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Everything posted by Nik1110Again

  1. @@@sugarbabe547@@@ this is the best blog ever. ever ever ever ever. bestest bestest bestest. it's go t3h 1337n355 that we all need. gl on your narby goals lawl. get 200m xp in both then say you're my best friend on RS PL0X!!!!!!!!!@@@ oh, btw, all that fishing and cooking is gonna give you some money, so........ PHR33 6P PL0X?!?!?!?!?!?@@@?!?!?!?! :twss:
  2. if i was a noob, i'd say you were a noob :shock: :lol: :D . but i am, so......... YOU'RE A NOOB!!!@@@!!! there ya go :twss: GL on your goals lolz, and go p00n some narby abby specs with your whip now :)
  3. lol there's an interesting ministory to that agent. i introduced my best friend IRL to RS, but he introduced me to Tip.It. i told ya it was a MINIstory narby :lol: :D . anyway, there you go. maybe you should count the answers and put them on a table or something, so we can see what's the most common answer : .
  4. get ready for the first noob on your blog. since i'm the first, PHR33 GP PL0x?!?!?!?!?!?! :twss: nice goals lolz. for now im just trying to get all skills 40+ (need rc and farm) and afterwards 50+ (need the other two and craft, pray, herb and hunt). good luck with your goals!!!! :thumbsup: go get t3h narbz!
  5. well i knew that kebabs were sorta random, but i never knew they could heal up to 30. even so, i saw your tests, and the 30 happened rarely. there were too many 0's tbh. what if you have like 5hp left and you eat a kebab that heals 0? you're in trouble there. nay, kebabs wouldn't be good for PKing, otherwise old PKers would have used them, and they would be used in BH too.
  6. well this is very interesting. i only have the following stats: 66 range 72 mage 50 agil but next time i go to the circus ill try the level 80 and 90 stuff repeatedly and see what happens. i always get terrible scores (my best on range and mage has been around 600, and agil like 400). i hope it works ;)
  7. very nice, but i almost thought i couldn't attend. there's a problem with the very large siggy (first one). you got the AM/PM times mixed up. fix this or more people like me might not attend. i only realized because i looked at the time left. btw, im DEFINITELY going, even though i know some 120 will appear out of nowhere and p00n me :lol: .
  8. this thread is pointless. first of all, why would jagex remove looting from BH? what do they gain? absolutely nothing. do the players want it? from the general reaction i see to this thread, no. so why are you suggesting that jagex would do this? they won't. some people would prefer BH to PvP. i disagree with your idea entirely, and i know i'm not alone.
  9. W H O A !!!!!! 2 more to go!°!°!°!°!°!°! :shock: incredible!!! get those two more capes, and say I'm your best friend in rs pl0x!?!?!?! :D 11/10 :thumbsup:
  10. whoa! 99 farm l0lz. very nice. i only have 33 :D . gf. get 200m xp and say you're my best friend on rs pl0x! :D :D :D 10/10
  11. 60 fishing in 1 week?!?!?!?!? whoa. veeeeeeeeeery nice meester lvlr. keep on going and get the cape lawlz. :twss: 10/10
  12. very nice indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i've abstinated from wc, since my xp in tha skill is 555,555 (coincidence, it just appeared outta nowhere). try and get 200m xp pl0x! :ohnoes: :lol: :shock: 10/10
  13. very nice skiller there!!! get 99 mining :D cus then i'll go :shock: 8/10
  14. 0MG PHR33 W1D3RB335T PL0X?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :lol: :D nice lol. ignore all the noobs who say "its okay". consider yourself above the average RS player (like me -.- :D). 7/10 5/10 because of this comment. most epically phailed quote made in the past 5 minutes. you DON'T HAVE TO USE A FREAKING CANNON TO TRAIN SLAYER!!!
  15. very nice lolz. a nooblike me can say that to anyone with a higher combat level and a godsword, but hey, i mean it. 7/10 :)
  16. nice!!! well the "true 126" thing is still debatable. if they're on f2p they're maxed out, but in p2p they're not. i see your point though. my combat level in f2p is like 83 or something, but in p2p (thnks to pengs \ ) it's 89. so i won't say you're wrong. gratz anyway, and about the 14th place at 3rd day of summoning: W 0 W =D> P.S: forgot the rating, 10/10 :? :lol: :thumbsup:
  17. nice goal saif, i hope you make it. you're receiving a lot of flaming though. ignore t3h n00bs tbh. go get your narby range cape!!! 6/10 :) P.S: ill be more impressed when you get 60/70 :
  18. lol very nice xp!!!!!!! 100,000,000 exact xp lolz. best i could do to compete is 555,555 wc xp -.- . anyway, did you try on purpose to get that xp, or was it a coincidence? amazing anyway :thumbsup: 9/10
  19. wow!!! keep on trying to level up combat without getting another 99. dont worry, hp was pretty much inevitable, unless you dont range/mage AT ALL. it'd be cool to see a 137 with an untrimmed cape. and no, it wouldn't be noobish. you'd be the first, im sure of it. well done so far (compared to me :lol: ), but don't get any 99's! :twisted:
  20. very nice blog here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pardon my noobyness, but you really are doing very well. a level 134 appearing in green :shock: lol @ the blog link. shouldn't you be concentrating on what's behind you? (jad) anyway, i hope you keep on excelling.
  21. well it's possible. if jagex had made a typo making that screen, they probably would have fixed it by now, seeing that that screen has been out for over 2 weeks now. there must be at least one thread on the RSOF about this, and it might have gained popularity. by now it'd be big enough for jagex to take notice of it, and fix the problem. of course, all of what i said above could be untrue....................... but the "over *25*" thing is strange. it must mean that jagex has 2 or more skills planned, but would they really release them simultaneously? that would be..................ummmm..........not sure, really. incredible? it'd also keep us players occupied for a long amount of time, as with one skill we just do that, but with two........they might be directly dependent of each other, just like slayer and summoning are on combat. anyway, well done for finding this out (i was on the miniclip page 15 minutes ago and i didnt notice that), and we'll see if you're right! :D
  22. well this scam is one i've seen (and reported) a few times, but when I fell for it I was less expreienced at playing RS, so I wasnt expecting anything. I fell for the.............errrrrrrrrrrrm............I don't know what to call it.............item value scam? yes that sounds right. it's when the scammer gets a few people, and tells them that s/he has some good item, lets say, 10m. s/he also says that they'll give it to whoever has the greatest value in items and money. but they have to trade said valuables to the scammer. all at the same time. once the scammer has collected everyone's precious stuff, s/he simply teleports away! this was done to me in a time when i thought someone with 1m was 0MG RICH (i've improved, but not much :thumbsup: ). i lost......the following: full adamant rune warhammer 50K gp amulet of power ruby ring now i know that this is pretty much nothing, but to me it was a fortune. i was devastated by the loss, and quit RS for a while. amazingly, the scammer still plays. i know this because i added him on my friends list (for some strange reason :shock: ). when i asked him why he had scammed me and a few others (not in a very nice way :twisted: ), he told me that he gave everything back! now i know this was not true, because i clearly remember him teleporting away, and i lingered around the site (falador's eastern fountain) for a while. oh well, im better off now. by the way, if this scam has been posted here before, im sorry, but you can't expect me to read 36 pages!
  23. i agree with gb. just get your own scores up to where you want them to be, and stop complaining.
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