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Everything posted by Wessan

  1. Well, I actually have enough charms to get the Summ levels needed for that (but Im lazy). I just did the math on gp/xp of dragon bones on my gilded altar and using all the rewards (including BRD) would save 13mil gp. I think that is the winner. I doubt shards will cost that for the same effect on Summ. Thanks for the input guys.
  2. Leaning towards prayer because that will get me level 75 and then Blood Runs Deep reward could get me to 78. Seven free levels of prayer? Anyone else agree?
  3. With my stats, what do y'all suggest? I was thinking Prayer or Summ, but I cant decide. Maybe Herb?
  4. ^You should go in another direction and add a music track like "Kiss the Girl" from The Little Mermaid and have some shots of Nex dance around. The Ancient Mages can be her bass, wind, and brass haha.
  5. Dont ZMI to 99 if you want profit. Im not an expert, but ZMI to 91, and then do natures to get double runes would be my suggestion. Also, always assist effigies that you can at those levels.
  6. I for one am glad that the furnace in Edgeville is actually a furnace now and not a fireplace.
  7. It saddens me that you can get all this in about 2 months where Ive been playing for several years and have about one tenth of that wealth.
  8. The tag of 136 combat doesn't help too much. I can only assume you have maxed melee and possibly near max prayer. What would be helpful would be what your herblore level is so we can know what potions you have access to and whether you have access to curses. Other than that, with the right gear you should be able to do it, good luck.
  9. 1) computer specs? Even though anything from 2002 on would be good 2) download anything recently? Could have picked up something
  10. Beat me to it Sy, but heres a link to the thread for that exact suggestion: http://forum.tip.it/topic/298890-500kh-white-berries-money-making-guide/
  11. I'm sorry but I have to say it: Heraldry. That's right, horses baby. :-D
  12. During the Rocking Out quest I realized that there is a weight limit on your character when using the diving apparatus. Actually, I think it is noted somewhere about how much weight you can have, but I do not know where. Anyway, I went to do the dive portion of the quest and it told me I was too heavy at 32kg. I should have done a better study before I destroyed a couple quest items, but oh well. I got down to 24kg after destroying Brass Hand's Inky Hand and Ink Pad. Me too heavy at 32kg: Me diving at 24kg: I think the cut off is 30kg actually because I vaguely remember reading it in another quest guide or something, but I think there should be a note about the weight in the guide in case people don't have any "disposable" items.
  13. I've always assumed SC tools give about 50k exp each. I think it is determined by level though and there is a calculator for it under the "Special Calculators" section of this site I believe. Also, you need to go to world 99 (I think) and then go to Stealing Creation for "fastsc". Once there, go to the clan side of SC and wait for the game to end and then look for the FC to join. After the game starts, they switch to "fastsc"
  14. I dont know the exp/h but last I knew, red d'hide bodies were the new thing due to the xp to gp ratio.
  15. My bad habit is that I have to have everything in my bank in some type of order at all times. If I take something out that doesnt have a place holder, I have to put it exactly back where it went when Im done using it.
  16. Although I do not play RS for its graphical content (otherwise I wouldnt still be a member after 7 years), I wouldnt mind a visual upgrade such as those seen in the video. They are working on it apparently, especially considering the August BTS. On the other hand though, its really not Jagex's fault since the only policy they stick to lately is that they use Java to program the game.
  17. I wouldnt train specifically for these quests. There are much better quests you'll be able to do along the way to "training" for these 2 quests. Also, I did not do Deadliest Catch so my opinon of "Not so Good" is based upon a "middle of the road" vote. Could have added a feature for "Did Not Do/Complete"
  18. I got members back in classic, around 2002 or 2003 because I had reached 50+ in all f2p lvls and had done all quests. I think my dad said I could have it as a Christmas gift which was like 3 months away. So in preparation for going members I gathered lots of feathers, logs, and different metal bars. Once I got members I promptly turned them into arrows and got to about lvl 40 fletching in one night. I still havent gotten 99 in fletchting haha.
  19. Well, I guess we will find out what everything is all about in the next few weeks. Also to the poster above me: really? Stupid troll, and judging by the name, looks like the bots have infiltrated Tip.It Forums, Christ.
  20. The maze of [cabbage] to go through not in only reaching quest start points but also Meryditch is complete stupidity if you have to do it more than one time. Hell even if you decide not to go through it a second or third time, you go to the mines and have to the find that tiny house in the middle of the rest of it and it is distracting and annoying. Thankfully they have promised a way to teleport around Morytania after the next quest. May be the only useful thing to come out of the quest series in my opinion. Just to extend that thought, places I hate in RS are as follows: Elf Forest area, Mroytania, and the Desert. These "terrain" type areas make me mad. I understand their adherence to "real life" style gameplay, but it bugs the hell out of me and I hate having to run through mazes or do an agility course just to get to the next town.
  21. This months updates actually seem quite promising to me. I am not getting my hopes up so high that I will be disappointed by any of them. They all seem to be good to go.
  22. Thought so because I left a tree unchecked for awhile once, but I didnt know if it was different for herbs.
  23. Anyone know of a specific time that kills your herb plant after it grows if you dont pick it? 3 dead and 1 alive, plus My Arm's of course. Errands I ran today went long but I planted herbs before I left and that was my yield. By long I mean about 3-4 hours after available for picking.
  24. That sounds reasonable. I was thinking along the lines of 1-99, every 5 levels gives +1% so that would lead to an overall 20%. Your way sounds good too. I hate the "7" average because Ive been getting about 6 average lately. I know "get jujus", but that is not my focus at the moment and the 6 I get covers and exceeds my costs so I am not particularly worried about it.
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