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Everything posted by Ammako

  1. Whatever happened to the dedicated client they said they had started working on months ago?
  2. Runic Accuracy, Sharpshooter, Invigorate, Greenfingers, Inspiration The rest are there to boost your exp rates per hour, but as you've said you didn't really care about maxing, I don't think they are worth mentioning. Might be useful for reaching some level requirements for quests or achievements, though, if you are interested in those.
  3. Runescape-related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoCmFlz8Dw8
  4. Yet another soldier falls at the hands of a fault on Jagex's end and nothing is ever going to be done about it.
  5. I'm surprised it was at Frost dragons and not some vastly more dangerous boss or something.
  6. I would usually have disagreed, but yesterday I went to Dominion Tower and found out that they increased the requirement for DT gloves to 25 fights, up from 5. When it was 5 fights, getting replacement gloves was fairly quick and you could usually stock up on several of them at the rewards trader so that you would just come back to the tower, pick up a new pair and then leave. But 25 fights... And anyway, I just looked on the wiki and they only gave them the accuracy of a Lv. 60 weapon (& no access to abilities in EoC)
  7. That's like better than third age, assuming that does sell at anything close to G.E. price.
  8. Warforged + tertiary + socketed, what are the odds
  9. And if you can get Goliath gloves, that's true barehanded combat as strong as Saradomin Sword.
  10. mfw you don't need to actually spend anything extra to use legendary pets as familiars.
  11. My favorite part is the reaction of the guy next to you
  12. Lol I wish I had a way to figure out my secret ID myself. Then I would have been able to get the same ID/SID on an older gen. game to get pokémon who would still appear to be owned by my OR character. Right now I transfered the shiny mudkip I got a couple weeks ago and am using that instead of my actual starter, but it has a different ID/OT combo so it looks strange.
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