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Everything posted by Ammako

  1. I'm not entirely sure why you would expect them to be tradeable, considering the darts weren't.
  2. That actually sounds really fun, I'll do that sometime later.
  3. Yeah and I got 34 notifications afterwards. Was wondering why I had so many, I thought itam's blog suddenly became super active Then it hit me and I understood what was going on. (Checked the forums for something and saw the notifications but I only checked them hours later)
  4. On another forum I used to frequent, back when they used the same forum software as TIF uses, you could spam someone with notifications by repeatedly Liking and Unliking their post.
  5. Facebook could probably buy out Runescape and make it available as a Facebook game. Would probably start filling up with P2W very quickly if that happened, though. Be careful what you wish for.
  6. Ya, fairly certain they still get the notification for it though o.o
  7. How easy it is to misclick on things when browsing websites on a cellphone. I just went in the wrong thread, ended up in real life pictures thread and then accidentally liked an old post from 2013 where somebody posted a picture of them. Scroll all the way up so I can go back to main page of the forums, then as the page finishes loading, it goes back to that post and I end up hitting Like. Well now that's awkward.
  8. Can't you still play 07scape/funorb on that account and change name via the website?Good point, however I feel like people are more likely to be creating separate hardcore ironman accounts and play OSRS using their usual account.Some people might decide to start up on OSRS using the dead HC account, but I think many more would just go abandoned. That's no glitch, it's hot ERP action.
  9. Well what else is there? :p looks better than Ancient/Armadyl/Bandos imo, and it's still the most expensive of the three. And besides, I worked my butt off as F2P years ago (2007) to get Saradomin armour, that acc got disabled shortly afterwards (negative membership credit which I paid back in like 2012 lol), so it has the sentimental value.
  10. What I'm doing.When I'll feel like logging in, that is. Already went and picked up Gravite rapier and expensive F2P cosmetic equipment to prepare for it (Saradomin armor set, trimmed strength amulet) Keepsaked Combatant's cape but Jagex was like, lets give a permanent temporary debuff to all P2P stats when in F2P worlds, so I can't keep the override activated. Hmm... Should probably sell all my OSRS stuff and trade for as much RS3 gold as I can.
  11. What a waste of a perfectly good display name. They need to implement some way of re-using display names from dead Hardcore accounts.
  12. Damage-wise, maybe not I guess. I was talking mainly accuracy-wise :p
  13. Even just regular Crystal bow is fine against Celestials tbh~
  14. Ammako


    Naw I think the knife was just weak http://i.imgur.com/WWzbzhnh.jpg
  15. Oh well, I thought I remembered that from patch notes a while back
  16. Didn't they do a thing where you could use Crystal/Zaryte bow with special arrows (bane/broads) equipped and benefit from their effects?
  17. Ammako


    Broke a steak knife yesterday trying to slice off a piece of cheese from a brick of cheese. No one can match my strenth, my strenth Yeah nobody can match my strenth, my superhuman strenth
  18. From what I've noticed, if I first log in, doesn't show title. Log into a world, back to lobby, then it shows title.
  19. I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took three surges of magic energy to the face.
  20. It's just the way they made it back then, they put a NPC in the mines that sold every pickaxe in the game and never did the same for axes. Beats me. The strange design choices they made back then which really should be changed, but never were.
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