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Everything posted by Ammako

  1. So... anyone else completely unable to get screenshots from puu.sh to load directly in posts? They simply fail to load and show nothing at all, not even broken image thing, but they work fine if I quote the post and copy/paste the link.
  2. Some limits are pretty dumb. Remove the boxed armour sets from G.E. listing while keeping a 2/4hour limit on treasure trail equipment?
  3. I'm looking to get 2 bonds on RS3. Chainbody priced at 2.2m min on Zybez and Whip priced at 1.6m min, so that comes out to 22.8m RS3, bonds are roughly 7m each on G.E. If you're feeling generous you can give me 3 bonds instead of 2 to make it a fairer trade, but I don't really care, I only need 2 bonds for some runecoins to buy something on Solomon's store. Post on here or via PM, whichever works. Don't need anymore
  4. At the end, you get Biggoron's Sword.
  5. My brother has had his account hacked and used for gold farming for several months after he went inactive, and the Jagex Mods were able to verify that this had been the case and rolled his account back to what it was before the account was compromised + quashed the macroing offences. Just to say that if they can see your account had indeed been compromised and a different person committed the offences, they should be able to see that and give you your account back.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTZ92m0BnjU
  7. Us poor peasant F2P'ers have to walk all the way from Varrock Square. Or even worse, from Varrock lodestone! :'( I've always just been teleporting to Edgeville and running around the wall x)
  8. Isn't Zaryte bow from Nihils amazingly rare, like literally 1/1,000,000 though?
  9. A bit overdone if you ask me At least you can't miss it
  10. Well I remember a time where I think willow? was the highest bow usable in f2p, then it got upgraded to yew and now they can use magic, so it has already changed a few times :P Also according to the runecape wikia f2p can use Gravite shortbows (through dungeoneering tokens), which seems to be better than a magic shortbow :) Maple was the highest they could use for the longest time, with Adamant arrows. Then EoC came out and they got access to Magic bows... except they left Yew bows as P2P-only, until they finally made them F2P a couple months ago.
  11. Got Dark Souls II and Morrowind. Not going to be playing either of them for a while, though. Was playing Ys: The Oath in Felghana and Ys I today. Difficult.
  12. Well, yeah, there's exceptions to every rule, but for the majority of seasonals, the competition is extremely fierce, and there is often a huge gap between rank 1 and rank 2 (that usually suggests that rank 1 is cheating by account sharing/botting, or no lifing). Or that the second person just wants to keep his second place instead of going for first which he will never win ;) There is no tangible difference at all between spot #2-#100, so there's no reason at all in just wanting to maintain #2. But being #2 is much cooler for the e-peen than being #100
  13. By doing that all day long with little breaks in between.
  14. Died at cockroach soldiers when I was more nooby, at the time the timer on gravestones was much shorter, so I was running back there as fast as I could and my stuff disappeared as I was like 5-10 steps away. Only had my chest, legs and shield left pretty much.
  15. You can only get the Classic Cape if that account has logged onto RSC at some point. Could have been during the original release, or during one of the two re-openings.
  16. Does that mean we get to watch Solomon disappear into thin air too? :o Would probably be the last thing left on RuneScape, so we can keep buying more outfits even when everything else has vanished :rolleyes: Hey, you gotta look pretty for the end of the world.
  17. You might be interested in checking out Palemoon.
  18. There, there. *scratches Arceus behind the ears* Feeling better yet?
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