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Everything posted by muggiwhplar

  1. Include your height if you don't already and an Estonian flag emoji :thumbup: IDK what the difference between Tinder Gold and Tinder Plus is but I always used Tinder Plus in the past just for the unlimited swipes, supplemented with my autoswipe app lol. Never had any luck with Bumble. Not enough people on there compared to Tinder
  2. I just want to point out how interesting it is that we get so anxious about being honest with women. Honesty's scary because it's the quickest way to get rejected... but also succeed. Several months ago my friend and I were experimenting with "radical honesty" in our dating lives. We basically just thought it'd be interesting to see what would happen if we were as genuine as possible, even if it meant being crude or upsetting. I got laid a couple of times from it... as a result of telling women straight up within the first 5 minutes of meeting them on a first date "I want to [bleep] you." My friend ended up meeting his current (monogamous) girlfriend at the grocery store by just walking up to her and telling her he thought she was really attractive and wanted to hang out with her... and later on, realizing he wasn't being 100% honest, going on to say "I just want to have sex with you and see where things go" The flip side of this of course is, not all women are into you, and consequently won't reciprocate :P But in my experience, a lot of them will compliment you for being bold and upfront... especially if you tell them that you didn't want to be manipulative/disingenuous with them or waste each other's time, and that's why you said what you said. From an ethical and idealistic perspective, it feels liberating to be honest in such ways. But from a realistic and statistical perspective, I still get more first dates and get laid more often by not being that upfront and straightforward... which suggests that there's degrees of honesty, and not everyone wants you to be completely honest. However, being honest like that makes you completely immune to women who are stringing you along and wasting your time.
  3. muggiwhplar


    I deactivated my reddit account today. I feel like that website is sorta, for a lack of a better term, anti-intellectual >_> The site's design heavily encourages and enforces echo chambers. If you want to have a discussion about anything, you have to go to a subreddit specifically designed to counter the inherent echo chamber nature of the website. AFAIK, NeutralPolitics and AskHistorians are the only two subs which really encourage discussions... but even then, those subs are less about discussing opinions and more about getting to the bottom of the matter via facts and sources. Then there's ChangeMyView, but every time I check out the posts there, it's an OP with some distorted view of a controversial issue, and then the top post changes their view via logical fallacies which aren't enforced or moderated, and then the top post gets a little banner that says "OP changed their view!" >_> Then you can do a search for someone making the same argument as the top post, and that post will have a top post identical to the previous OP, with a banner saying "OP changed their view!" I guess this bothers me because you really have to read and digest both the OP and the delta'd responses and then use a lot of critical thinking to examine whether or not the thread is bullshit or not... which seems kind of contradictory to the whole nature of that sub. It's kinda scary to think that if you don't actually turn on your brain, and critically examine the content of those discussions, you might end up just seeing some thread that touches on an idea you're curious about, see that "OP changed their view!" and then think "Oh ok so OP's original thought is wrong" without actually reading the OP's original argument, the delta'd argument, and then comparing the two. Then of course if you want to discuss anything beyond the scope of those subs, your options are to either find a sub that shares your beliefs and constantly reinforces them while knocking down distorted straw man representations of the opposing views, essentially burying your head in the sand... or go to an opposing belief's sub and get ridiculed/silenced/downvoted over there. Finally, I feel like I've sorta outgrown that site. I think it's mostly aimed at college-aged people and younger, and I've been out of college for half a decade now so I'm always picturing someone way younger than me writing the posts I read. Anyways, I basically just asked myself, "If I could go back in time to when I start visiting Reddit, would I have done things differently?" The answer is yes, so cya later Reddit! :P
  4. muggiwhplar


    is your secret project a time machine by any chance?
  5. voted for miss big ti- I mean dimples
  6. muggiwhplar


    That's because you'd probably use heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual instead. Up till now, sexual's only been an adjective rather than a noun
  7. muggiwhplar


    hes mentioned before that hes an asexual (which i don't know if that means lack of sexual attraction or desire or both so I'm assuming both). Allo to their termonology refers to typical peoples sex drives what's the difference between allosexual and sexual? like, you don't see atheists calling theists "allotheists." you don't see females calling males "allomales." if we're gonna go with allosexual, then people who don't experience sexual attraction should be a-allosexuals. which then makes someone like me an allo-a-allosexual, and someone who doesn't experience sexual attraction an a-allo-a-allosexual.
  8. muggiwhplar


    Business formal usually means full suit. Not sure what your finances are like, but you should be able to get a decent one for 250-300, or a crappy one for 100 or so. It is useful to have one in your wardrobe as well, for miscellaneous fancy occasions. You'd want some nice shoes, a dress shirt, and a tie as well. When you say a full suit, do you mean a top and bottom from the same make and model, for lack of a better phrase? Is what I posted not a full suit because the jacket and pants are different styles, or is it because of the material or something else?Full suit means:Suit jacket Dress pants Dress shirt Dress shoes Tie Jacket and pants should match (usually black or grey). Same make/model. Alternatively if you don't want the jacket and pants to match then you could wear a blue blazer and khaki pants or dress pants. Still wear a tie, dress shirt, and dress shoes.
  9. muggiwhplar


    After/between your classes, go to the library while you're still in "productive mode." It's a lot easier than going home, relaxing and getting comfortable by not studying, and then trying to get productive again. An object in motion stays in motion Never done adderall but my friend aced one of the most difficult med school courses by studying like 8 hours/day with it
  10. muggiwhplar


    according to my facebook newsfeed, trump himself causes autism
  11. muggiwhplar


    Personally, I believe the outcome of our actions is more important than the intent behind our actions. Hypotheritcal situation alert! Say I play a FPS and teabag my opponents because I find it funny. The intent is humor derived from playful jests at the opponent's expense. It comes to light that teabagging is linked to a decrease in women playing FPS. My intent (humor, playful jesting, whatever) is meaningless, because the effect of my action is results in a sexist outcome. while that's true that the intent is irrelevant in that instance, I'd argue that the hypothetical teabagger (lol) probably doesn't really give a shit about the decrease in women playing so there's not really much of an incentive for them to stop teabagging lol
  12. muggiwhplar


    I think there tends to be a bit of a correlation between one's lack of social skills and one's interest in programming, gaming, and stuff like that. And I also think people tend to blame the world around them for their shortcomings as a gut reaction, rather than looking for reasons why their own decisions and beliefs might be the problem. So when people have bad social skills and bad experiences with the opposite sex, combined with their initial tendencies to blame everyone but themselves for their circumstances, it's easy to see how some people can gravitate to certain political movements which center around blaming some external group of people for their problems
  13. muggiwhplar


    I think most people realize that "socially inappropriate behavior" in video games isn't real though. And there's been tons of studies refuting the claim that playing violent video games make you violent irl
  14. muggiwhplar


    Was the person or the avatar groped. Because i dont think avatars have rights. And if you think so thats a VERY extreme position. Did you feel sexually assaulted when you got killed in CoD or Halo and the death cam shows them t-bagging you I'm not discussing it. Come on, I just said I stopped visiting the other forum for such reasons. That makes it sound like you brought it up on TIF for reassurance since the people on the other forum were disagreeing with you >_>
  15. muggiwhplar


    finish your degree, get a job (preferably in sales :D), then go get another degree later on when you can afford it if you still want to and need to
  16. yeah I think we can all agree that the decline in this forum's popularity can be attributed entirely to saqs
  17. it's been so long i've completely lost interest in the outcome of this lol
  18. muggiwhplar


    I've only viewed skilling as a means to an end-- usually so I could get the stats for PK'ing or PvM back in the day. XP beyond 99 always felt meaningless to me since I never cared about ranks and training combat was boring. Part of the reason OSRS never hooked me back in is because I don't really enjoy PvP or PvM anymore. The money isn't more efficient than Miscellania and the thrill of combat isn't as fun as League of Legends. Even though there's plenty of "goals" I could still pursue, none of them feel like a wise use of my time since they won't bring me any enjoyment after reaching them. RS is kind of just one big carrot on a stick. If you don't enjoy chasing the carrot, then you're probably wasting your time and you'll regret all the time spent playing once you finally get the carrot.
  19. muggiwhplar


    I think after efficiency became widespread, people then began to start coming up with what types of efficiency is "ethical" and which isn't. The people at the top of high scores can dictate whatever they feel is "cheating" due to how efficient it is. For example, I remember when microtransactions first started showing up in RS3, it was taboo for people to use those to advance, even though they're definitely the most efficient means to level up, and they're also 100% within the rules of the game. Or when top players would get donations, that was frowned upon too. But when it comes to stuff like that, people have a tendency to look at the end result rather than the processes which led to that result. The players who got donations only got donations because of the dozens of thousands of hours they'd poured into the game to get to the top of the high scores. Or the time spent in marketing themselves to get a large Twitch/Youtube following. You can't just enter the game and get people to start donating lots of shit to do-- it requires a lot of work to get people to donate. Shit, back in the day when I had my Fight Caves guide it was like the most popular RS guide on the web for about a year. Then I set the world record for the fire cape and all of a sudden I had tons of RWT offers in my inbox for people wanting me to get them their own fire cape on their pures. I didn't just magically get all those offers without putting in some kind of effort beforehand to make them want my services :P I'm pretty sure those guys would get upset anytime a new best training method would come along too, if it was for a skill they'd already maxed out because they'd felt that it "devalued" their hard work. They didn't seem to realize that playing the game as a skiller trying to impress people is a losing long-term strategy since training improvements inevitably are introduced on practically a monthly basis. In 2007scape, for a while you could AFK combat for 6 hours at a time with 0 interaction with the game while you slept. It wasn't against the rules and you only got about 13k XP/hr, but people hated the fact that you could train while sleeping. While it was inefficient as [bleep] in terms of in-game hours spent, it was extremely efficient in terms of "real life" efficiency since you could set it up and have it run for 6 hours while you're at work or sleeping and not playing the game. In other words, it was basically like the farming skill or the Miscellania minigame: two "real life efficient" things which nobody has a problem with lol I think people would be a lot happier if they just played the game how they wanted to, as long as they're not directly [bleep]ing with other people (e.g. scamming), and quit succumbing to online peer pressure :P
  20. muggiwhplar


    Yeah mine was classified as "Bug Abuse Major" IIRC. I know they'll perm ban accounts for consistent player harassment but the system will say "Bug Abuse Major" or something. They said that happens because when they wish to perm ban someone, they just tell the system it's bug abuse because that's the only option associated with a perm ban. There's no category in the system for perm ban player harassment or something like that. Some JMod explained it on reddit a while back when a guy was complaining about his perm ban for consistently harassing people Then there's "bug abuse minor" which leads to temp bans, usually from briefly abusing new broken training methods. This happened when people were temp banned for thieving with the achievement diary rewards which gave pickpocketing a massive increase in exp/hr which was unintended. Though understandably most people thought it was just overpowered rather than a bug. The diary rewards simply stacked incorrectly or something like that
  21. muggiwhplar


    I did try to log on to my original account (muggiwhplar) a while back but my login info didnt work anymore, oddly. I filled out a form and sent an email to them and never heard back. I guess their customer support department isn't interested in servicing accounts perm banned for major bug abuse :lol:
  22. muggiwhplar


    Yeah I played like nonstop throughout high school. But then once I got to college I'd only play during breaktime. Then EoC happened after I graduated along with the new interface and I quit playing cuz the game was unrecognizable to me. I played OSRS a ton when it first came out, then I just got on to collect MTK every few months for the next couple of years. Did the 6 hour AFK thing while it lasted for 99 HP, att, str, def, and magic. Then spent my MTK money on 99 range. Wanted to go barraging at CW like old times, but realized it wasn't as fun as it used to be when my friends played. CW has changed a lot too. Overall there's not really any reason for me to keep playing-- there's nothing "fun" to spend my time/money on anymore. The game's mostly just about arbitrary grinding now simply for completion's sake... Which as an adult feels like a massive waste of time
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