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Everything posted by stonewall337

  1. It's not the same. Most people can only get so good at something even given time. It's why in a game like WOW you have so many bad players.
  2. Good on games like WoW/LoL requires practice, time, and knowledge. Good on RS just takes time really.
  3. Kill Nex 2x, QBD x1, and get rhino cape prolly w/ mine.
  4. I've been holding off on expressing my opinions, but you tipped the tank. If you are looking for a TL;DR, then just [bleep] off. Look at it this way: Playing Runescape, you learn how to do many skills. You learn college level economics, high school Algebra, how to work in a team environment, basic leadership skills, basic typing skills, and many more things. Most of these are learned by those who are aiming for max or completionist mainly, even 200m experience, but most players learn up to a certain point of those skills regardless of their intentions in game. If expressed properly, these skills can easily translate into an entry-level position in a decent corporate position making $15+ an hour. You can argue that high school football is the exact same thing as playing Runescape. You will spend countless hours on something that you like, which may or may not improve your future. While playing football is more physical intensive, at the core, it is no different than playing an online video game. Hell, many people have made money doing both, with gaming being marketed via services such as TGN, Machinima, and self-advertising. In today's society, more and more jobs are heading towards a intellectual basis rather than physical basis. While having physical strength and being able to bench 300 pounds is ok, most companies will rather have a "computer nerd" at their fingertips. As someone who is both a gamer and has worked in several management positions because of skills I learned from gaming, I do not regret the thousands of hours I have spent "wasting my time". I played Runescape and other games while studying in high school and college. While studying, I would train woodcutting, mining, etc. I still maintained a 4.0GPA and played Runescape or WoW from 3:00PM to 11:00PM every school night. I would also play several hours on weekends. I still maintained my social life on weekends and many of the people I hung out with were gamers anyway and most played Runescape. The only thing which actually damaged my social life was my over-religious parents. I don't really want to go into details, but I had to sneak out a lot. If getting 200m experience in a skill or all skills is what makes someone happy, who are we to judge on if that is the correct thing to do anyway? Just let them be happy and encourage them to press on instead of bash them for being dedicated. I would love to see someone here do something with as much dedication without the desire for external gain. It frustrates me to end seeing someone get chastizied for doing something they love. I know first-hand how being sheltered and blocked from doing something I want to do can effect me. That felt good getting off my chest. This is true. You learn a lot about "free" markets in MMO's. Things like flipping, arbitrage, long and short term investments, psychology of the masses, planning, and the like. I've made real friends in MMO's- friend's whose house I've stayed at for days at a time. Friend's I've traveled hundreds of miles with. Friends who talk to each other, give advice about RL stuff from legal talk to cars and PCs. Friends who enjoy killing virtual monsters for virtual prestige. I've learned how to type at over 100 WPM, as well as learning various research skills, basic programming and various other computer functions that are wildly useful but I wouldn't have otherwise learned. Heck, typing alone improves my ability to play the piano. I'd even say playing PC games such as RS and WOW have saved me money. Sure, I've spent probably 500 dollars on those games and LOL over the past 5 years, but compared to what else I'd have spent on gas, food, entertainment, and anything, I'd say I've saved a lot. And for the most part I've enjoyed my time. So whilst some may disagree and say RS doesn't matter, its a waste of time, etc, they are flat out wrong in making that as a universal claim. You just can't make that claim. My one counter-example shows why that argument fails. It's also worth noting that the people who disagree are the ones not using logic to defend their posts. EDIT: Didn't see Kimberly's post before I posted this. Feel free to remove it if deemed necessary. But I disagree w/ the mods and think that, as the sub-topic is germane to the main topic, as topics in GD tend to either die or evolve to fit the flow of discussion, including what may technically be considered "off topic" and whereas the types of people who browse this particular thread tend to be the one's to whom these discussions are most relevant, that doing so would be a serious mistake on the part of the moderation staff.
  5. Saw this a few pages back - no, just no. I can't put a value on entertainment. If you are playing and enjoying yourself, then go for it. However saying that sacrificing what is essentially your life (16+hours a day [basically the majority of your conscious time during the day]) for a computer game is not a respectable, or positive thing. It's admirable in the case of players like Dragonseance, or My Kingz, who balance heavy loads of RS while maintaining social life's, jobs, and educations. A goal is a goal. If it's your goal, and you desire it badly enough ([read, enjoying it along the way]) then go for it, but try to do so without wasting years of your life by making it your single priority. I'd agree, except that dedication as an abstract (Eg being able to spend x amount of hours to achieve Y goal) is commendable. Like the people who spend 500 hours on a house of cards, we may not say that time was "well spent" according to our tastes/likes, but we admire the dedication to achieve the feat.
  6. Need to borrow torva and divine so I can do these ASAP as soon as I finish gathering 15 bear asses for a quest in wow!
  7. She's terrible. She's great if you can play her 100% to her potential. Otherwise she's garbage. They've already said they plan on buffing her. Meanwhile, Rengar is broken op atm. That's the problem. It's the draven problem. He's amazing DPS IF he isn't attacked or focused- but that doesn't happen in good games. Also syndras AP ratios are rather poor IIRC.
  8. This. Heck I was able to spend a few hours/day on RS/WOW at work when I Was working because of the job I had. My boss knew I was on my computer, didn't care.
  9. How is surprised? Not me. Jagex are just so bad at almost everything...
  10. Back in my day we were top ~600 with 109 DG. /kids these days.
  11. Unlike most RS players, he actually derives a significant income through playing RS (He's approaching 50k subs now). So you never know. How significant? If you know. I'd be curious to see what type of income that brings in.
  12. I read this post in the voice of the Brit who annoucned the first one.
  13. This is why I've made the argument they should keep cosmetic gear on the SOF, but also allow it to be directly purchased. Something like 10-15 dollars for a full set sounds reasonable to me. Some WOW pets at 10 bucks, and mounts are 20 or 25 for an example.
  14. Only people who are actively going and showing that they are going for 200m all are tracked. Meaning just because someone is in the top 50 doesn't mean they necessarily will be tracked.
  15. You're just pulling stuff out of thin air now. In order for me to believe you, you'd have to give some backing. Heck, even one case where money made from a video game illicitly was cause of a person to go to jail due to tax evasion. Now, as someone who legitimately made around 1k in Diablo 3 via the Real Money Auction House, I know I have to pay taxes on it. Well, report it at least. Since I'm a student I probably won't have any taxes due this year. But at the most I've heard of people talking of audits. Tax evasion is normally for people who actively evade taxes. People who can't pay their taxes when due DO NOT go to jail. They are subject to fines, and monthly interest. http://www.irs.gov/t...pics/tc202.html Honestly I wish people would stop making shit up. We can't have a good discussion when one side is simply pulling shit out of their figurative ass. If you cannot pay in full, you should pay as much as possible to reduce the accrual of interest on your account. Please refer to Topic 158 for information needed to ensure that your payment is credited properly. You should consider financing the full payment of your tax liability through loans, such as a home equity loan from a financial institution or a credit or debit card payment. The interest rate and any applicable fees charged by a bank or credit card company are usually lower than the combination of interest and penalties imposed by the Internal Revenue Code. If you cannot pay in full immediately, the IRS offers a short amount of additional time, up to 120 days, to pay in full. No fee will be charged for entering this type of payment arrangement, however, interest will continue to accrue until the liability is paid in ful I don't think you read his post properly here. His point is that earning money in those sort of amounts won't be ignored by the tax systems in either country. I think Failed was simply pointing out that a lot of posters on here are quite young and naive about certain things in life such as tax because they're not used to paying it. It's somebody elses problem but that's just being naive. 200k draws a lot more attention than a small amount like 1k from diablo. That 1k you made hardly puts you as an expert in the tax system by just googling a few things about the IRS. By your own admission you're a student but if you earned 200k you'd be expected to pay the relevant amounts demanded by the government of your own country. When you're full time employed and paying all sorts of taxes and rates you will understand this a lot more. When the taxman comes knocking, and if you can't pay, it will affect you. Failed was also right about this At first they'll give you time to pay but in the end if you don't come up with satisfactory amounts to keep them at bay, inclusive of interest, then what do you suppose happens exactly? You'll be jailed. So while you're mocking Failed that he doesn't know what he's talking about he's probably employed and paying taxes that subsidise some of the things you don't have to pay while you're a student. Instead of being completely disrespectful and pretending to know about things you don't why don't you take a minute and actually appreciate where things come from. Because I've been paying taxes for 9 years myself- I was simply using the example of D3 income as an example of the IRS 1099MISC or K form instead of normal taxes (Witholdings from employer, W-2, etc). Also, claiming that this statement " The idiot kids probably blew all the money on stupid crap, and if they can't come up with ~65k they WILL go to jail and it WILL permanently affect them." is somehow deep and profound is asinine. It has no logical basis (as shown) and no defensible claims, other than that not paying taxes could permanently change your life. Than again, missing a day of class could do the same. Heck, his statement makes the claim that "they WILL go to jail.". Since this is clearly NOT the case, I called him out for BSing. Don't like it? IDC. Read my siggy. Oh and another thing. Unless you know failed, everything you said about him is probably false. He probably sits on his ass all day playing RS. (No offense, using this as an example.) See what I did there? I made up a story to try and prove a point. However, that is not how logic and arguing should work. As well, I find it funny that you claim to know what I have or have not done in my lifetime, in an attempt to attack me and disprove my point. Needless to say, I won't bother you with my resume. I'm simply pointing out that no where in what you might consider an argument did you have any clash with what I stated, relying instead on weak fallacies, made up claims, and utter BS.
  16. Criminal copyright infringement covers in a blanket sort of way anything where someone who doesn't own/have the right gains a commercial advantage or private profit off of the copyright owner's material. It doesn't really matter if it's a service or not since Jagex still owns that. They have better luck contesting ownership than they do whether or not it's "a service." Going off what a guild mate who is a lawyer with the DOJ said (And I'd have to do more research on this specific area to show how) but that argument requires the gold sellers to be criminally infringing on the copyright to begin with. And since the counter argument to your claim is that virtual goods are not intellectual property, no criminal infringement took place to being with. However, this means virtual goods are property, and than the matter of theft comes into play. But in order for Jagex to claim theft they'd first have to admit that virtual goods are not IP, but property, which I think rather unlikely.
  17. I know, I was simply going off the lowest possible number to reach 200m in all as a starting point. The point is still valid.
  18. Do we have any evidence to even suspect that known RWT'ers are doing this, however? I'm not claiming they aren't. I was simply replying to the person who said that they'd go to jail for tax evasion. And I disagree. I think the person I replied to before's point was EXACTLY what he stated, and I called him out on it.
  19. Just give a large passive healing over time effect when out of combat for 5+ minutes.
  20. I find it interesting that to get to where he is at, SUOMI has at least 790 days played. (19k hours). Seems like a lot until I look back at my 300+ days on RS over 5.5 years, and 100+ days on WOW over 2 years, as well as all the other time spent on other games. Honestly, it isn't as much as people think over a long period of time compared to how much many people game. Yes, it is on the top end but it isn't some staggering number. Just found that interesting.
  21. You're just pulling stuff out of thin air now. In order for me to believe you, you'd have to give some backing. Heck, even one case where money made from a video game illicitly was cause of a person to go to jail due to tax evasion. Now, as someone who legitimately made around 1k in Diablo 3 via the Real Money Auction House, I know I have to pay taxes on it. Well, report it at least. Since I'm a student I probably won't have any taxes due this year. But at the most I've heard of people talking of audits. Tax evasion is normally for people who actively evade taxes. People who can't pay their taxes when due DO NOT go to jail. They are subject to fines, and monthly interest. http://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc202.html Honestly I wish people would stop making shit up. We can't have a good discussion when one side is simply pulling shit out of their figurative ass. If you cannot pay in full, you should pay as much as possible to reduce the accrual of interest on your account. Please refer to Topic 158 for information needed to ensure that your payment is credited properly. You should consider financing the full payment of your tax liability through loans, such as a home equity loan from a financial institution or a credit or debit card payment. The interest rate and any applicable fees charged by a bank or credit card company are usually lower than the combination of interest and penalties imposed by the Internal Revenue Code. If you cannot pay in full immediately, the IRS offers a short amount of additional time, up to 120 days, to pay in full. No fee will be charged for entering this type of payment arrangement, however, interest will continue to accrue until the liability is paid in ful
  22. That's more barrows GP than I've made in IDK how many runes. Badluck.jpg
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