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Everything posted by rangeor

  1. rangeor


    To be honest, working at Jagex would probably suck. From what I've gathered, the pay isn't too dandy (which is irrelevant if you like the job anyways, but it's still noteworthy), and you'll probably put a lot of effort into projects that get declared as useless updates no one will ever care about, thanks to the intelligent fanbase that Runescape has. Plus there will probably be a lot of great ideas you'll have to share with the designers/producers that will get immediately shot down due to restraints most of the players aren't aware about. Then there's the stress of always getting the updates done on time, and dealing with repercussions if it's delayed or even slightly bugged. I personally would probably hate the job, but if all that sounds appealing to you then that's awesome and good luck :thumbup: Erm... care to enlighten me? :???:
  2. rangeor


    I think that there's a rather distinct line between exaggerated bad-ass manliness and real manliness that a lot of people here seem to be purposely ignoring. For example, take a look at that art of manliness website that the OP posted. Of course it's littered with awesome, manly photos of old-time men being awesome, but the majority of the articles are legitimately useful in regards to being more of a man. You can learn a lot from the website, and only very rarely will you find the stereotypical, "lulz how 2 kill bare wit hands n grow beerd liek spartn," article.
  3. rangeor

    E3 2010

    http://gizmodo.com/5565628/nintendo-scopes-out-the-competition This is hilarious. Miyamoto does not seem impressed with Kinect :P
  4. rangeor


    When I'm in a good mood I find manliness stuff hilarious and awesome, but usually I don't really care.
  5. rangeor

    E3 2010

    I didn't realize not being a fanboy of a company isn't an option Where did I ever say or imply that? You don't really have to be a fanboy to bash other fanboys anyways.
  6. rangeor

    E3 2010

    How the hell is motion control new? They're simply copying Nintendo because they feel that without motion control their systems are lacking something. Which they really aren't; I don't think I know anyone yet who's actually going to buy these. Plus, Nintendo DOES still innovate. They don't do much other than churn out the same franchise over and over, but that's what makes them Nintendo. The philosophy that Nintendo fans like and Nintendo haters dislike Nintendo is the fact that there aren't too many franchises to choose from. Someone like you may like having a new game with new characters and new stories a lot, but Nintendo fans like characters and stories they're already familiar with to be re-invented. It's incredibly fulfilling as a huge Zelda fan to sit down and play a new Zelda game. You already know the characters, so it still feels similar to the first game you played years ago, so no matter how new it is you still get the nostalgia feel. Nintendo also innovates a little bit within the games keeping things new enough to be interesting. A lot of people may hate this about Nintendo, and just think that they're putting in no effort and milking their mindless Nintendo fans, but have you ever thought that perhaps those features are exactly what some people look for in a game? Think about Super Mario Galaxy; the platforming is done incredibly well, and is really innovative. Hopping from planets to planets and having gravity be one of the key gameplay limits/enhancements is really neat. However, they could have taken the Microsoft/Sony approach and made a new franchise with a new character, probably a rugged space pilot, that crashed his ship and needs to hop along planetoids to find his way back to earth. But they didn't; they took the Nintendo approach and used characters we all already know, so we can relate to the game. Nintendo realizes this, and so they rely on their already established fanbase to bring them money. For a long time, fans had converted over from Nintendo because they didn't like this business style. However new a good amount of them will probably come back, since Nintendo is bringing back some really old franchises that will most likely induce epic nostalgia trips around the world. And yes, Nintendo is definitely still innovating, just not in franchises. The Wii was already in development (most likely in the very early stages of, "uh, will this even work?") all the way back in 2001, and yet here in 2010 Microsoft and Sony are finally deciding to go ahead and try it themselves. The 3DS is one hell of a device; it uses a parallax barrier to give the illusion of 3D without glasses. The technology has been around for a few years already, but this is the first ever practical application of it. That's not just game innovation, that's engineering innovation as well. Though I agree Nintendo is a lot more pompous than than they should be. Gets kind of frustrating. Also, something a lot of people somehow still need to realize: Nintendo fans are not any worse than Sony fans or Microsoft fans. No system is objectively better than another, because they all cater to a specific category of gamers. Saying otherwise will only prove that you're an arrogant bigot.
  7. She had a relationship with one person, and then another relationship with another person afterward. Is that fine? Well of course! But she started the second relationship while still in the first relationship, and also lost her virginity stupidly and selfishly. I mean, you think a high schooler banging a guy she just got into earlier that week is perfectly fine according to social norms? That's what makes her bad. It's not like this is a hard concept to get :l
  8. Right now it's unconfirmed whether it's just a technical demo or an actual project, but yes, that IS an Ocarina of Time remake on the 3DS! SERIOUSLY, IMAGINE THESE GUYS CLAWING AT YOUR FACE IN 3D. OH MY GOD.
  9. rangeor


    Finished my exams today, and am officially a senior! I will celebrate with one of these: [hide=] :grin: [/hide]
  10. rangeor

    E3 2010

    Lol, who voted for Microsoft?
  11. The music is the exact same music they used in Twilight Princess. There is no new music yet, so you really can't just its music at all -.- Edit: ... o.o
  12. rangeor

    E3 2010

    So, my thoughts... Zelda: The title really sucks, but I have a hunch that I know what it means. One of the rumors floating around last week stated that the game will be set a couple hundred years before Ocarina of Time, and will describe how the Master Sword came into being. I think that the Master Sword happens to be the, "Skyward Sword," and that girl we saw in the concept art last year will probably be our sidekick that helps us get it. I was really disappointed by the fact that this really was just a gameplay and art demo. There was NO new music, all of it was from Twilight Princess. The only hint of storyline that we got was link committing suicide at the end. The graphics look awesome though. They took Wind Waker's timeless graphics and really just gave them a wider color range, but still keeping it similar. Plus, according to the people playing the game on the floor, it's supposedly really intuitive, unlike Shiggy's demo of it. Oh, and SPRINTING AND BOMB BOWLING. The rest: Look really good. I honestly think that even though the Mickey Mouse will be a kids' game, it looks really fun anyways. And I'm really interested in the glasses-free 3D.
  13. rangeor

    E3 2010

    edit: double post, kind of..
  14. rangeor

    E3 2010

    ASDFJ24;JGL; UPRISING [/musefan]
  15. rangeor

    E3 2010

    I'll be honest, that Mickey Mouse game actually looks really good.
  16. DAWN OF THE THIRD DAY - 24 HOURS REMAIN Well, it's more like 21 hours now, but yeah Nintendo's starting their conference at noon (EST) tomorrow, and streaming it via http://e3.nintendo.com/ Soooooooooooooo stoked! :D
  17. Oh wow, that run back to mage bank must have really sucked XD
  18. I suppose I'm a bit confused now. I always thought fraternities were just groups of underachievers that partied and got wasted every day and failed college because they goof off instead of actually studying. After a little bit of research it looks like this is just a stereotype, but would anyone mind explaining what fraternities are actually like?
  19. Definitely looks a lot better than the older versions you had :D Though I'm not sure this would really be a practical interface. It looks like it would take a while to load.
  20. That's correct. The fact that they are chaotic doesn't make a damn difference.
  21. 5/10... the nomad guide is decent, but everything else sucks. I can find more information on the other bosses from Tip.it's quest guides.
  22. [hide] [/hide]Oh I get it, you're combining SODB with Bee. Clever :P
  23. Heh, I've used all three separately before but never tried combining them XD Really awesome.
  24. Tim, you're holding up a perfectly fine conversation here on TIF. Why can't you do that in person? That's a question you need to answer by yourself.
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