroy staking and do various other draconian changes in an attempt to prevent real world trading (which they still havent) isnt the best solution. They could have went about this whole buisness better and I think thats where most legitimate concerns are coming from.
  22. Ashes have a huge market now because of all the people wanting to level by making serum. Burnt fish also sells for some reason, go figure, wierd people. Here is some other ways of making money. If you collect 100% maples and rest seeds from your kingdom and let it pile up for a while so you get extra stuff, when you collect you can sell most of it on GE for good profit. Unfortunately, it is impossible to sell maples :( ps. magic logs are becoming very popular
  23. After doing some adjusting I have to say the following about GE. #1. Did I say it or did I say it! Price decrease accross the board, just like I said it would happen, so anyone who listened good for you not losing your $ :) #2. I love GE. Not because of GE itself, but because merchanting right infront of GE is even ebtter now. People get so upset with their stuff not selling on GE that they practicaly throw away their items (not literaly, but sell for cheap) Best place to merchant now is.... at GE :) I guess thats what happens when you put draconian restrictions on something, you drive the people away. Lastly, I love GE because all my rares are that more valuable now. Thank you Jagex for GE, for my wonderful rares, and for the new crazy rate at which its possible to buy supplys :)
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