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Everything posted by Dirkmetal

  1. I almost photoshopped that image into saying something else, but then I realized that I am not a troll. Well, this is nothing big, but at least it stops all discussion about...Wait I'm starting to troll again, wtf is wrong with me today? Good find, that is all :thumbup:
  2. No the worst part is that safe spotting has been 'nerfed', there is another rant thread that goes more into detail about this.
  3. So Jagex somehow managed to make Magic even WORSE in PvM. =D> Great now Rangers/Mages have to pay for both arrows/runes AND food, wile meleers only have to pay for food. Gooooo melee :roll:! Someone one should give Jagex the prestigious reward for stupidity :wall: .
  4. Yeah I would have to agree, I was going for 99 hunter, but I had no clue how attentive you had to be wile training it, so I gave up for now.
  5. I alched from 94 to 98 there lol.
  6. You think that they would have put in counter measures to stop things like this, but no
  7. You found that annoying? Now try alching to 99.
  8. Mithril (default) Blue because I'm to lazy to check the others look like -.-
  9. Terror Birds restore more energy, they are cheaper, they stack, AND they can carry some of your items. All energy pots are useless once you get high enough summoning.
  10. This ^ :thumbup: Have you even thought off pures that already have agility levels? There are almost as many pures as there are mains, there even be more. Many of them have agility levels, and this would raise there combat level. So no this would not be a good idea, unless you made a new skill: Defence->Reduce damage. Guard->Dodge/block.
  11. I'm sorry, but I can't help it: over 9000. Seriously, only Jagex knows the real answer to this.
  12. Familiars that do that don't sound half bad, I think your on to something!
  13. No update this week. I also find that most existing storylines should be completed as soon as possible. Wow, they have been having "No update weeks" a LOT this year.
  14. jagex does not seem to understand this concept Are you saying that I should work a Jamtax? *edit* Did I just spam my own thread? :shock: I must be getting tired.
  15. I think it was mentioned in a past Q&A I don't remember which one though.
  16. Why is everyone under the impression that I'm talking about a dodging skill? Is it because made a statement that the Defense skill as it is now is a Blocking skill. (if you block the attack you negate all damage). I just said that to show how the word Defense was not as out of place as people made it seem. I know I'm bad at wording things but, umm. Anyways I'm talking about a new skill that will lower max hit, not a dodging skill. If you want me to name it then I guess you can call it Stamina, or Endurance.
  17. Its not broken yet, all my idea does is make more room for future content expanding the life span of Runescape.
  18. I am tired of players asking for Jagex to raise the max HP in Runescape, you and I both know that this will not work with the leveling system. The problem is the that players max hit are becoming to high for 99 HP Many people only focus on the second half of this: the HP cap being 99. However there is a small group of players that do look at the first part of the problem: players max hit being to high. The first group wants to raise the max HP, but this hold many problems, for example the amount of exp it takes to raise levels above 99. The second group wants either to A: Lower all weapons strength levels, or B: Change the defense skill so it reduces max hit instead of negating damage. The problem with A is that it would ruin player versus monster. The problem with B is that people think of defense like its dodging skill, when in fact more of a guarding skill. since they think that dodging does not fit well with the name defense they want to chnge it so that it decreases max hit instead. The best solution to this problem is obvious (well not that obvious because many people want to raise the max HP :roll:): Make a new skill that lowers max hit! It's so simple: It solves the fact that players are hitting to high, and there is little room for stronger weapons, also it ends this dry spell of no new skill that we've been having. It could be Free to play also (not that they need it fight being as slow as they are already there). Jagex said that they are making a new skill that is going to change gameplay. They said that the new skill will be F2P, if this is not what that skill is like I will cry. Oh and one more thing, stop asking for Jagex to: "Raise teh max HP pl0xerz?", ask them to release this as a skill, both do the same thing, but this works far better. *edit* Before you think that this is on the wrong board, please notice that this is a rant/suggestion/prediction/Max HP discussion, so it don't fit in rant, or in suggestions
  19. Correct. WoW's biggest competitor will be next year, made by themselves (Blizzard) with Diablo 3 in my opinion. Have to also take into account the experience blizzard has as a developer, where as Jagexs first and only hit was RuneScape. http://funorb.com/ does funorb have a million members? @The previous poster They had people from everquest you know... people from everquest, an earlier mmo, helped make WoW Smellysocks said hit, not big hit.
  20. Correct. WoW's biggest competitor will be next year, made by themselves (Blizzard) with Diablo 3 in my opinion. Have to also take into account the experience blizzard has as a developer, where as Jagexs first and only hit was RuneScape. http://funorb.com/
  21. They are neither over-priced nor under-priced. They are exactly where the economy needs them to be.
  22. That is it! I am now buying a cannon to screw those rude people who try to take over a world.
  23. Necrothread? Wonder what 100k of stuff was.
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