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Everything posted by Cloaked_Shadow

  1. If it accidentally comes back in, open a bunch of doors that lead to an exit to your house. At the door in the room at which the bat is in, place a fan or something. Put the fan in front of an open window. This will hopefully generate an air current that the bat will ride out of your house. Works with birds...try it.
  2. He has a black coat? Awesome. Name him "Black" or "Blackie" or something. If you want him to have a cool name..."Abyss" or "Shadow"?
  3. You don't understand Magneto's power. He doesn't control metal, he control magnetic fields, which manifest themselves everywhere. Besides controlling metal, and can fly when in an atmosphere, generate electricity (which counters force lighting), throw balls of flame, and create a near-impervious shield. As much as i love Jedi...certain mutants can pwn them. "As the Master of Magnetism, he can: lift, move, and alter objects (sometimes weighing many thousands of tons) through magnetic force alone, manipulate the iron-enriched blood-flow to one's brain to induce aneurysms or unconsciousness, control ferrous particles in the atmosphere (even the very air), alter the Earth's magnetic field which extends into space as the Magnetosphere, increase his own strength to the extent of being able to exchange blows with at least Colossus, erect electro-magnetic force fields with a high degree of impenetrability (protecting himself or others from almost any psionic, energy, or physical attack), and achieve an indefinite range of other effects. Magneto's power is for all practical purposes limitless. With the primal forces of nature at his command, Magneto has stopped armies, raised islands from ocean floors, moved mountains and threatened to devastate the world with apocalyptic floods and earthquakes. Magneto once blanketed half the globe with a self-generated electro-magnetic pulse that caused widespread devastation."--wikipedia. Visit his page in wikipedia to get a full list of his powers. He even has psionic powers such as mind control and telepathy, which also counter the Jedi powers.
  4. manipulation and creation of energy. i get hungry...generate energy in my cells. i get cut or get a broken bone, give all the cells there energy for super fast healing rate (due to cell reproduction). i can strengthen my body simply by reproducy more muscle cells or bone cells. i can grow to whateve height i want. some one's my enemy? stop their molecules from moving by taking the energy out, effectively freezing them. Or, i can heat em up till thet explode. the ultimate power.
  5. -Unusually high reaction time. My biggest asset...i love using my super ninja dodging skills in dodgeball and stuff. -Weirdly adept at fighting, even though i haven't learned much. Still going to karate...just to learn some more. -good at doing flips and stuff. I have no clue how this ability was sparked, though my parents say it was from watching jackie chan movies as a kid... -Pass ANY test in school with above at LEAST a 92. the only time i got lower than a 92 was in Algebra I, with factorizing..cause i didnt feel like paying attention that quarter. Btw, this is without studying. -Ability to do homework in the first four minutes of a class and get full marks, without the teacher finding out. some more stuff...which i dont feel like typing out :P
  6. I use the phrase EVERYDAY at school. Somehow, it always get's some laughs. The only time u use "YO MAMMA!" is in a situation like this. Person: Hey Man.What's up? Me: Nothing much. Person: Im bored. Me: Me too. Person: What do you wanna do? Me: YO MAMMA! Person: =( Me: *walks away*
  7. While riding my bike, i fell of the side walk and into a lake. On the way down, i somehow dislocated my shoulder and fell next to a small alligator (comparitavely) which suddenly thrashed and swam away. Got *-scared, and climbed the heck up the wall thing that sloped down into the water. I was 9...and...'twas scary. Though this doesnt beat the tire one...dont i deserve some points?
  8. Yeah...This wont work for every single girl...seriously. See what she's like, and do what she likes.
  9. Lol, all this reminds me of one movie, "National Security". The guy thinks that white people get everything...he's a bit of a racist. He gets shot and he said: "I see a light...aw, damn, Even the light is white!" Thats pretty funny...in my opinion... The guy doesnt die though.
  10. ...Wasn't allowed to celebrate valentines day (not that a I care), im in Kuwait, because the Amir (leader) sadly died. And this year's Valentine's Day went with him.
  11. Hey guys, if its not any trouble: Is it possible to give me some links that compare Generals Robert E. Lee and U.S Grant? I've been researching for hours. You guys dont have to go out and look, but if you know one off the top of your head, can you please post them here? I need to make an opinion on who was a better leader (And no, "U.S Grant Is better 'cuz he won" wont work). Thanks in advance if anyone answers.
  12. Running away from the guy was probably not the best thing to have done... If it truly was an accident, you should have gone up to him, said you were sorry and that it was an accident, then wait for a reaction. He would have probably forgiven you (you would still have to pay i guess...) but at least you told the truth and didnt try to run away from an accident, right? plus the policeman would have had better thoughts about you...Oh well, just my thoughts.
  13. Yes...bullies suck. If you are evil (like me), taunt them back when they try to verbally abuse you. Try to twist his insults to insult him back, this will make him look like a fool and he cannot defend against your words. When you taunt them enough, they (hopefully) will try to hit you. Take the blow (make sure you have witnesses). My favorite part: grab both of his arms, and squeeze. It my take a bit of forearm training, but if you squeeze hard enough, his hands will be hard to control, and if he tries to move his fingers, he will experience pain. Twist his arms back on themselves, and bend him slightly down, so he cant assault you with a kick. Finally, thrust the sole of your foot into his chest. Let him fall...and leave him there, without anymore insults to him.
  14. I'm reading a book right now called "the universe next door". It says that theorists are saying that the fifth dimension is incredibly tiny: smaller than atoms. The book says that some radical scientists are saying that the fifth dimension consist of small loops of...uh, time. Time strands bent back on eacother to create knots smaller than an atom...the concept is really strange and i dont understand it very well. Ill try to explain when i find out myself...
  15. I can do about 65 in a minute. If i do it without time limit, perhaps 90 till i get tired.
  16. I had a lucid dream once, and i have no idea how to have one again. It was pretty amazing... I am a Matrix fan, and i was oging around in the typical Neo clothes, flying. I could FEEL the acceleration (like how you fall in a dream, you know?) and everything. I landed and jumped from building to building, and fell once, and it was amazingly fun. At the bottom i woke up though. Damn, i need to learn how to go into a lucid dream at will. It's like a vacation from reality...
  17. Wow. Amazing. Thanks for putting in your time to come up with such a great...uh...FAQ for Islam. It will clear up lots of things for people who dont really know about it. Thanks!
  18. Exactly what I did, before. Was being slapped around by this huge fat arse bully, didnt want to smack him because it would probably land me a detention. < used to be new, and i helped him out. He got in with the wrong crowd... So: i led him around to the back of the school (like a guy in RS leading a newbie into the wildy for a kill), straightened my palm, and thrust it into his stomach. I made him go into the center courtyard and yell that he got beaten up my someone several years younger than him... At school, i live by my sig. People fear you and leave you alone: try to generate an aura that says "Dont mess with me." People will leave alone. And no, im not a bully. I bully bullies. This will help make friends too, i would like to think people like a person who is helpful to the community. Oh well, thats my advice. It worked for me.
  19. Runescape is a fantasy game dolt. And I did not suggest anything more ridiculous than made up metals and magic. Quote me where you found that out. And you DID suggest more ridiculous things, moron. Magic has always been a part of RPGs that are set in the distant past. Made up metals... so what, it's not a big deal at all. I think we can all agree that RuneScape is set in the past? And in the past (if you can comprehend this) there were no guns, robots, lasers, computers etc. To be honest, I think you're a complete spastic for not being able to see that Robots + RuneScape = Lame. Sure, the robots: not that great an idea. But guns can be implemented pretty easily, im sure. Engineering could be like fletching for guns. BTW, im talking about those old 16th(?) century guns, which take a whole lot of time to load. The guns could be like bows, but alot longer between attacks, and a whole lot more damage. Rifles could be the gun equivalent of a longbow, greater range and more damage. But slower between attacks. Pistols could be the gun equivalent of a short-bow, fast between attacks (still slow tho) , shorter range, and not that much damage (still alot).
  20. Damn. That was sickening to hear...yeah, a person screaming really messes with you, especially that loud. Well, it was her own fault. She directly disobeyed an order coming from someone of authority and then apparently "took a swing at him." im not too sure about that part, i really couldnt see. Sure, the first time was okay, that should have drove his order home. The second time was just bad, she was already writhing on the floor in agony. They both were wrong. She, for disobeying a direct order and ignoring multiple wanings, He for tasing an already tased woman...
  21. Argh. I hate seeing Muslims doing things like this, giving us all a bad name. Just know that these people are the apex of hypocracy: when they entered the fold of Islam it was a promise not to take things to such extremes. This makes me so angry: especially how those students burned the american flag :evil: I hope that you all do not think all Muslims are like that. Just these crazy terrorists trying to prove some non-existent point.
  22. I think one of the best things in life is that feeling when you know you have developed yourself. After you have read a text-book, or after you have worked out for an two hours straight, its just feels good to know you are stronger; smarter. Its also cool when you experience something completely awe-inspiring, which you thought was previously not possible. Like sky-diving: jumping from a plane in mid-air to your target on the ground--its amazing. From a certain point of view...life is like an rpg. Dont you feel great when you gain a strength or magic level in runescape? Same thing for me in real life...
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