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Everything posted by gunshafted

  1. im sorry... but what the cr** was the point of saying this?? it's been said 20 or so times already, i mean wth? dont be a selfish pr***, read at least the last f***** page before writing a reply... for gods sake!!! omg youve made me so f****** angry, seriously, you are a selfish... ok im gunna shut up now before i get myself banned... but... please dont do this again... it annoys everyone... post count is earned, not copied. on topic: thx for all the replys... even the ones that are repeating the previous post... *cough*, old school is so interesting :D and jagex's sinister side is scary... im really starting to wonder what they ACTUALLY did... noone seems to know for sure of jagex were being the bad guys here... and i cant imaine them doing something so eveil... heh, i guess maybe it just had to be done...
  2. i was reading through jegex's old updates when i came across this entry about the duplication bug years ago: this got me really curious... i know that operated differantly back then but jagex would never offer a monetary reward for information like that would they? My question is to anyone who happened to be around back then: What exactly WAS the reward they were offering? was it in game money? items? real money? im just really curious... Something that also caught my attention was this page bank to bank trading? i wonder why they never did that? sounds like a splendid idea to me...
  3. i do agree, runescape being a browser based game definately outranks most others in ease of play, the reason the graphics arent up to scratch is because its just abrowser game that you can play anywhere. if the graphics were like everquests it would proabably require downloading or just run really slowly, and noone wants that besides, who cares for good graphics? my pet peeve with rs is the sort of slowness of it, instead of being live movement (like wow) your character waits to move at an interval with everyone else, like a turn based thing, apart from that and the obvious lack of skill in... skills, rs is perfect. mah 2 cents :D
  4. in my experience its low levels that seem pompous. not all of them obviously, but so many low levels have asked me for free stuff, and when i say no begin insulting me uncontrollably. except for a few rare occasions, no high level has ever put me down, just low levs saying stuff like "i have no life", when im not even a relatively high level. i cant remember who said it but the univeral rule of runescape is: "anyone who is at a lower level then you is a noob, anyone at a higher level then you has no life"
  5. uhoh, im not gunna get sued am i? it looks like people have mixed feelings on this, but most dont think its worth it. im still gunna get the set because the game is fun and its getting me silver bars and ess i cant be stuffed getting or buying myself. the top poses a problem though, it seems its hard to get. ive been using route 2 for the lumberjack events because i didnt think it appeared on route 1, ill definately be doing route 1 with the weak people now, save a little time. thx for replys!
  6. the lumberjack outfit seems a really good idea to me. i mean many people enjoy levelling woodcutting, it has many benifits and is very easy, more experience per log is more then welcome in my books. the full suit gives a bonus 2.5 xp for every 100 xp you get in woodcutting, thats an extra 2.5% per log cut, very good amount in my opinion, and the suit is a must for anyone over lv 75, the only problem is it's hassle to get. for every 1,000,000 (1 million) xp gained, the suit will grant you 25,000 xp more then if you werent wearing it, totalling 1,025,000 xp, is this enough extra xp to spend a day or more trying to get the suit? if you wear the suit all of the time between starting woodcut at lev 1 and maxing it at level 99 (13,000,000 xp), you would save time totaling 325,000 xp. for hardcore players this amount can be gotten in a day or two... so, i ask you, is it worth playing the minigame for the suit? do you get it just because you look good in it? phr33 st0ff pl0x? cheese? carbon granules? ive gotten the hat and boots so far... ill prolly go all the way... just bringing it into perspective for yas :D
  7. didn't know where to put this as it is for tip.it and not rs... all the tags that people use in blogscape, what are there codes? could someone please supply me with them, it would be most appreciated. thanks!
  8. i want this bank so badly now... i dont understand why jagex wont update the bank page, its so hard to find anything, this would solve all of my problems! i wish this well!
  9. I, myself am an avid thiever (inside joke), and with the release of this garden i'm a little confused. does the summer garden give more xp per hour on average then plunder up untill the level 71 room? thanks for help!
  10. Hey everyone, Gun here. i have been away from runescape for nearly a year now i think, 8 months at least, coming back only to participate in the seasonal events and chat a little with my old buddies, but i havent been on tip.it in a good long while. i come on today to try and find some info on the easter bunny event (of which i still havent found anything) and decide to look in general p2p for old times sake. you could not believe how stunned i was when i saw that my old examines thread, dead for so long was on the front page! and it got hot topic! and had ****ing 750+ replys! i was simply astounded, the fact that a thread i made has stayed alive for so many months makes me feel really good in a wierd wierd way. apparently the thread was yanked from the brink of death by a very kind person, who considered it a waste to let such a populated topic be destroyed (i wont mention him unless im asked to), apparently it went on to be hot topic and never went down far again. you've all made me feel very happy today, probably not enough to come back to runescape, but ill definately hang around tip.it a little more and see if i can get reaquainted with some old friends. thanks all! (ps: scuse the non capital "I"'s. i'm just used to microsoft word doing that for me :D)
  11. I want to tell them: cowmasta13, QUIT harassing us F2P'ers. If us F2P'ers get to 'go to'/'return to' members, we want to know we're gonna get what we worked for along with what we're paying. In this case, part of being a member, if we completed the holiday event, means we're supposed to get that prized "Wintumber Tree"... 'Nuff said. =; ~Mr. Devnull yes, this is exactly my point, i have always been members, im just free at the moment, and i want to know that when i come back to members i will be able to get the tree to go with my house, and i know that there is not enough bank space, but except for the bunny ears, it is possible for me to get any item in the game, i just wan to know that if i ever want an item it is possible for me to get it, and this tree is one of those things... i dont want to miss out on it just because i ran out of rs funds... or... got bored, you know, either way...
  12. i collect burnt lobbies, there my pride and joy :P last time i checked i have 2600 burnt lobs and buy for 10 gp each unfortunately: 1. i dont have any money to spend on my collection 2. i dont play rs anymore... much
  13. well, to tell the truth, quite recently ive been getting completely bored of rs... horrible isnt it? anyway, i stopped my members because i wasnt using it enough, but i am very anal about getting every item available on rs. if i missed another holiday item i would be seriously annoyed. anyway, i knew that jagex would never make it that people had to be members to get every item... and them the christmas update came out members get a seasonal tree... when i first saw it, i was outraged! even if a person played their brain out for 5 years, got all holiday items but could never become member, now they will never have every item in the game if they dont become member. my question is: is what i am saying wrong? is this member's tree a permanent thing or is it only going to be apparent for the christmas season? if it is permenent, can i get the tree if i finish the chrissyquest on free, then become member's again later on in the year? does anyone know? thx!
  14. the guy who runs the rogue maze is a referance to a english game show host called the maze or something... i cant quite remember... i do know however that his name is a spooner
  15. right now im having a party in my 6 mill house to celebrate aussie term break, were short some people so im making it open house!! time: right now place: world 111 yanille. please come!
  16. no i didnt copy it from anywhere... maybe they copied me? :? lol yes, i feel like reminissing tonight, so im bumping up one of my old funny threads, its probably illegal now to bump month old threads now lol...
  17. coal is just the power source for the heating, if anything the thing that makes no sence would be why you dont need coal to smelt tin, copper or iron lol
  18. had a blue phat after 4 weeks of merchanting, went to sleep, woke up and i had been hacked... ill never leave hats in my inv again, still, it was really unlucky... but still, i wanted it back so badly, so i spent 5 more weeks merchanting and finally got it back... lagged off, came back, was in fally... i felt so bad... but i persevered... 5 more weeks of merchenting, got a white and thought it would do for now... a friend asked if he could borrow it... i let him... never saw him again, people are so cruel... ps. none of that is true :P
  19. umm. on topic for once: this may be the first sign of jagex's partnership with Wildtangent wildtangent is a online game site, and jagex and them recently signed a contract to put "in-game advertising" in runescape. the news report states that some subliminal advertisements that will be put into rs will be OLd Navy and Coke. read the full report here: http://www.mediaweek.com/mw/news/intera ... 1002838415
  20. numerous quest items, but for tradeable things prolly bronze ds ++ or brnze wire. for wieldable non tradeable things dark dagger, for quest items... dunno :)
  21. is there any differance between norm and greater focus in portal rooms of houses? or is it just a waste of marble?
  22. the word NEWB means a person who is new to the game. newbs should not be in[bleep]ed and should be helped whenever possible NOOBs also have no idea what they are doing, but wont admit it. this behavior becomes very annoying in any game newb: new to game noob: new to game but tries to act cool by pretending they've been playing for ages using the word noob as an insult is stupid, as it is not meant to be used as an insult
  23. well, you have to admit, my name is quite weird. yesterday at school, i found yet another person who played rs. he asked me my name, i said "gunshafted". he looked at me puzzled, then went "you serious?", i told him yes, and we left it at that... it was pretty wierd, why did he respond like that? was my name just too wierd? i made my name with the question "whats a word for sticking a shaft of a gun into someones face?" gunshafted! i do wish i could change it though, i have better names now. but do you think my name carries any... innuendo? not sure if this should be in help and advice, but hey... thankyou.
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