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Everything posted by Cloaked_Shadow

  1. It's CRAZY cliche...but...a Ninja. And I'm 14, lmao. Just doing it because it gives me a chance to do some ninja-like stunts in school.
  2. ...No. Let's Not. My friends and I call them 'Turp Parties' because we usually go out and set fire to turp...in different designs. And then do stunts over the fire. ....Fun. EDIT: Turp= Turpentine/ Lacquer Thinner...
  3. I love this stuff, even though I'm an amateur. I only do individual stunts, and that is NOT parkour.... I have yet to string my stair jumping, flips and rolls together into one run...
  4. I also think it depends upon the situation. But if I have to choose, it would be 'wrong until proven right'. Otherwise we would make ridiculously stupid assumptions that are impossible to prove wrong, and therefore considered right. E.g Hypothesis: The edge of the universe is made out of chocolate monkeys. Argument: No...Thats stupid. Rebuttal: You can't prove it wrong...so it's right! Then you get a scientific paper on the structure and size of the chocolate monkey Universal Edge. It would be hilarious, but oh so stupid.
  5. Add a little nook for the back wheels so that the disrupted air from the front wheels don't mess with it's rotation. Also, fins can help by giving it downforce, and that will keep it from flying up and off the track. The middle doesn't look like it will hold out. One twist on the track and SNAP! Keep the front sharp, so that the vehicle can cut it's way through the air.
  6. "Neutral Good A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. The common phrase for neutral good is "true good." Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias toward or against order." True good...Haha, I feel good now. :D
  7. As you all probably know, a professor from my homeland (Bangladesh) has been awarded the Nobel peace prize. The reason is because he pioneered the micro-credit system, which helps alleviate poverty within a nation. I don't know much about it, but I'll explain as much as I can. The system revolves around a banking system based upon referrals. If you want a loan, you can get one without providing a guarantee for paying back the bank (such as your land). You have to be referred to by other people who need loans however. These people will watch you, as they depend on you to pay back the bank in order for THEM to get a loan. The trust between the bank and the person who needs a loan is based upon repetition. The money amount is low, but loans are frequent. This way, if someone runs away with cash, not much is lost. Through this, the poverty stricken have hope of creating their own businesses. Normal banks do not lend to beggars and such people, because there is no way to guarantee that they will pay the bank back. It's a pretty cool system. I've created this topic to encourage you to go to your schools and ask for a donation at the end of a quarter. A small amount from everyone is enough...something like three dollars. The donations will go to Grameen Bank, and it's success will spur other nations on to do the same thing. Your school/organization will also encourage others to start donating to this good cause. I will be doing the very same thing at my school this year.
  8. Empty space...like whats between the edge of our atmosphere and the moon. The universe doesnt include all of the empty space in existence, but the celestial bodies within that space. (my interpretation, at least.)
  9. ....wha- how? I need to hear how THAT happened... on topic: If you don't know her, dont even try it. Get to know her first, you may find out that you don't like her at ALL...or you may find out that you absolutely love this person. If the latter, just ask her directly. Face-to-face. I don't have alot of experience in this area...but...I watch movies :lol: . Edit: Typos. The bane of all happiness on an internet forum...
  10. I'm with the secret service on this one. It's their JOB to protect the president, no matter how much he is hated by others. Even if it wasn't their job, this girl threatened to take a human LIFE, which is important even without the added presidential status. Look, I know it's unlikely for a 14 year old girl to attempt a killing of Bush, but it was just a check...a 15 minute questioning. Apparently, you can go to jail for these kind of threats, so they let her off easy. Guys: Imagine this was someone close to you being threatened. No matter how unlikely their death at the hands of the threatener (yeah, I think i made this word up just now) is, wouldn't you atleast want to check into it? Seriously...a FIFTEEN minute questioning. You HAVE to be intimidating to bring out the truth, and thats probably why they acted all scary.
  11. Abnormally fast runner/high jumper, like someone else on this board. Because of my elite jumping skills, I can also do flips and stuff in the air pretty easily. My arms/legs are also oddly endurant: I can do the most push-ups(104 in a minute...if you think I'm BSing, I understand)/pull-ups(30 till I fall) in my grade--and I'm 14. I guess I'm kinda short, 5'3 maybe, and what I THINK is ideal weight: 55/56 kilograms. EDIT: Mixed up 'bored' with 'board'? I'm an idiot.
  12. I get called 'The ninja guy' alot at school and sometimes outside, because i like to climb random buildings, jump off of roofs, and flip around. :) :) I also get called Kabir, my last name, which means: 'Great' or 'Big'. :lol: :lol:
  13. Yeah...I'd rather not get involved in the argument... I can't believe no one has said this yet: infinite knowledge of the universe and a means to organize it in your mind, as well as the ability to go over it in a matter of milliseconds. This is the ULTIMATE wish, and I would be insanely happy to be granted this.
  14. Halo was originally supposed to be a strategy game, so I believe the concepts for everything were already established. I think Bungie just wanted a shot at having Halo created as what they wanted in the beginning. Plus: Bungie is completely focused on Halo 3 right now. Ensemble (?) is putting it's efforts on Halo Wars, so i think this will make for two great games. This isn't to just gain as much money from the Halo name as possible, I think it's to close up the Halo storyline. Halo Wars is set before Halo:CE, so people would know what exactly happened before we stepped into the boots of Master Chief. Not all people have read the books.
  15. I had a dream that I was on top of a roof, fighting random people dressed in black suits, with black ties. (This all was first-person, btw) After I had them all killed, a helicopter rose up from behind another building. I remember hiding behind electrical storage thingies, and exhaust vents. Then I was shot in the leg by what looked like a gatling gun, which actually felt like thuds in real life. I remember turning into smoke, thus healing my wounds, and gliding (while smoky) towards the helicopter, completely destroying it by going through openings and setting the fuel tanks on fire with a smoky hand, which had the power to burn, apparently. It blew up, an knocked my unconscious, onto a roof. I woke up in a plane, where I was called Smoke, and a bunch of other people were with me, each with their own unique abilities. Apparently, I had been the last of the race of people, 'homo superior' (I don't know where I came up with this) to be captured and prepped for destruction. Soldiers told me to jump out of a plane, and I thought, whatever, i can glide. I jumped, realizing there was a weird ring around my ankle, and I was unable to phase into smoky form. I felt myself go into the cannonball position (and while this was happening, I was having that falling sensation that we all know) And as the ground rushed up to meet me, I woke up... This was a strangely vivid dream...
  16. A missile from Iraq destroyed a central part of one mall. I think it did not explode though, can't remember. My windows blew in when it hit (they kinda bent in, they did not shatter), and when i turned on the TV i saw the wreckage on TV. They rebuilt the mall pretty quickly. BTW, I currently live in Kuwait. Edit: Sorry about the redundancy up there...
  17. Really? Awesome information... If thats true: Can someone with experience tell me what weight exercises will stunt growth? Right now im very well defined because of weightless exercises (Push-ups, chin-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, etc.) and i want to know if its alright to build strength with weights at my age. (13 years old, by the way.) Thanks in advance.
  18. Fullmetal Alchemist is pretty good. Only watched a few episodes, and I liked them. Cowboy Bebop should be a good show, seeing as the movie was crazy good.
  19. It is parkour, man. I can do alot of that stuff. The more advanced stuff (running up walls, backflipping in place) I can never hope to do...without more practice. Everyone can do it if you are physically fit...you just have to get over that fear of breaking your neck. (Im still afraid of breaking my neck, that's why i cant do those advanced maneuvers.)
  20. I, Like alot of other people, am ENTP, the Visionary. I am also: ***You Are 34% Evil*** A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well. In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.
  21. I do about 280 push ups everyday: i start with 10, then 20, then 30, 40, 50, 60, and finally 70. (chest and tri's) I also do crunches: first 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100. (does the abs pretty well, pretty much how i got my six pack) then pull ups an chin ups: 20x5 each. 100 each, basically. (bulks up your bicep and defines ur back muscles) Im not massive, but my muscles are all really well defined. im probably not massive because i dont well enough...so i need tips on that. and karate. which is for fun. Edit: *EAT well enough Edit2: I'm pretty sure there are flaws in my system, so to seasoned bodybuilders: any help with what to do is appreciated. ....AND, let me know what workouts will help me out more, and which workouts will put pressure on any growth plates (Because I'm only thirteen, and...i wanna grow...)
  22. ...You will probably think im horrible for this.... But: Something like that happened to me...once. Little kid whose ten but looks like he's 5 starts cussing and trying to hit me. After one long hour of endurance (he's like my real distant cousin), I choked him, rose him up darth vader style, held him like that for about 30 seconds, and tossed him into a wall, back first. He slept for a little while after that.....
  23. I really like Sidewinders, a kind of desert snake that has a really horny head and the ability to slither sideways rather than forward. They look a bit like vipers. I also really like the leopard and the royal bengal tiger, because of their obvious awesomeness.
  24. The only way to truly waste water is to transfer it off-planet, right? I think we'll have enough to last us until our eventual end...
  25. "Definition: Shooting at the knee-caps of a target one kilometer away using an aratech sniper-rifle with a tri-light scope." KOTOR anyone?
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