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Everything posted by Aten

  1. Beside the Guthix Gift potion is the following description: "10% boost to Herblore XP in Herblore Habitat" This is ambiguous and not strictly entirely true. Guthix's Gift grants a 10% boost to Herblore XP for the making of Juju Potions. Making regular potions in HH does not get you this bonus. Making juju potions outside of HH does get you this bonus.
  2. Yeah, that was what I was asking. If you installed through the Java website, that's a strange directory for the JDK to install to. I'm mainly curious because the jdk folder name should have a version name attached to it. Can you dig around and find out where you installed your JDK too? There should be a bin file under it; if there is, throw in a semicolon after your current PATH variable and add the address to it. (SET PATH = %PATH%;C:\JDK\bin for instance)
  3. Is that location defined under the PATH variable right now? I haven't used Eclipse in a while, but I think your JDK needs to be stored in the env. variable JAVA. I'm also somewhat curious about the directory that your JRE is under, because usually it falls under a Java folder (and you'll see the version number). Is that the default folder used if you update JDK/JRE through Eclipse?
  4. Yes, they do; if they didn't, wouldn't everyone just melee them and pray melee?
  5. *facepalm* Attempts to mix Source elements into 1.6 always fail. Why taint a good game when it's already essentially flawless? This'll just turn out like CSPMod.
  6. i do but i only get rannar and lanta seeds back lol scroll of life gives back the seed you planted only if the herb survived. Dead herbs return lower tier seeds, unfortunately =/
  7. Just bad luck tbh. Also, scroll of life is useful for getting some seeds back.
  8. Unless there's been some recent hidden update, spellbook swap can be done in combat if you can quickly click Standard (which should become second nature quickly).
  9. Pawyas are decent money above 90 hunter
  10. Yep, it's a really useful spell overall. In particular, if you're planting torstols, the savings do add up in the long run. I also find it useful for checking up on my other plants (trees, fruit trees, calquat, spirit), since they can still become diseased even if watched by a farmer. It's not a bad way to figure out when you're ready for a run, especially if you're like me and have a habit of using a precise timer to try and squeeze as many plantings into a day as you can.
  11. Okay, here's the situation... I'm working towards leveling my hunter, farming, and mining, in addition to completing my witchdoctor set. I'll be doing draconics at HH, using juju farming potions on my herb runs, and juju mining potions at LRC gold. What should my procedure be for grabbing potions efficiently? At the moment, I lack ugune/samaden seeds and have a negligible number of draconic and marble vines in my bank. I have not hunted anything this week yet, so I will be going through the entire cycle of jadinkos to try and snag the second witchdoctor piece I'm missing. I'm thinking... finish weekly first via normal method, then look for Zamorak setup. Hunt Zamorak Jadinkos until X zammy vines are obtained. I'm sort of lost on what happens next though. Should I go hunt carrions for seeds until I get samadens? Then start hunting draconics after the seeds have grown into herbs? - I have 1 dose of juju farming left and I can usually hit all 7 patches in a run, so ideally I want to plant ugune in at least one patch to have supplies for further farm runs. - How many zammy jadinkos should I hunt? I'm approximately 2m exp from 99 - I have 17 hunter potion (3). Will I need any more? - Does anybody have a diagram of the best hunting locations for jadinkos in the southern and eastern islands? (Igneous/Carrion/Zamorak) Cheers!
  12. I know how you feel lol, but after bonecrusher/urns you're only really leaving metal bars and hides behind. You're already maxed crafting, and if you don't value xp past 99 then this isn't the best alternative... but I found a use for Make Leather particularly on Black Dragon tasks which gets you some quick extra xp near losslessly (make leather takes 1.5 rapier attack turns I believe?). You simply bring along a needle and thread, necessary runes, then Make Leather after you've collected 5 or more hides. Craft into body, spellbook swap, alch. I first did this on Blues, but it's actually worse than just ditching the hides since they are killed quickly, assigned in large numbers, and give crappy crafting xp relatively.
  13. You're better off with a bonecrusher and urns; since most of the tasks dropping these items are assigned in fairly sizeable numbers (with the exception of metal dragons), you're gonna be banking a lot and wasting a ton of time. I used to bank bones/ashes/hides as well lol, with a tort you cap at 46 items per trip... try doing this at blue dragons for instance, and you're looking at 6 trips per task.
  14. unholy is certainly a bit pricy right now (I think its street is upwards of 20m+), but if you plan on pking a lot in the future it's a worthwhile investment for hybrids. It's particularly useful if you welfare and since you can reclaim the book with all pages intact upon losing it, the item is never risked.
  15. Any practical use for this potion?
  16. Foreign worlds aren't any better. Since monster spawns are based on world population (and foreign worlds are always sub 200), more than 2 people in each half of the dungeon will give you a kill/hr rate approximately equal to that of going to an English, bot-infested world.
  17. Yeah, second arc killed the first... I liked DN only up until the end of the first arc lol. As for whoever it was that says Elfen Lied isn't deep... on the surface, it's not. On the surface, indeed it seems to just be clearly stating its stance on the Nature vs. Nurture discussion, but the story touches on at least 5 other themes. It wasn't obvious at first to me either, but a rewatch helped me pick up on many little points. I'm still working on fleshing out the notes I've jotted down regarding this anime, I can link you to my blog when I'm finished if you're interested in just how much Elfen Lied comments on society/humanity as a whole.
  18. Aten

    Daily Run

    GMT and UTC are conceptually the same outside of daylight saving, just measured differently
  19. Aten

    Daily Run

    Just to help my income a bit more, I've decided to do dailies. A couple questions though... 1. Am I correct in saying that dailies reset at 00:00 UTC? 2. What's the recommended order for grabbing dailies? 3. Are there any up-to-date guides which show an efficient inventory setup for completing a daily run? 4. Which quests/tasks are must-haves in regards to dailies? 5. What other daily activities are useful to do besides ones that simply bring in money (I'm thinking Bork here, but not sure if there's any other useful ones)? Cheers
  20. Handel - Concerto Grossi No.8, Op. 6
  21. I may have said this too many times in the past, but I'll say it again: Fist of the North Star. Lots of people dying, lots of miracles, and lots of Kenshiro trolling his enemies. Pretty great for something made in the 80s. First anime I ever watched in its entirety; Kenshiro trolling 152 episodes strong was simply epic. On another note, I just finished Elfen Lied and I regret watching it during exam period. I had the urge to immediately analyze the story, characters, and themes in as much depth as possible. Goodbye, an additional 3 hours of my life. Excellently constructed anime, though almost bitingly satirical.
  22. True hybrids are born at Pest Control
  23. Then keep it to yourself? A simple "the rapier is definitely worth the time taken to get it" would have been fine, don't you think? On topic though, I've tried the addition and it really doesn't make a noticeable amount of difference. While the spec is nice, I don't believe it has better dps than other weapons such as claws or korasi.
  24. Fally shield 3->only extra xp. Still worth bringing on a herb run. Also, this doesn't give you extra herbs, but the Scroll of Life is nice for Farming, since it'll lower your seed cost by 10% on herbs and 5% on trees(The manual says it doesn't work on trees the farmers cut down, but it does.) How do you get farmers to cut your trees down, and does it cost anything?
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