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Everything posted by Den

  1. Not sure if it's been patched or not, but there was a bug where one (not sure if it has to be a new account or if it works with older ones) could change their name to any name, even taken ones. I don't know a lot of details about it, but I've seen someone do it. I could dig up a video on it I saw if people are interested enough. It shouldn't be too difficult to find on Youtube anyway. Zezima is a Pmod as far as I remember, and the glitch doesn't add crowns next to ones name.
  2. Am I the only one who feels Ozan is more of a "Buy Membership Now!" figure and not a Signature Hero? :?
  3. I can't say I support what they did, but I understand why they did it.
  4. I support all your ideas, but Jagex won't do it. The bosses love their goblin money too much.
  5. Is that from a few years back or have they forgotten about the Squeal of Fortune overnight? It's from many years back, but for me it's still the way it should have been ;). Thanks for clarifying. I wish they had gone that route still as well.
  6. I died the first time I tried the last fight, but I had no clue what to do. After playing around, I figured it out and the second time I got it. All I did was do a few rounds trying to hit (guessing), then send everyone to repair the 4 lowest things. I then kept sending people to fix the lowest things after doing my turn to make sure I didn't miss any turns. I didn't have any trouble with it. I liked the quest, but the previous ones were better. I did laugh a few times during the quest.
  7. Time for the best update this month! I have high expectations. Nice QBD fixes, but the patch notes seem lacking.
  8. Is that from a few years back or have they forgotten about the Squeal of Fortune overnight?
  9. You wouldn't even have to go through it to that extent. Just look for large quantities of cash being gained in the crucible without gaining any crucible ranks.
  10. I wonder if they'll ever add an increased chance for Dragon Ceremonial and Queen's Guard stuff. Still only have 1 DC and 2 QG items. Kinda wish they would as its been such a pain to get those. It's pratically impossible to get them now as well with the skilling pendants taking up uncommon and rare slots where the items were. Jagex ignore all SoF-related suggestions though.
  11. Great.... I'll never complete my goal now. Back to Castle Wars I guess.
  12. Sounds promising. Looking forward to it. They test jokes on nancy's mom? Well, it's worked so far so why not. :P
  13. Jagex... are you trying to buy my opinion over? It won't work, but thanks for the Shark Fists anyway!
  14. The advertisements don't bother me that much. What bothers me is... 1. There is no "Never show this again" tick off box. and 2. It's being advertised to people who already are eligible for all the rewards. I'm a member out this year. I don't need that junk reminding me about rewards I'll be getting in 2 months.
  15. Thank you for that kick in the nuts, Mod IVP Prod. Let me stand at Castle Wars in peace.
  16. Buyable xp already added with double exp items. Not directly but I consider it to be the same Though i do agree with you, I expect a 100% way of getting the boosting gear instead of a random wheel drop. If not, hey. Soon you can buy funny looking items with abyssal whip stats! A trimmed whip doesn't matter, a trimmed divine would. Give it time. Oh and @Mod Mad Bro. "It's like gambling." I thought Jagex said it WASNT gambling because you always win. Oh you. :roll:
  17. There's just one tiny yet fatal mistake in your reasoning: It assumes that the SoF and Solomon count as content. :twss: It can also be extended to subscriptions but that's not important right now. Touché. :P Jagex think of it as content, but I like your point.
  18. Buyable xp already added with double exp items. Not directly but I consider it to be the same Though i do agree with you, I expect a 100% way of getting the boosting gear instead of a random wheel drop. If not, hey. Soon you can buy funny looking items with abyssal whip stats!
  19. Project RWTing Step 5 has been completed. Next up, buyable EXP-Boosting Gear or buyable stated items from Solomon.
  20. We should be able to craft most gear. Gear that can't be crafted should have a way of crafting extra buffs onto it. Incorporate smithing into this and both skills would be better off if you ask me.
  21. You'll get used to that feeling, after a while, getting kicked into the dirt mutiple times just makes you feel like you've taken a prolonged mud bath in a spa :lol: . I'm sure I'l get used to it, but I will always hate it. :P Negative side-effect is that many people will do all in their power to find flaws in the system. I guess people already to this for ingame bugs but I think it will create more people like this.
  22. Image by Kuar http://i50.tinypic.com/v7ctx3.png Good thing the SoF and Solomon Store don't limit it's content to people who have enough cash to throw at it... Oh wait, IT DOES. Thank you Mark, for confirming that both the SOF and Solomon Store are bad designs for the game.
  23. SON OF A [bleep]! You realize you just broke my 2+ year no snipe streak. :( Now I have to start over. (Not that I was trying to hide anyway).
  24. I prefer these pendants to EXP Lamps. Now remove the exp lamps Jagex. Listen for once. I used to be an adventurer like you be a completionist, collecting everything. I realize this won't be possible as fast as they are crapping out cosmetics these days. I hate them for it, as I have to ignore items I would normally set a goal for. It makes me feel like a free to play Member, but Cashex have decided their fate. Good luck to the Jmods keeping up against the cashhoarders.
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