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Everything posted by Ammako

  1. NIS has been glitchy like that ever since it came out. I lost faith that they'll ever fix it.
  2. Surely they can add exceptions for such items.
  3. But Strength amulet (t) is lame, no risk in rerolling over that
  4. Yeah I looked at it, still expected to see some unavailable content like Yew trees were in the trial. I'm not too sure why they're able to leave Yews and Lobsters available for the permanent F2P while they had to lock them out for the free trial. If their bot detection really improved so much that not many of them remain unbanned after the first 24h, then kudos. Otherwise bots would just bot for 24 hours, then once that limit is up, trade away the resources. Hmm... Or maybe bots would start just logging in and idling there until 24 hours of in-game time has passed, unless they'd get detected anyway and banned before that can happen.
  5. That's it? I'd have expected more restrictions.
  6. That's the thing, replace the controls for that puzzle with a control panel where you don't have to take forever running back and forth between levers and, as if by magic, the quest becomes a million times better.
  7. Ammako


    I dodged a bullet there, would have had 9 hours on Mondays too if it wasn't for one class I failed last year which I have to retake this semester, and that class is only on Mondays 9-12 and 13-16, so I have 6 hours instead of 9.
  8. Yeah, kinda did that all in one stroke and didn't bother touching it up :P
  9. Yeah when I got to doing the legs, I just wanted to be done with it already so I rushed it a little bit. Was basing myself off of this: Put that on paint and was drawing next to that
  10. I did a thing for this thread, probably nobody ever checks that section though. Relevant to this thread so I'll leave this here:
  11. Here's what I cooked up: Took forever and the legs are a bit strange, but what do you think?
  12. Can't tell if spelled it like that on purpose or not
  13. In any case, the price for Amulet of fury shouldn't really go down, so you would be able to sell it back at minimal loss should you decide it wasn't worth it. Unless you have other things you need to buy, I would go ahead and get it. Otherwise Amulet of glory is only a little bit worse, but costs less than 20k.
  14. Taverley and Burthorpe were the tutorial before they added Ashdale, too.
  15. Bought Cave Story DSiWare not long after getting my 3DS two years ago or so. Bought the 3DS eShop version when that came out. And now I just bought Cave Story+ on Steam.
  16. That Wiki button led to the official Jagex rs wiki (lol) right?
  17. There's no real need to revamp things that much; should just be updating graphics and textures, IMO.
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