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Everything posted by Ammako

  1. Didn't they change it so that respawn times would now be as if every world was full a while ago? Or was that just for OSRS
  2. I see you're getting a wide range of different achievements.
  3. Yeah they replaced all the tasks that require other people for ironman. For example, for the do a sinkhole task we just have to find one. For the feed a teammate task, we have to attempt to feed a familiar (which won't work, but will complete the task). Source: in-game and http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Daemonheim_Tasks While other people might not like that they are changing stuff around to accommodate Ironman modes ("They chose to limit themselves" and stuff), I for one are very glad they are making such changes.
  4. All the people who doubted you were legit when you got comp cape on regular DIY who then saw that you were rank 1 hardcore ironman and first to finish WGS, hah
  5. What I'm worried about is that somebody could just randomly give someone else hundreds of millions for free in trade and it would look no different from RWT on Jagex's end. And let's say somebody pays a RWT company type thing to just go and give away gold to some player they want banned. There's no rule that says "if someone you don't know offers to give you large amounts of wealth for free, you must refuse", the player is doing nothing wrong by accepting the free money (and most players would be crazy not to.) Yet, it would look no different to Jagex than if said player had personally bought gold.
  6. When I saw the screenshot at the size TIF resizes it to, I thought your total level said 2327.
  7. It's like they read my mind by making Excalibur keepsakeable.
  8. If right-clicking it doesn't give you an option to run it as admin, have you tried running cmd as admin, navigating to the folder where the installer is, and running the .msi installer that way?
  9. I see you have a wide range of quick hop options available.
  10. Ah, I read about exalibur getting a graphics update in patch notes a couple weeks ago. Looks stunning. Seriously considering just keepsaking both Excalibur and Enhanced Excalibur now. I like how both of them have the exact same model, except EE has golden hilt while regular one has silver one.
  11. Started from the bottom now you're here Also, you get 5 challenges if you do the path system
  12. Most likely. Also, apparently Jagex accidentally removed dark arrowheads from Dark Beasts.
  13. King kek Jagex, not making lv 55 and lv 65 boots. At least they are very pretty.
  14. They're releasing batman mode alongside ironman mode?
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