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Everything posted by Ammako

  1. He died for his sins. And by sins I mean terrible display name.
  2. Haven't dropped items in DG always despawned after a while? Or did it immediately despawn when you dropped it? (manually dropped items, not monster drops)
  3. I'm thinking they probably don't care about having 99 Agility on that character. Marina already has over 120 Agility on (his? her?) main character. Get the world first achievement, then it doesn't really matter if you can't use that character anymore, since you know you achieved that. And everybody else does as well, since there was the broadcast. The world first Hardcore Ironman achievements are probably being recorded somewhere anyway.
  4. Omfg grats! Goblin Diplomacy! You did it! WOOHOO! :>
  5. tfw if I try to set "Pingouin7" as my player examine message, it censors it to "Pingo*in7"
  6. I think you should have complained about never getting the 200M on treasure hunter instead.
  7. Maybe because it HAS been years, idk. Also Wielding a maul and then previewing weapons in customisation gives funny results.
  8. I just thought about something. They made it so Goliath gloves now worked as a lv 75 2h crush weapon when you didn't have a weapon equipped, right? When they say no weapon equipped, does that include shields? Because I do remember people using Goliaths as a weapon while wielding a shield (most often void deflector with void set) or dragon defender and still getting the boost in unarmed damage.
  9. That's some coincidence that he'd be right next to someone from tif. I don't leik that.
  10. Just don't post pointless stuff such as "Spotted raccoon" and I can see this being a great idea.
  11. If you're looking into being the most efficient possible then I probably can't help you with that, but if all you want to do is play an ironman account and you just don't know where to start, I can recommend you that as ironman, just do whatever you feel like doing. Stuff will be achieved eventually.
  12. When you realize that Skyrim is now already 3 years old.
  13. I can't remember, do deaths in dungeoneering count as safe deaths or actual deaths?
  14. Yeah lol, at least your captains aren't dying. That would be the worst.
  15. RNG is random, more at 11.
  16. At least the exp til 200m was just as clean-looking.
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