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Everything posted by Ammako

  1. New background, therefore new picture
  2. The one thing I don't like is that we're pretty much required to use all three combat styles. I want to be able to use only one combat style! :<
  3. That's six items though :^) three treasure trail items ~~~legoman187~~~ But 6 items, so higher chance of 3 of them being treasure trail items than if it was a 5, 4 or even 3 item clue.
  4. "Easier altar running also means runes are all the more valuable." Yeah... About that...
  5. Today, I got a shiny Mudkip in Sapphire. It literally only took me like 4-5 resets to get it. Almost disappointed at how fast it went, tbh. Set the clock in my room at 14:51, then when I got it I checked the time, and it was 14:56. From setting the clock to doing a couple soft resets and getting shiny Mudkip, it literally only took 5 minutes. I might have to try and get Treecko now, to complete the set (got Torchic years ago, in early 2008.)
  6. tfw you realize Runescape was originally an indie game
  7. I don't really care much for name releases anymore, the name I wanted was released back in the second batch (and it sounds like it was unpopular enough of a name that it was still free yesterday when I changed to it.) And then I'll end up remembering a cool name from one of the later batches and going like "awww, somebody took it" like 2 months later.
  8. Toybox because the cape is kept at Diango. Placing an item in the Toybox pretty much does the same action as destroying it, and the toy box shares an inventory with Diango (for the items that are part of the toy box, anyway.) And since you have to pay 99k to retrieve from Diango and they have no actual way of knowing if the player placed the item manually in the toy box or if they lost it to be sent at Diango, they're making you pay 99k no matter what. And yes, not sure why they couldn't just have made it part of cape rack from the get go, but >Jagex
  9. They should just have implemented xp blocks a long time ago.
  10. If all you want to do is save a screenshot, then you can simply print screen and then paste that directly onto imgur, where it can be uploaded (and saved to your hard drive if you wish)
  11. For Summoning shard: buy Thorny snail pouches, then summon, dismiss, summon, dismiss, summon, dismiss, summon, dismiss, etc.
  12. Ended up in a guild with somebody named Tranquil, lol
  13. Yew crazy At least cutting Oak logs is quick and fairly AFK
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