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Everything posted by Bad911

  1. I'm not really familiar with what your talking about :? Could you tell me what "The Editor" is? Also, i'm totally serious, not sarcasm. :-# EDIT: lol, glad to hear. =D>
  2. look >>>>>>^^^^^^^ P.S. Welcome to the forums. Lol, i edited this 6 times...
  3. Rawr!!!!!!! Third topic today, and i bet it won't be the last. Just read all the updates. Its faster than us explaining them. edit: but should you have any questions, feel free to ask. EDIT #2: WTf.....posted on the wrong one. hold on... EDIT #3: Anyways, if your comfortable with fishing, you should just fish your money back. As for KBD hunting, it's really crowded these days and isn't a steady form of income because so many people do it that now people bring teams and overpower people who solo. The kalphite queen isn't good money compared to the newer updates like GWD. You should find a guide in the AoW and see what GWD is all about, it's a bunch of new bosses that drop incredibly overpriced swords and armor. As for the d'chain and legs, the chain hasn't changed too drastically in price, but the dragon legs are now worthless compared to what they were 4 years ago. They're around 800k, and the d'skirt is around 160k. Try fishing first, and make sure to read all the updates.
  4. Lol, you seroiusly think you would've gotten G.E. price? Lol, why don't we just alch everything instead of selling it, lawl. Had to say that, just had to. This is funnier than accidentally alching your whip. And @PandaTheMan03, this is the forums, we're not robots. We have feelings and express them, go make a rant topic. This topic seems answered already, but i'll repeat the answer since you repeated the question. Catherby until you can get into the Fishing guild.
  5. *runs across room to friend* *right click duel* *waits for partner to load to accept* *accepts again* *3,2,1, go!* *hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, dude, whats ur def?, hit, hit* *yay, victory! click continue* Alternative *Click* Yea... :-s
  6. If you have done royal trouble, then there is no way you can lose money when you invest in, fish, flax, maples, or coal, maybe even mahogany and teak. Its really hard to lose money in this minigame.
  7. Bad911


    Lol, easy. Just ask him "You do know that zezima is a "she" right?" He'll instantly say like, "no hes a he." Then you reply, "i thought he was you." :XD: Believe me, it works.
  8. Here, go down to Cost of Materials. Technically, you "buy" the stuff your getting with the 75k that they withdraw from your coffers. As you can see, they "buy" you maple logs for 56.1gp each, and in the G.E. they are 46gp each. Also, for your new question, you should keep your favor at 100% everyday, to maximize your profit. Keep your money always above 750k, the maximum is 7.5mil. I just go there everyday and rake the garden outside the castle, if you don't have a rake, just bring 15gp and you can buy one off her.
  9. Maples make you lose around 8k everyday...Unless you get like a magic seed every 2 days (which never happens), you won't make more than coal. The best you could hope for would be a magic seed every 3 days, on average you get a seed every 4 days. Fishing gives half keys and more gems than coal. 10 fish, 5 flax.
  10. Coal doesn't move...Until recently, they had been around the same price for a month. Fish>Flax>Coal>Maples>Anything else 10 fish, 5 flax.
  11. Bad911

    Immature "Haters"

    90% of all internet users don't say what they would say in real life. I guess you gotta hope that they aren't actually like that in real life and use the internet as an outlet. What i don't get however, is why anyone would hate someone because he was German... Huh? Only thing i can think of when i think of Germany is the Holocaust (its 1:00am, tired). P.S. Lol, some Yale girls are filing a lawsuit against a bunch of forum users for bashing them and its a giant controversy because internet is "free of speech". Kinda ties into this because i bet they never thought that they would ever have to go to court for calling someone over the internet a sk--- and whatnot. It only stuck in my mind for some odd, unknown reason, because one of the forum user's name was HitlerHitlerHitler.
  12. 1 fire rune = 9gp 1 astral rune = 146gp 26 vials = 2132gp Total cost = 2287gp 26 vials of water = 2392gp Profit = 105gp *Humidify needs 1 fire, 3 waters, and 1 astral to cast, during this, i assume you'll use a water staff. [hide=Prices]Vial - 82gp Vial of Water - 92gp[/hide] P.S. I have never tried humidify, i just did calculations. I suggest you test it out and see what works for you.
  13. I'll give you your best advice. Run when your about to die.
  14. Straight grinding from 75 to 99? If you say yes to ^, then buy 100k bronze knives, bring an accumulator, and just kill yaks. A little more specific please?
  15. You can easily buy chef's delight in the G.E. because its infinitely free in some people's house.
  16. Cool, this sounds like a productive idea. Maybe you could have "theiving tools" where you could maybe dig a hole in the ground, or chip a brick out of a wall and create a "burglar's nook". (lol, old time movies can do this to you) Please elaborate on this idea! :D
  17. Anyways, My friend messaged me and told me he found something really cool. Of course, i was skeptical and i thought it was another one of his "ingenious" moneymaking plans that always fails. But, it turned out really cool. He sent me a music clip (which i scanned first, can never be too safe) and i listened to it. Afterwards, i asked him, "huh?". Then he told me to look at the title of the file song. It was called "XMAS08". Lol, turns out, he was messing with his C:\ drive and found a unreleased music clip. I don't know if i can post it on here, but i think its genuine. I asked him for the path, and i couldn't find it, but he told me it was in "C:\WINDOWS\.rs_save_32". I don't have it, do any of you guys have it? I asked him where'd he unlock the music in RS, but he said he didn't know. Well, happy hunting, (i hope this is in the right section, i remember seeing unreleased updates here). P.S. If a mod could give me authority (and instructions) to post the music clip?
  18. Keep in mind guys, hes aspireing for a whip (right?), that means hes not gonna go for the most expensive items around. If you REALLY don't want to do a couple of EASY quests, then you should just get a d med and sell it later i guess. I think a d long is better than a d skim, mostly because of the special and because i despise d skim. I did the quest, and it failed all my expectations. I DOUBT you want to do Monkey Madness if you won't do the frem trials and frem isles. It is much much more tedious than those other two.
  19. I think of it as "Player got owned". So i pronouce it Powned, like, you got Powned, lol. I saw this guy on Youtube who lived in Germany and kept saying pooned, and i was like, what are you? British? Lol (no offence to British people), its just that i think of pooned as british accentish.
  20. :oops: oops Lol, i forgot you need 70 def. But do please get the neitznot helm, quests are fairly easy. Might take you 1 day, or 2. (or 3, maybe :-# ) Then go for the fighter torso, as italian said.
  21. Wtf? Maybe you should spend your time helping than flameing because either you stink at reading/comprehension or your a real jerk. I've seen much worse, and his grammar is just fine, only errors i see are a few missing e's. EDIT: and don't start getting practical about his "bcuz" and "ne", maybe he likes typeing that way? cant get a neitznot helm or guthans plate and do u get a defender from the warriors guild? I meant guthans body as in the barrows armor. Its really cheap and its one of the best def bonus of the barrows, this includes dharoks body etc, but those are more expensive. I suggest getting the neitznot helmet, both frem quests are easy and not much hassle, its also free once you finish the quest. Defender, yes, from warrior's guild.
  22. Work for more cash, then buy the whip. Afterwards, use nooby armor like d-skirt, guthans body, neitznot helm, defender. Wtf? Maybe you should spend your time helping than flameing because either you stink at reading/comprehension or your a real jerk. I've seen much worse, and his grammar is just fine, only errors i see are a few missing e's. EDIT: and don't start getting practical about his "bcuz" and "ne", maybe he likes typeing that way?
  23. [hide=Method BiJay is talking about] [/hide] Ty BiJay, lol, i book marked another discussion BiJay posted. Here is the link. [hide=A more in depth explination by BiJay] As i said in another thread this statement is wrong. If you do normal lines of burning logs you can burn like 1000, if you burn at the place left to GE with 2 lines per inventory you can burn up to 1200 logs and if you burn with the 3x3 box method south or north of GE you can get up to 1300 logs burned. The 3x3 box method is hard to explain but you burn 3 logs in a row and then run to the line next to it and start again to burn 3 logs. The next step is to burn 6 logs and then do 3 again and so on. It looks like this (Box 1): 987 654 321 Then you burn another 3 logs right to the 9 and do this technique again in the opposite direction (Box 2): 321 654 987 You continue to burn another 3 logs right to the 9 and do the first box again. You can do 2 inventorys on the north or south side of Grand Exchange. It's very hard at the beginning as you fail very often to burn the fourth log but with more practice you can do one full inventory without stooping more than one time. A picture I took: You can burn the next inventory south of it. You can do it at the north side with inverse direction (first Box 2 than 1 and 2 again), too. Expert1212 (more than 100M FM exp) uses this method - thanks for it. ;) [/hide] EDIT: @judo, Those are all F2p areas, what are you talking about ;)
  24. Dark wizards South of Varrok (runes, talismans) 4 Elemental Wizards south of Falador (runes, talismans) Bandits in Wildy Hobgoblins (lvl 42...Limps)
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