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Everything posted by Dbzruler72

  1. I would hide out until the last moment. The amount of crime that would ensue would kill me before the asteroid could. I'd rather die in the face of an asteroid than by someone else's hands during that ten-hour chaos.
  2. I used to use Acid Xpress a few years ago: http://www.acidplanet.com/downloads/xpress/
  3. :P I think you mean cloud computing. For this case, you want to use a network drive: http://www.itechtalk.com/thread3673.html I've never used it before, so I don't know about automatic updating.
  4. http://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/search/?sort=PN&alpha=Windows+2000&Filter=FilterNO Security updates will still be provided up to the dates listed in the link. After that, you're all alone on creating your own Windows 2000 patches :) Edit: Good timing, laura0077.
  5. Dbzruler72


    Naturally, we avoid conflict, but in reality, disagreeing on small matters like that won't be too bad. Sure, you may hurt some feelings, but we all need to experience humility once in a while. All it takes is confidence to say "no." If you have no confidence, then wing it.
  6. Just started Settlers 6. Planning on getting Settlers 7 when it's released :) So far, I've played Settlers 3-6. What a great series.
  7. I used to play L4D on my laptop in the car at church while waiting for my brother, so as you can guess, I also await L4D2 :)

  8. Sorry man, RSC was all about the walking. Keep in mind that RSC came before what you know now and therefore should not be judged under the same standards as RS2. I wonder how long it will take for RWT to hit RSC. With the lack of security and sudden influx of level threes with no GP, it's a prime target.
  9. No need to worry, Gladz, I'm sure you had one of those days. As for Insanity, a powerful win.
  10. Some, like you and me, had their stats wiped, while others didn't. I have no idea why, but the fact that my stats and my last login were wiped irritates me.
  11. Use a world other than Classic 1.
  12. I like the effort, Gen, but unfortunately Dandaman beat you to it.

  13. What is your reason for disrespecting the father of this game?
  14. Aside from the happiness of finally seeing RSC again, my only disappointments are my old stats were wiped and I received no last login message. I still won't play RSC again. I prefer to keep my old memories rather than soil them with new experiences. The community back then was incredible. All these new players break that feeling =/
  15. Teaming with clans to fight another helps cripple the other clan faster, but only if you win invariably. Losing while teamed with another clan boosts the other clans' reputation because defeating two or more clans at once appears to be quite a feat. Teaming with rival clans is only decent when members from both sides decide to lay down their differences, fight a common enemy, and then return to their rivalry after. It seems too formal, but it can be done. And it is being done. Of course neutral clans have been affected. Discussion won't stay within the involved clans. Others are bound to get into the mess, because simply, it's exciting. We were positioned under rank #10 on the TWR consistently. We accepted nearly every war declaration, no matter the ML difference. We won matched wars. We defeated a former TWR #1.
  16. RuneScape Name: Dbzruler72 RuneScape Clan: *-P.K.Masters-*
  17. A junior clan with a decently sized ML? Haven't seen one of those in too long. Now if the junior clan started warring the main clan, that would take me back for sure.
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