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Everything posted by Kriegsmier

  1. You missed the point. I feel you on this topic. I am a very avid aquarium keeper and you would be amazed at the number of species of fish going extinct or being protected that we can no longer get for our tanks. Problems like non native species invasion, damming the rivers, etc all contribute. Its a tough fight and thats what makes captive breeding programs so valuable.
  2. Torrents for the win. I had Iron Man DVD quality 2 weeks before it was released. I went out and bought the DVD as well so get off my back people. ;) If i like the movie enough, or the song/album enough i have no problems going out and buying the DVD/Album. I consider downloading a test run.
  3. Why? Oklahoma is going to cut that texas butt. Or is that what you are waiting for? I personally don't have any interest in this game, i'm more looking forward to a Oklahoma vs Missouri matchup. For the record i am now a Vandy bandwagon fan. Vandy at 5-0? First in the SEC east. Whaaaaaaaaaat. Guys, Vandy is going to be bowl eligible with one more win. And they play Miss St next. And Duke 2 games after that.
  4. I have a few friends up at West Point, they love it. Some at the Citadel as well. Thought you all might enjoy this, or appreciate this. Its short and not great quality but, this is a video of Clemson University Pershing Rifles Company C-4 colorguard. Army ROTC. Always love watching them at football games. [hide=] [/hide]
  5. I know how you feel, and unfortunately you suffer with them even if you are perfect and they are nasty. Theres not much more that is motivating then close order drill and "popping sticks" as we call it. Its quite ironic that i used to laugh at my friends in ROTC in High School, and here i sit, an E3 Lance Corporal in the USMC.
  6. Thats good. All to often do i see people in this taking it just to take it. I commend you for taking it seriously. Do you plan to continue into the real military after school? College ROTC? Military College? JROTC is a good program, in most cases. Especially if you are joining the military after school. Heck it is even good if you don't go to the military. Discipline, self confidence, etc which are all taught are very useful things to hold in life.
  7. Those are sliders, custom made. The rear bar work is pretty much the same, just wrapped around the lower back. [hide=]Flex before the sliders on the side and new rims/tires Plate moved to the side, lighted and rear bar work...in the dark The red one, obiv.. [/hide]
  8. Bump? Got the new tires and rims free so i put them on. I think i still like black rims better. But you can't pass up free! [hide=] [/hide]
  9. Wrong. Rattlesnakes are not as bloodthirsty killers as crocs. They attack if provoked. A croc attacks because it wants to.
  10. Its not so much killing crocs for protection for the humans, but for population control. Its a simple wildlife management act. Same with white tailed deer in the southeastern US. There are no natural predetors so it is the human who must keep populations in check. For this reason i see no problems culling. Just as an excuse to cleanup the area and protect humans, thats [developmentally delayed]ed.
  11. Ouch, always hydrate! My PFT (Personal Fitness test is coming up). Time to run my 3 miles in 18mins! Oohrah motivating! I SUCK running in the winter, much harder to breath. I add a couple of minutes on my time because of the season.
  12. KC Masterpiece BBQ! Crisps lol....chips! ;)
  13. TROJANS FALL TROJANS FALL! Oregon St just straight up knocked them on the jaw. Dragged them up and down the field ALL night. OWNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE college football.
  14. WOW USC WHO???? Oregon State is DRAGGING them at half.
  15. I don't know. I'd rather watch someone else have the snot knocked out of them then get the snot knocked out of me. ;) It just pumps you up. If you didn't grow up around it, its hard to get into it. I've been going to games since i could walk, its in my blood.
  16. Actually 4 people died, and of course thats how they handled it. Otherwise its just another plane crash. Sad to say but in today's society its not a big deal unless a celebrity is involved. It was a big deal in SC though, first real plane crash in i don't know how long.
  17. The difference between a man and a boy is being able to deal with your problems, not mask them away or run/hide from them. A cig is a lousy excuse to deal with your problems and i really hope you reconsider. Have you even thought long term, or just the short term, again to mask your problems? Possible chance of cancer? TONS of money wasted buying cigs? You need money but you want to smoke cigs? Do you realize how much this addiction can cost at its peak?
  18. He should be fine. He is in Augusta GA now being treated for burns. Other then burns i'm not sure he was injured. Must of been scary though.
  19. Ah Relaxin Jackson! Nice. I live like 5mins away haha. When do you ship out?
  20. Not sure how the other branches work but the Marine Reserves let you pick your specific job. Not just job field like other Active duty members. So if you are a reservist you get to pick your actual job and duty station/unit. And those are guaranteed.
  21. Lol i'd be telling my recruiter to get me to basic training. If i sign with him, then he has to get me there.....that would be my deal. Most recruiters will help with this. Usually you will go to a MEPS station first (Where you probably took the asvab and got a physical?), but to be at MEPS you generally have to stay overnight in the meps hotel (they pay for it, just a hotel contracted out and free of charge for you), then you wake up early, get on a bus and go to MEPS. If you are shipping that day you ship right from MEPS to your basic training. Getting there should not be a problem, just talk to the recruiter. Its called the CHAIR Force for a reason people. ;) Ah the chair force, i must say to a Marine, they are nasty and can't do their jobs right, but thats just my point of view. I have buddies in the chair force, their jobs sound pretty cool but kind of boring honestly. They just scan aircraft for flaws or something, mechanic type of work. I'm currently in the Marine Corps Reserves after doing a stint of Active Duty. Both have its pluses and minuses. Personally i still love the civilian life i have, as well as the military. So the best option for me was the reserves currently. I can't say any specifics for that job in the Army because it varies branch to branch, but it sounds like an admin job. Which is ok if you are looking for that, we call it pencil pushing. Nothing wrong with it though. Its good training and you could probably score a nice civilian job with the Army's training/IT training. Basically put, if you want more of a challenge go Army, if not and you are just looking for some school money and what not, the chair force might be right for you. Talk to the recruiters and see who can offer you the best deal. Remember you don't have to sign ANYTHING until you are ready. Don't let them muscle you into anything either. Ask questions, ask about signing bonuses, and don't be afraid to walk out of the office if they tell you they can't get you anything. Tell them you will be back next fiscal year when things open up again. I assure you if they want you bad enough (usually they do) they will call you again very soon and suddenly find what you want available. This is YOUR life/contract, not theirs.
  22. Yep, saw the crash site in person. Not pretty and i wish him and his DJ all the best in recovery. They are VERY lucky to be alive. The only 2 out of the 6 that survived, seriously how lucky is that?
  23. Agreed, i watched the frist half, and saw that OSU was beat. Game of the year my (wagon) Game(s) of the year TX vs. OU TX vs. MO OU vs. MO I would pick one of these or Alabama vs Georgia. Texas is nothing special. OU is. I want to see OU vs MO and OU vs USC. OU vs. USC will probably end up being the title game. I think UGA will go down considering their SEC schedule and Florida doesn't have enough to get up there, being that they also play in the SEC. One win teams can get in there, but i can't see it happening right now. OU and USC look to good. MO will be a surprise team and stay in the top 5 at the end of the year i think. I think the Big 12 title game will play against them as well as their schedule in a bid for the national title shot. It will most likely be MO vs OU in the Big 12 game. I see Florida State's stock rising. They will be in the upper tiers towards the end as well if they keep playing like they are now. LSU will be there too, but i'm not sure they can compete with OU or USC right now. Alabama is overrated, they are good don't get me wrong they kicked Clemson's butt, but they will disappoint the fans hyping them up. Georgia vs Florida will be a better game then Alabama. On paper.
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