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Everything posted by Cheat

  1. Student Finance Wales are easily on a par. One thing that really irritates me is when you load up a website like youtube see the video you want to click as the page is loading click it but as you do the full page loads and you end up clicking something else then if you're as stupid as me you press back and do it all over again >:(
  2. I wouldn't recommend waterfiends at all at those levels.
  3. In the combat rebalance shouldn't there be some kind difference between 2h's and 1h's as you have the ability to use a shield slot with the 1h. I mean I presume Jagex have thought about this..
  4. Well, the point is you don't have to remember to buy batteries for your PS3 controller you can just re-charge it nice and easy.
  5. I had a 360 then bought a PS3 as most of my IRL friends had PS3's so that was my reason for buying it but here goes my PERSONAL list of pro's comparative to the other for the two consoles: Xbox360: - The gamebattles scene for Xbox is much more vibrant than PS3 so if you like the more competitive games then go for that. - Has Halo and Fable which I both enjoyed while there are no PS3 specific titles that have really caught me. - The controller is perhaps marginally more comfortable but you will get used to the PS3 controller. - Being able to chat with friends independant of being in a game together is awesome me and my friends resorted to using Skype while on PS3 because there chat options are awful and indeed voice chat didn't work for us on Black Ops. - Microsoft is putting much more money into exclusivity deals which means you'll get a lot of DLC early. - I prefer the Xbox UI for stuff like adding friends, muting people, reporting people, dashboarding etc.. PS3: - Free online - I know it's only $60 a year with Xbox Live but its nice not to have to think about it at all and just be able to log on whenever you're connected to the internet. It also means you can easily have multiple PSN accounts which is nice. - Non-Sony specific leads. With the Xbox it seemed like every component had to be the Xbox specific one which usually had a 100% mark-up on the price apart from the power cable all PS3 cables are totally standard so you don't have to worry about losing/breaking them as much as they are a lot cheaper to replace. - Has a lot of free TV services and good internet browsing (ever fancied widescreen Tori Black?) - Blu-ray only come in useful a couple of times but its nice to have. - Less hacking - it sounds like COD4 on Xbox is completely hacked up while on PS3 it remains relatively playable. Huh, that's all I can think of at the moment maybe I'll edit more in later.
  6. Towards the first article indeed it is good to be optimistic. To be honest I don't particularly mind a lack of updates to RS I also feel quite positive about the way they are going with updates atm (bar SoF) as they seem to be concentrating on improving the current content rather than introducing new sub par content. Interesting articles all together though I didn't read the third one - I was reminded though that I should really re-read 1984 I last read it when I was 13 and probably without realising didn't 'get' quite a lot of it.
  7. I would recommend my ACER ASPIRE 5750 it was super cheap can't remember the exact figure but around £300 and despite the fact it only has integrated Intel HD Graphics it plays Skyrim on Med/Low settings with no FPS problems and is easily capable of playing most other games. For some reason it didn't like MoH 2010 very much but that is about the only game I've had problems with.
  8. Because lengthy explanations = xp waste. Barrows with 99 Mage will be reasonably fast chest runs so you could try that. I'm not sure about maging Rex considering your defence is pretty poor the problem with something popular like DK's is that you will always be contending with players who have better stats and equipment than you.
  9. Your stats are 'good enough' in the sense you and your friends will be able to kill Bandos although you would benefit from a member with higher defence level to take the role as the tank. Having said that you won't get particularly fast kills you are very liable to be crashed and with those stats Bandos may be even slightly dangerous. If you are just doing this for fun with a couple of mates then go ahead but don't think this is going to be a viable earner for you and don't expect to be able to get a lot of kills. Good luck. As to gear etc.. check out Tip.its guide: http://www.tip.it/runescape/?page=bandos_stronghold.htm
  10. Then he has the right kind of insanity to make lots more money in RS :) ^
  11. There was actually an FC advertising when I was there earlier 'A Mile High' with only 100+ requirement but pretty fast games. The real problem in themed world PC is the number of bots probably about 50% which means losing games happens rather too often.
  12. Neither PvM or slayer will make you any serious amount of money at your levels - duoing Bandos is possible at your levels but terrible GP/H you will also likely be crashed. Slayer isn't really profitable for quite some time so leave that as well. With only a 70M cash pile merching isn't going to make you a large amount of money either. First of all get your farming up as thats very good earner on the side - start MTK if you aren't already and invest your cashpile into making you a more viable money maker in the future e.g: Get 70 Prayer, then extremes, then turmoil and finally overloads.
  13. So, I'm going for full void set right now and World 53 Pest Control is seriously getting on my nerves with the Vet boat losing about half the games (unless its absolute peak time/a random load of people who are actually good). Now, occasionally someone will be advertising for a high level world 110+/120+ or whatever and this is wonderful because the games are fast - the people generally actually talk etc so I was wondering if there was an FC or unofficial world for fast PC. Also, I've checked out Heart Unit CC (which I remembered being good from like 4 years ago) but its dead or at least was at the time. Anyway please give me some advice.
  14. F2P money making is hard but lets give this a go. The last time I looked one of the better methods was to buy Pots of Flour from the general store in Port Sarim run to the bank deposit box on the docks and then repeat. IIRC the pots of flour cost 14gp each and sell for around 150gp on the grand exchange and an inventory takes about 15-20 seconds to complete one inventory so this maxes out at about 250k/hr.
  15. Cheat


    My girlfriend and her sister are heading to Reading for the second year this summer she absolutely loved it last year so by all accounts Reading seems to be a laugh I might be tempted to try and go someday but the line up has never really caught my eye or matched my taste.
  16. Nice set of skills some particularly impressive 99's e.g: Agil - now get that farming up!
  17. Doing curly roots required 83 fm and wc right? Also, attracting carrions same as hunting them? I'm basically a total HH/Jadinko noob so please explain in proper noob terms :)
  18. Ok, so I'm up to 82 farming and really need to get hold of some farming Juju's to make this torstol farming as profitable as it should be. So, is the only way to obtain them through hunting Jadinkos? If so can you recommend the best way to get from 66 - to whatever hunting level I need to efficiently hunt Jadinkos? Cheers.
  19. Super prayers are not worth it if you do for some reason want to use super prayers just make them and use them do not use them to train. I would personally recommend making untradeables all the way. 400 overloads will be used up surprisingly quickly. When I did it extreme melee's were pretty cheap gp/xp so even if you want to only make 400 overloads make a 1000 or more extreme strengths and attacks to either be used later when you make more overloads or as a cheaper option in combat. Having said that - if you're struggling for money and you need some overloads to start bossing were they will significantly improve your earning potential it may be more sensible to really push to get some overloads (even just 400) so that you can some more money quicker. Of course now you get into whether the extra money you make through the use of overloads is worth the time wasted not making untradeable potions this all depends on your income. EDIT: Also did I DG with you earlier? My RSN is Waun
  20. Welcome to TIF I'm off to Canada in the winter for some snowboarding - can't wait!
  21. To DEO I would like to join EoE and claim my gold star rank for my BA awesomeness. ^
  22. 20 accounts were supposedly created in the 30-40 seconds before I got bored.
  23. Anyone else notice the hint about the future high level updates to Prayer and Herblore. The higher levels of herblore are getting a bit crowded and I wonder if we'll see new unlocks above Turmoil and Overloads. What with overloads being implemented into The Wilderness and another BXPW in September (maybe?) and possible extra potions/abilities in the future then it might just be a great time to invest in supplies.
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