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Everything posted by Dbzruler72

  1. Take a look at Nexus. I've worked with the clan leader before as ex-clan mods here on TIF. Over the years I've known him, I've found him both knowledgeable and respectful. http://www.nexusclan.com/forum/
  2. Don't die on me, Gen. Hope you get better.

  3. This was the only reason I bought membership.
  4. Even that has its faults. Part of being a leader is making unpopular decisions.
  5. Good point. This is why clans aren't democratic. At least they shouldn't be. Decisions from leaders are based on background information, observation, and experience. Quality decisions like that can't be made from a member's point of view. Leaders sharing too much power is not a good idea. No matter how much trust a leader has for another, it's the leader's responsibility to keep the clan safe, and that means keeping a certain level of trust with staff.
  6. On Saturday, I set up a one-day prep with Thunder Gods: http://pkmasters.com/pkm/event/2010/mar/sun7/tgAcceptance.png Today, a few minutes past the war time, I entered #t-gods and asked about their lateness. They said their war from earlier did not go well, and they would not war with the ops they had left. Some PKM came in their channel encouraging them to war us, but we received this in return. No respect, TG.
  7. Well done. TK had all the control throughout the fight.
  8. Quality win. Looking forward to the video.
  9. Saw you on our same world. Gj, Envy.
  10. Original rules: http://pkmasters.com/pkm/event/2010/feb/sat27/acceptanceCM.png. CM decided to turn ranged on at the last moment, so after grabbing ranging gear, the war started. CM attacked and held the lead until it was 5-5. Our snipers did an excellent job. Each clan had strong tanks. Corrupt dragon was allowed this war; props to the PKM who brought corr weapons. We pulled surprisingly low this war, unfortunately causing CM to have to drop two. We also had a lot of new recruits and FA's war today, and it was a learning experience for them. *-P.K.M-* start: 8 CM start: 9 (dropped from 11) *-P.K.M-* end: 4 CM end: quit CC at 3 (had another war) 2 kills, 0 deaths
  11. Not too keen on your attempts at recruiting RBH, but congratulations nevertheless. Nice ops for a recently reopened team.
  12. Actually, most of our members thought the war was at 2:00 PM EST. Halfway through the war, our ops started logging in. GF, TM. We were clearly outperformed. Maybe we'll rematch another time and bring the proper gear. 1 kill, 1 death
  13. It was an easy win. We KO'd many of their 120's. 0 kills, 0 deaths GF, DV.
  14. Seeing Clan Angelz's pull against Ancient Legion last week, I was less than sure we'd pull off the win since they were getting a +5 advantage. However, when Clan Angelz arrived, they only pulled fourteen, much less than we had hoped for. The war ended up matched so everyone could war. We were really pumped for this since PKM's activity has been shooting through the roof. We ended up pulling 70% of our ML, an excellent turnout. I had a lot of fun today. Thanks, PKM <3 *-P.K.M-* start: 14 A start: 14 *-P.K.M-* end: 11 A end: 0 1 kill, 0 deaths No beginning ops picture; Clan Angelz charged too fast. Ending Ops War Images Afterwards, I achieved maxed melee :)
  15. Solid win. I'll stop by your IRC when PKM's schedule opens up.
  16. Just goes to show. Numbers aren't everything. Excellent, DH. At 11 - 8, DH widened the gap too much for VR to catch up anyway. In terms of organization, DH is a potential top five; I'd like to see them war VR again in PvP before I call them #1. I hope someone will put up a video.
  17. Always looked forward to your war videos. RIP once again.
  18. Well done, AL. PKM has a war with them this Saturday.
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