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Everything posted by Ammako

  1. I'm pretty sure that's already been done lol Plenty of "giveaways" or "quiz games" or other stuff like that have been done in major trade worlds where it was mysteriously always the same person winning, or "spam trade me and someone gets X item at random", except it's always the same person who gets picked
  2. Well, you got two halves now. Not the right halves? Oh well...
  3. Not a bad idea to have bonus exp equipment earn-able through currently dead content, but you mustn't forget that if they take too long to obtain, then nobody's going to bother getting them through there. It needs to either be common enough (if earned through minigames that don't give much exp) or be earned from an activity that already gives plenty of exp. They wouldn't make them common enough to be earned through those dead minigames, because then nobody would want to buy TH keys to get the pieces, and they wouldn't want it to be earned passively through already good training methods for the same reason. I guess having them as very rare through dead minigames would be a good way to just obtain them for people who are simply into collecting that sort of stuff though.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VGgOivU-4w <3
  5. Hey, do we have to be hardcore ironman to join this clan you have? Or does regular ironman count?
  6. I suggest going in Ahrim's with Dragonfire shield (magic) with Wand of Treachery (or Abyssal wand, it's better but costs more) Since you don't have super antifires, you want to be using dragonfire shield. Get a Super Def potion and a Super Magic, a couple prayer potions so that you can use protect from ranged and whichever best magic prayers you can use, fill up the rest of your inventory with the best food you can get and fill up the best Beast of Burden you can get with food, too. I would really suggest getting 8 more Summoning levels to at least have war tortoise so you can store a lot more food. Start first phase by standing to the left of the artifact in the middle, kill first phase that way (best to stand there because then you can more easily reach the holes in the fire walls, no matter where they are; if the hole is in the middle then you don't have to move at all.) Actually, for all phases you want to be standing in that spot, for the same reason (easier to avoid fire walls.) Tag the artifact, then from now on when she spawns tormented souls: Phase 2: run through the tormented soul after it spawned, while it's saying its line. Timing might take a bit of practice to get well, but if you don't mess up too much you should be able to recover from it by eating and still have enough food for the rest. Phase 3: same deal, except two of them spawn. Run through the one that speaks (usually the one on the left) Phase 4: same, except four of them spawn around you in a square. I'm not 100% sure how to handle that one, but I think it's the same deal, you run diagonally through the one that speaks (usually the bottom-left one.) During phase 4, positioning might be a bit complicated, sometimes you seem like you're standing in the right spot when the QBD does her super fire attack and you try to brandish the RCB, but it doesn't actually forge it properly and you have to try again several times. If you die right after managing to get it forged though, it doesn't matter and you can just recover everything from your gravestone and the crossbow should remain forged.
  7. ^ The weapons mentioned in the OP DO look very similar, however.
  8. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you will get the second pair of limbs before hitting 1000 kills.
  9. Sadly most of the game still looks shitty. I would rather they pause development for other content and focus on bringing everything up to date, graphically-speaking, than have them continue releasing new stuff. You have a mix mash of random graphics quality that don't blend together at all, and that affects my enjoyment of the game to an extent. It's not that I need good graphics in order to be able to enjoy the game; objectively-speaking, OSRS has much lower quality graphics (I like them tbh, retro-feel), but everything is consistent. In RS3, you have a mix of new 2013-2014 graphics, then you're also wearing a necklace that uses graphics from 2005, and said necklace's graphics have been re-used for another necklace released in 2014, but just recolored, then you have half of the map be fairly detailed graphically-speaking, while the area right next to it hasn't been touched in years (Yanille/Castle Wars...)
  10. Who would have thought that Runescape would ever end up having graphics like these
  11. I see you're making the moist out of your port voyages
  12. "The full moon draws nigh...will you buy an anti-werewolf potion from Solomon's or dare to risk the consequences?!" I get moody during that time of the month. You know, with the full moon and all.
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