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Everything posted by Sly_Wizard

  1. I guess I fit the stereotypical adventurer. I only do quests for the rewards, and I most certainly don't do clues for the "fun" of it.
  2. Am I the only one who doesn't pay attention to RS lore.
  3. If RS becomes as expensive as WoW, I'd go play that instead. ...Or maybe I wouldn't. But I'd definitely stop playing RS.
  4. MB PK'ing is generally a waste, I found. Too many 138's who like to yak their stuff.
  5. Yes, it's really that bad at frosts. When people say there are like 10 bots and 10 cannons per world, they're not exaggerating.
  6. Four days at mutated male jadinkos. I don't know why they went deserted. Sold for 7.1M, 6.75M, 6.5M and 7M. I've also gotten 5 elites and 4 effigies. (I don't know if this is known or true, but I'm fairly positive the mutated jadinko males only drop elite clue scrolls.)
  7. It should be done in the Wild. That way, you'd have people fighting in only stuff they'd be willing to lose. Otherwise, as people have said, it'll just be full Torva + Divine + overloads or some other ridiculous set-up.
  8. The guards still have a decent number of people killing them, but the males are more or less deserted. I was there yesterday and I was alone for most of the time.
  9. From early this morning to a few hours ago, whip vines rose from about 7M to an upwards of 8M on W2. Not sure what they're at now, though. I'd actually be surprised if they fell to 1.5M, actually, as they don't seem to be all that common. At least, not nearly as easy as abby whips. Few people would kill jads for that price, since their other drops aren't that great.
  10. One of my friends met her husband on RS. I also have a RS friend who's been dating some guy for years she met on RS. Whatever works for people, I say go for it. Say what you will, you can form some pretty strong relationships online with people.
  11. Happened to me a while ago. Log in and out periodically when doing something like summoning.
  12. 60K wc experience per hour? Maybe. I got substantially lower, but mainly because I was burning curly roots and straight logs at the same time.
  13. 13 blues in an hour? I must have terrible luck then. About a 2 hour trip and 1K sagaies or whatever they're called later. i r disappoint. (I will say that I'm pretty sure I can outkill any melee'er when I use extremes + void + rigour. But considering how much you lose doing it, it'd near pointless.)
  14. Glad you noticed :thumbsup: They will, simply because it's a melee weapon. You can count on it.
  15. Funny. I was just thinking the same thing. But I doubt they'll work. Segaies aren't exactly game breaking, anyway. Edit: Also, I fully expect Jagex to go back and make the vine whip a lot better in some way, either by upping the stats or changing the special in some way. Jagex has a knack for tweaking weapons after they're introduced into the game. ...Of course, I'd prefer if Jagex just left it alone and let all the melee'ers cry, but how often does that happen?
  16. I'm positive that Jagex will, unfortunately, go back and raise the stats of the vine whip. Jagex just loves melee.
  17. I'm going to lol when Jagex does a silent update and improves the stats of the whip vine or either changes it special for the better and the price skyrockets again.
  18. I'm curious how fast they are... I can't get any now, but anyone know? Apparently, they're slow. But then they, apparently, also hit higher the further away you are. Guess I will try them out later if no one here has any kind of concrete evidence on them.
  19. So how good are sagaies? Someone said on the RSOF they could hit 600+ with them. Not sure if I believe that, though I hope it's true.
  20. How is a tome of frost inefficient?
  21. I haven't found blood necklaces to be all that rare. I've seen at least two, and it's very likely three.
  22. I saw a bot stuck in the Freaky Forester even once. But I guess it's because the bot malfunctioned or something.
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