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Everything posted by foursideking

  1. Hang on, let me brace myself. /rection powers activate! Form of: non-shrinkage/
  2. Move on. Clearly her parents don't like you very much, and with 'friendship w/ parents' being 1 of the 7 things to a perfect relationship, you'd be more or less looking at being her 'buddy' at best.
  3. @wongtong: one small post by wongtong, one giant cold-water splash on the nads of every teenage boy watching this thread.
  4. Well, I restarted my black version to try out something new, and my new 'defensive-offensive' team is working well. At victory road now, used my lv45crustle to demolish the dragon gym leader (3 shell breaks+rock slide=quickest sweep ever). Best part is that with sturdy, I'm almost guaranteed a clean set-up barring the rare hail. Oh, and with this generation getting its fair share of boost-abusers, anyone else see the return of haze/taunt into OU? Before, haze was nearly inexistant in ou (barring the odd crobat), but now with quiver dance/shell break enabling massive sweeps, lacking haze seems like an idiot's mistake (especially if you're running mono-weather teams, which can easily be swept by shell break crustle).
  5. Let me put it in another perspective then: nabokov costs 6m per year, and is cruddy in the playoffs. Nittymaki costs 2m per season, niemi 1m per, and both have better playoff records percentage-wise compared to nabokov. Sure, they could use better goaltending, but the current ones they have now aren't too horrible.
  6. I already donated a thousand bucks in poker winnings to their cause...that and my cousin is going over there to help out. Truly sad considering how easy it'd be to transfer over to solar power, rather than this 'nuclear chernobyl' one.
  7. During numerous years, san jose tanked after performing good in the regular season. You may be asking yourselves 'why do you then have so much faith in them this year?'. The answer is goaltending. During the past 5 years, when the sharks shifted over to the post-season, nabokov's g.a.a. crept up from an average of 1.37 to an average of 3.58. Now that nabokov's gone, the sharks have a legitimate chance.
  8. They've already received quite a lot. China is the current leader in donations, sending over roughly 30,000 people, and roughly half their army to help with evac. Canada's sent over half our army too, and americans have sent over a whopping 250 people! As for charity, china, canada, and sweden have all donated roughly 5mil (currently 28m in donations so far). Kinda scary though if you read certain news reports, apparently iran mobilized 45000 troops. Should be interesting should iran dec war, especially now with all this occurring.
  9. @freakyhair: I'm not making it up. Haiti only received 49.2m total, and roughly a third of that came from the canadians and the british/swiss. Americans in total received roughly 2.8billion, with a b! Roughly half of the received cash went toward the initial middle east invasion, and since then, many 'eastern countries' (namely japan/china) have been stingey with their donations, not wanting to have the same result. Gossiped events rarely come true, mind you due to global warming/american invasions, the apocalypse could easily occur in 2112...
  10. Let's go down the list: Racheya's article- I personally semi-agreed with it. The smithing update was overhyped, and just like free trade/wildy, everyone assumed that it was going to revolutionize the game, turn pregnant women into virgins, and other highly unlikely/improbable mumbo jumbo. When the update came out, people blamed everyone but the rumor mill that got everyone's hopes up. Article wasn't an eye opener, and the lack of depth/length into the subject wasn't too appealing, but it does still get its point across. 7/10. 'Nostalgic article'- the article would've been better suited as a fantasy/if you were around back in the day kind of article. It shed depth into your own personal experience without actually talking about the game itself. 4 obamas out of 10. 'Gambling article'- the article reminded me of racheya's. Needed more depth, could've very well used a comparison to 'real life gambling', and as a 'public service announcement article', it delivered its message decently without being too 'preachy'. 8 puh-puh-puh poker faces out of 10.
  11. I find it interesting though. Trade center attacks- september 11th, japan earthquake- march 11th, and iirc the haiti disaster also happened on an 11th. As for 2012, it's highly unlikely that a much gossiped event will happen. Y2k didn't happen, neither did the much anticipated 'revolutionary runescape smithing update'. Anyways, this is highly off topic. To close, everyone should donate to help japan. They've always helped the UN during world disasters (namely haiti/9-11, donating 2.8mil and 84mil respectively).
  12. @egyptqueen: odd, you look exactly like one of my exes...mind you she was braindead-dumb and once microwaved her laptop. @dax: finally good to see the face of the cause of the tea-baggery in fg....j/k. Girlfriend has the appearance of an intellectual, should prove good for you. @freakyhair: first pic- ehhhhhhh!, 2nd pic- mountain dew+ some nudity- ??? = aweeeesoooomme!, 3rd pic- I think the fog/joint in the right-most female's hand kinda explains the first 2 pics...
  13. Mmhmm...I actually hoped that minny made it into the playoffs, seeing as they're the only real team out there that could provenly kill san jose (12-1 vs them in the past 13, outscoring them 41-17 in those games). Can't wait till the playoffs start though, seeing as I already have most of my 'live bets' ready. Let's just say that should I win on all of them, I'll be buying that brand new house....
  14. To be fair, the americans have been doing a lot of 'cowboy-ish' things lately. They sent troops into iraq/afghanistan (invaded), and since then have used that as an excuse to lend no troops to the UN's effort. Americans, step aside. When it comes to world policing, the movie should be called 'team canada world police'.
  15. Lol...just be glad this isn't based entirely on real life. In real life, trees take years and sometimes even decades to grow. Waiting 12hours isn't much when you consider that...
  16. Noice. For my brother's 15th a few years ago I got him a signed marion hossa detroit one.
  17. Noice. For my brother's 15th a few years ago I got him a signed marion hossa detroit one.
  18. Intimidation and fighting are more or less the same thing though in any sport. People will always be as afraid of a taller/heavier guy as they will be of a guy prone to fighting 2-3times per game. If you suspend chara, then you'd may as well suspend every guy who's even laid a hand on any other player, including people in the past. 'Gretzky, you've shaken hands with 2.3million people, and 10,000 hockey players. You now set the record for penalty minutes!'
  19. I actually have an interesting/debatable question that me/my real-life friends have been discussing: which game has the overall better pkmn? It is pretty weird, especially due to the specific pkmn we get in black and white (white seems to be focused on offense with braviary/reuniclus, black focused on defense with mandibuzz/gothitelle). I've played/beaten both games, and the overall answer for me is still tough, seeing as in black I relied heavily on cm-gothitelle wheras in white I relied heavily on cm/tc reuniclus.
  20. The beliefs of a few rednecks are ALWAYS worth more than the pain/suffering of an advanced civilization. /czarcasm...
  21. I'm talking about gen 4. Also, I did indeed run a lum, but not for what you think. Lum was there to counter lead-electivires, which became scarily more common during the middle of gen 4 (primarily due to their ability to para, boost, and sweep vs lead gyaras).
  22. actually, for the lead I ran 252speed/124atk/132spatk with a naïve nature. Allowed for pretty good revenge killing, and with the right luck, could kill the ever-annoying smeargle-lead.
  23. Oh, well, I've always used frossy as my lead. Thing became nearly unstoppable in the middle of the 4th gen, due to the way I used it. People would see it and immediately try to taunt me, not realizing that my lead was actually an anti-lead: Ice beam, shadow ball, ice shard, spikes. Nature/ev's shall remain hidden from public talk.
  24. Was that rhetorical or legitimate? Answer to legitimate: yes, but mainly because I use a specialty-lead froslass on my team.
  25. Wow, with all the threats from tsunamis to godzilla being more common around japan, an earthquake is the least-expected one to hit there. Gonna be interesting to see what happens, seeing as the last time the un helped japan was 1971...
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