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Everything posted by stonewall337

  1. IDk what other games you play but I love my razor naga. Buttons are the side are great for any game where you have more than few keybinds.
  2. No, bonus XP is turned off. Any you earn will be saved for after (I believe) and none you have will be used.
  3. Wait, 5m a pop? they degrade to dust dont they? t90 shields can be repaired.
  4. Just keep 3 basics of both combat style and 1 threshold for each. Works amazing. http://gyazo.com/5669b85dd96e2ac9b375faaf2a3eb932 That's my TD bar, still a WiP
  5. actionbars are your friends, in that case. Just make sure you';re using 2h weapons if so.
  6. Highest value drop since I came back, unless you count that 1 piece of spider leg so far. Getting nearer to being able to afford ASC, drop tab is ~40-50m now. If I get lucky and finish spider leg sooner rather than later, that'd definitely really help.
  7. Highest value drop since I came back, unless you count that 1 piece of spider leg so far.
  8. Dang wish I had ASC so I could range. Melee once you get back 5 kills the enrage is really annoying since he both melees and mages, and I don't have auras,scrimshaws, or world event abilities lol.
  9. One which, if you don't PvM, doesn't matter. It's negligable, even a net lose for other activities.
  10. I wouldn't have had as much of a problem if this stuff was an original requirement. It's that the cape has been out for years, causing it to become a major goal for many people since it is actually achievable, then years into their progress changing it to something that ruins the entire goal for them. It's a classic dangling of a carrot then yanking it away at the very last minute. This has been my wife's goal for almost 2 years, and is the main reason she has been working so hard maxing out everything. To take it away after all that work is very frustrating, especially when the new requirement is something that was never part of the cape (team-based activities). New skilling requirements and such are not an issue as that has been what the cape has always been about. I will agree that it is kind of disingenuous to make the cape available without team based play, and now it requires it. At the same time, it isn't *that* much team play (3 bosses, you could buy a leech or find friends or a mass easily) . At the same time, like I said before, considering it is a *completionist* cape, I don't find that argument one with much weight. Of course the requirements for completing every are going to change and expand over time. Now, lets address another issue. This is one which is incredibly common in WoW, where people who do entry level raids want higher level gear. The question I always ask is "why?" Outside of looks, if you don't PvM the cape doesn't do much. In fact, I'd say it hurts me as someone who does a ton of PvM more because I actually don't have it and need it, more than someone who doesn't have it and wants it. Simply put, if you can't complete the requirements, for whatever reason, you don't deserve the cape. Maybe it's unfair in some situations. Sadly, life isn't always fair. I'd love to have the cape myself, but I don't. I don't have the time to put in leveling the skills to get it.
  11. The whole "team based for a solo achievement" is a valid argument. I would say, however, it fails to hold any value when talking about a completionist achievement in a MMO. Because remember, this isn't a single person game, and some things you need a team to do.
  12. This is actually what I do in WoW. I've taught over 50 people how to be better at several classes, some of which are now in high end guilds. I've written or helped write several guides as well. But you know what? Most of those people sought me out and asked for help. I've offered several people who said they couldn't do araxxor help and advice, including VOIP chats and a stream if they wanted. Not a single one has taken me up on that offer. It seems it's far easier to complain about hard content than it is to actually get better at it. Not to mention you don't need to become good at it, just good enough.
  13. Again, that is a terrible metric for game design. There is always going to be content people who are disabled can't do. Yes, but they can make the rewards for that content cosmetic like trimmed comp, or pets, or titles, etc. They don't need to use that content to cut off top end items. You can't avoid making content that some can't do, you can limit that contents effect. No, that's the opposite. You make it cosmetic if you CAN NOT do it. You don't see Riot allowing people higher ranks in LoL because of disabilities. You don't see Blizzard allowing people easier/undeserved gear or achievements in WoW or Diablo. You make a game have certain allowances for people with disabilities, like colorblind mode or click to move, but you can't make it so everyone can get everything. If you are disabled, it sucks, but there are things you can't do. There are things EVERYONE can't do. And sometimes that means you don't get things. It's not like you NEED the cape. It's nice, but hardly vital.
  14. Again, that is a terrible metric for game design. There is always going to be content people who are disabled can't do.
  15. Okay, but can you at least pretend to address the physical disability part? That is literally all I'm asking. No, because I don't find it relevant to game design. Game design, especially end game content, isn't deigned so that literally anyone can do it. There are always going to be people who can't get something or do something. And that is ok. Not everyone will be able to do everything and getting everything in every game. And that is GOOD game design, not bad design. Bad internet? You can't raid or play FPS multiplayer well or play LoL well. Those are not issues that a game company should or does balance around. As for the grave system, ye. This is part of the reason we need a death rework, for penalties when dying. With the ability to protect 5 items, and/or have a gravestone for like, 21 minutes, the real threat when dying isn't getting back to your grave. It's getting disconnected (which causes the death) or being disconnected when running back. If I lose something because of a D/C, something I can't control, and it isn't returned, that would make me quit or get really mad. That's simply not good gameplay. Most items lose charges when you die. Put in a ransom or recharge period for deaths at dangerous monsters, like araxxor. You die, and instead of items dropped losing 10% charges (which is fine, although I generally just run back for non-deg items and protect items that would lose charges) put in some system to "redeem" items lost. And if someone comes to your grave when you die, instead of allowing them to loot items, instead have that redemption fee go to that player, but increase it. Honestly, losing 50m because I failed and didn't keep an extra sapphire lantern in bank, ok that would suck and I'd be pissed. But losing 50m because the whole world DC'ed when I was at araxxor, and I couldn't log in for 35 minutes, that is inexcusable.
  16. The condescension in this thread is thick enough to cut with a knife. Are you sure you know how to use the knife? What else is there to say? It's an entire thread of "If they can't do it they need to get good", ignoring the fact that you're basically telling people they should be more than happy to risk potentially hundreds of millions in gear and supplies on practice into a clunky and only barely functioning combat system, when they could potentially be fighting physical or mental problems that they may not be able to overcome, or just the kinds of connection issues that make even moderately twitchy content impossible for people without those issues. I'm not really seeing that as an issue of instant gratification. I mean, yes, leeching is an answer, but then what's the point of having the requirement at all? Just being able to visit the boss is already covered by the soundtrack. Risk hundreds of millions? Wut? You can protect 5 items. There is no real risk anyway unless you internet is bad. Not to mention the argument that Jagex should take into account possible emotional issues people have with spiders is so ridiculous I don't even know where to start making fun of it, let alone tearing it apart. On top of that the most prevalent argument against it hasn't been any of those. It's been a simple "I can't do it/I don't want to do it/I shouldn't have to do it." Again, if you can't do the content, you don't get the reward. Personally I think comp cape means next to nothing since its all about time, and nothing else. It's why I play WoW now. I'll take skill over grinding for my main goal in a MMO any day. Sure, RS is fun. But there is no real challenge. Learning the fight, you protect 5 items, so that's both weapons and top/bottom/helm. You risk gloves/neck/ring/boots/cape. Even wearing slightly worse gear in those spots won't make/break a kill, unless it is super clutch to begin with (and my first kill I had a good 10+ brew flasks left and 5-6 rocks, with max stats and better gear should be no problem.) So people need to stop [bleep]ing and yes, get better. Or is needing to be good at something to acquire a reward something bad?
  17. You are surpised that a completionist cape requires completing things? The issue is that this is like, the only thing in RS that requires skill.
  18. Thing is, you are simply wrong helring, even if you don't want to admit it. Whether or not it is useful doesn't matter either. Hell, I'd say it's more useful to me, someone who does PvM far more than skills, including araxxor, than someone else. If anything that argument works in my favor, not yours. Comp is about completing the game. Not about just putting in time. If it were a matter of something other than completing the game, hell I'd say my "skills", the little rs needs, at PvM mean I deserve the cape more than someone who just has more time spent. But that's not how it works. Don't like it, can't do it, practice or don't get the cape. It's a reward. Not an entitlement.
  19. I said this on reddit, but I think the RS community gives up far too easily in regards to what can be done. Comp cape isn't supposed to be simply "who can spend X amount of hours to finish content." There should be SOME actual skill requirement to achieve it as well. Even a dozen tries isn't enough to say you can't do Araxxor. There are bosses I've spent 500+ attempts on, over 60 hours of time, working to beat in other games. You don't give up and say "dis 2 hard nurf plz." Unless you play RS. Cleave won't kill you at low enrage, unless you aren't at high health. Put brew on actionbar, and spam brews, problem solved. You can get hit by literally every cleave and finish it. There is no enrage timer, you can take as long as you need to kill it. So do path 1, and just make sure to target mirrorback spiders/pulsing spiders ASAP. That's about the extent of the mechanics in that fight that you need to do. But people say "I can't do it, too hard." Again, sure your ISP might be bad, and that sucks. But good gameplay isn't designed around bad internet. Some content needs to be hard, otherwise rewards, comp cape included (which SHOULD be hard an exclusive, which it isn't.) are meaningless. If they can't do higher end PvM fine. That doesn't mean they deserve comp cape. In fact, I'd say the opposite. If there is content you can't do, it sucks but that doesn't mean the game should be nerfed. Guess what, there are people in LoL who can't get out of bronze. There are raiders in WoW who can't beat heroic bosses. There are people in every game who can't beat parts of that game. That doesn't mean everything should be available to them A runescape where the only requirement to get anything is time is a runescape that sucks. Comp has no skill involved to get, because there are no real "difficult" requirements, just time consuming ones now. Let me ask this question: I enjoy PvM/combat far more than skilling. I can beat any boss in the game, and could go and within a week finish getting any kills I don't currently have (since I just recently came back.) But I don't like some skills like construction. Why don't I deserve completionist cape? Is having more time a better metric than better PvM skills? I'd argue no. Likewise, I'd argue that just because you have not killed Araxxor yet doesn't mean you can't. It just means you have not tried hard enough. Put in 50+ wipes and I'd still say that isn't enough. Some parts of comp cape take dozens or hundreds of hours to achieve. I see no problem with finding a way to beat a boss being one of them. Just like efficiency reduces the time to level a skill, being better at castle wars helps reduce the time to get the armor for trimmed, and being better at PvM helps kill the bosses needed for comp quicker. If you can't do the content, you don't deserve the cape. But if they need help, hit me up. I can probably teach someone how to do it in 15 minutes, easy.
  20. I was going to bring up MOBAs yesterday but it would have been out of place at the time :-P . Dawngate has basically the same control scheme but is infinitely less clunky. Maybe it's just me, but that bit of polish makes a huge difference; you don't really feel like you're losing clicks because you hit the inner corner of the hotkey instead of the center, and when you click to move you end up exactly where you intended to go. Ye, the issues with EOC is that a hotkey based system works very poorly in a .6s tic based engine, especially without custom lag tolerance. Even with good internet on my gaming PC there were times where I'd click away on Araxxor, and the game would finish a cast before moving, or run back into melee to cast another ability even when canceled, or the like. EoC is way better, as far as adding complexity, but it really lacks in smoothness and integration for high end bossing. The difference between RS combat and a game like LoL/WoW is insane. How responsive the engine is aside, there is simply so much more depth in combat in other games. But RS shouldn't focus on depth in combat. It'll never have it with this engine. That takes away a large part of the skill aspect, but makes gear correspondingly more important. Which is better for RS IMO.
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