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Everything posted by Sly_Wizard

  1. If you un-mount it, you lose it. I guess Jagex did that to prevent people from power training slayer without actually killing anything.
  2. You're extremely lucky. Meh... It's kinda' insulting that someone with less than 85 slayer can get a mount an abby head while someone with 85+ slayer can not, but 'dems the breaks, I suppose. Gratz to you! :thumbsup:
  3. 99 strength, super strength pot, ultimate strength, berserker helm, ruby ammy, regular old guantlets, rune defender and climbing boots let's you hit 35's with a dragon dagger. (PS> That's my friend hitting me in the picture.)
  4. |=|233 57()()|=5 P|_()><? Translated: What do I get if I find you?
  5. That is a complete and utter load of *. I've gone on number KBD trips with a few friends of mine who are maxed out melee, and they get the kill 9/10 times (I'm 99 range, mind you). Anyway, range is completely and utterly useless in PVP, hence the reason there are very few rangers when in the wilderness when compared to mages or melee'ers.
  6. They're from the "Watchtower" quest. You give them to the ogres to eat. If you try to eat one you get hurt, though.
  7. Dragon x-bow first. Then melee dragon items second.
  8. I happen to disagree with that statement. I'm not entirely sure why people seem to think that the abby whip should be immune to price changes, but it's just like every other non-rare item in Runescape. More people getting 85 slayer coupled with a smaller demand for whips will result in them being cheaper. Think of it this way-- Every time you get a whip and sell it to someone, you decrease the demand for a whip by one person.
  9. That's why you play with sound effects on ^_^
  10. Why is "Your" in quotations but "My" isn't? Are you saying that arrows belong to no one but you own a particular training spot?
  11. There was no need for me to reply to the entire post, because I don't necessarily disagree with what you're saying. I never asserted that my claims were an absolute truth. That's why I called them theory. Sure, everything could do with a bit of testing but until someone takes the time to do it (Or Jagex finally clues us in as to how the drop system works) a little bit of speculation never hurt anyone.
  12. I know. That was my point. I can't say that anything I said is true, just like someone can't say anything I've said is untrue. The only people who know the answer are Jagex so, up until they tell us how it works, then it's just plain and simply speculation.
  13. Let me clarify what I mean. If the drops were truly random, then everyone would have the same probability of getting, say, a dragon med from a fire giant. However, this is *NOT* the case, which would indicate that there are other factors which determine whether or not you get that "rare" drop. I fully well realize that probability is only stating the odds that a given item will drop, but when we start to deal with scenarios in which one player is receiving a large portion of rare drops while another person isn't then it'd be safe to assume that there is another factor influencing the items received. It's like trying to roll a "6" on a pair of loaded dice where the number "1" is weighted. You still have a 1/6 chance of rolling a "6", but when you take into consideration the other factor, then the probability of rolling a "6" becomes less. It is in my opinion (And I'm 98% sure of it) that the server you're on, where you killed an NPC and when you killed an NPC are determining factors in whether or not you get a rare drop. Can I prove any of what I said is true? Nope. The only one who could do that is Jagex. Of course, I can speculate.
  14. You can't prove anything I said untrue ;) The only one's who know the answer are Jagex themselves, but they ain't telling. Everyone has different experiences and that usually influences their thinking. It doesn't mean that there's no truth behind it.
  15. Bear with me here, as this might be a little far-fetched. For those of you who have done "Lunar Diplomacy", you might know what I'm talking about. Once you reach the ethereal plain, you are asked to "Roll" five or six (I forgot the exact number) die so that the face up sides equal a certain number (Sorta' like a Runescape version of craps). At first, your character says something it being unfair to rely solely on luck but after you complete the task your character realizes that most of what (s)he thinks is luck, actually isn't but rather that there is a systematic and logical reason for most (I said most, not all) things. Since I believe that the whole point of the ethereal plain was to teach you "Life-lessons" as they relate to Runescape, I started to think about the whole lesson on luck and how they relate to drops. If you've ever tried to query Jagex about drop rates, you've more than likely been told that they can't give out drop rates on any item (At least they do for me), therefore we're left to guess what the drop rate of a "Rare" item (Such as a dragon chain from a dust devil of a whip from an abby demon) from any given NPC must be. The problem with this, however, is that there are people who completely demolish any type of assumed drop rate in both a positive and negative sense. We've all seem the people who seem to have the Runescape god's favor; They're the people who seem to get barrows items at will, dragon drops whenever they please and just about any other items which would make them obscenely rich. And then, on the other side, you have those people who jump for joy whenever they see a rune med on the ground. Sure, we could chalk it up to good ol' luck and probability, but then again I've never seen someone have such bad-- Or even good-- Luck as in Runescape. Good lucky in Runescape is about the equivilent of winning the lottery 1/100 times you play it in real life. Bad lucky in Runescape is the real life equivilent to being hit by a car, struck by lighting and being abducted by aliens all at the same time. I've played my fair share of MMORPG's and the disparity between drops usually isn't as bad as Runescape. All right. So now that I've gotten that out of the way, on to what I orginally wanted to say. Perhaps Jagex was trying to tell us that there's more to luck than how many times we kill a given NPC and if we're wearing a ring of wealth or not (I believe that the ring of wealth only increases your chances of getting a rare drop if you were going to get one in the first place). Therefore, I came to these three conclusions about luck in Runescape: 1.) NPC's in the wilderness drop better than their non-wilderness counterparts (i.e., lesser demons, fire giants, greater demons, black demons and black dragons). I'm not saying that they drop different items, but I think that the probability of getting a dragon med from a fire giant is increased when you kill them in the wilderness versus killing them elsewhere. 2.) Some servers are naturally "Luckier" than others. ...How's that possible? I really couldn't tell you, but some servers are just cursed. 3.) Drops aren't based on how many of a certain NPC you kill, but rather when you do your killing. If drops were programmed to occur at a certain probability, they would be more equally distributed among the Runescape populace than they are now. But because they're not, I've come to the conclusion that it's the time of day that matters; They are programmed to happen at certain intervals. I know what you're all thinking... That I'm crazy. Well, I very well may be, but it's just something to mull over the next time you're trying for that rare drop ;)
  16. Male: Me Female: Me as a female Special: I'd have to say the KBD
  17. The person whom I quoted mentioned pocketing a 20 that someone had dropped. I merely responded to that comment. Anywho, if you want to be a rude and ignorant moron (As most arrow thieves are) then more power to you. Even if it is perfectly legal, hasn't anyone heard of decency?
  18. If someone drops a $20 bill on the ground, you see them drop it, yet take the money and pocket it anyway, that makes you a thief. Simply because you can do something, doesn't mean you should. Arrow thieving is really aggravating, frustating, majorly annoying and-- Above all else-- Noobish. It's also a great way to make yourself a ton of enemies ;)
  19. Ok... I feel stupid :wall:. At least I learned something new.
  20. When I used to range black dragons there would always be some level 80'ish player (Sometimes even lower) who would one-item at black dragons for the sole purpose of taking my arrows. I can't begin to tell you how utterly annoying that was. If I could have, I would have reached through the screen and wrung their necks. Anyway, most arrow thieves need to get a life. I don't care if it's a game or if they arrows are "Fair game"-- Deliberately doing something which you know will annoy, upset and aggravate another player is just plain pathetic.
  21. Don't sweat it too much. It's happened to all of us who use those forums at one time or another.
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