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Everything posted by Sly_Wizard

  1. J-Mod confirmed it doesn't work with PP or blackjacking. Don't remember the QFC right now, though.
  2. Wait. How are you getting 9M mage experience per hour? Edit: lol, nvm. I might have to try this once I get the spell. I always wanted 200M mage experience.
  3. I figured Jagex would do something like this [cabbage] for hybrid armor. What the hell do I need PVP only mini-game armor for?
  4. I didn't read the comment until after the video. Before it said something about spies I didn't recognize it was fake. It actually made me sad and conflicted morally. The 64% unemployment being the lowest level ever didn't tip you off?
  5. But how much faith would people have in Microsoft if Bill Gates sold off all (not some, all) of his shares? None. The company would fold like a cheap lawn chair. Diversification of your portfolio is one thing, completely bailing out is another. I wouldn't be surprised if Andrew's current position at Jagex was in name only, just to keep faith with the players that at least someone there still knows what the heck he's doing. Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, for example, sold their company (Ben & Jerry's ice cream) years ago. The company didn't fold. That's just one example off the top of my head. I'm pretty sure I could find many examples of the original founder(s) of a company selling the company and the company not "folding like a cheap lawn chair" after the sale. This really isn't the end of the world type drama people are making it out to be. There are many factors involved in people selling their company that aren't related to bailing before the ship goes down.
  6. Actually, I believe he said he was demodded for encouraging people not to vote for Runescape as the best f2p game; not specifically for the video painting Runescape in a bad light. Either way, it doesn't matter. It's Jagex's game and Jagex demodding mods for doing things Jagex doesn't like isn't anything new.
  7. This thread was better off left for dead. I'm a pessimist by nature, but people in this thread are taking it to the extreme. Edit: The graphics in the above video look... good, actually. Also, it's obvious that guy has never had a gf in his life.
  8. This is ridiculous. Investors are out to make money. Forget whether or not they actually like the game. Their sole purpose for investing in the game is to get greater returns out of it. They have a vested interest in making sure the game succeeds. To say they don't care about the future of the game is asinine. Since the future of the game is tied to their wallets, they sure as hell care. Edit: On a serious note, I think some of you are being a bit overdramatic. It's not uncommon for founders of a company to sell it off. That doesn't necessarily mean they think the company is "going down". More than anything else, it's probably the founder being tired of the day-to-day operations required in maintaining a business.
  9. A J-Mod can only ban 100 bots an hour? I could probably ban that many in 20 minutes.
  10. I find it funny that people are just now noticing Jagex demods people for, kindly put, pointing out how much Jagex sucks. Welcome to six/seven years ago, folks.
  11. 5 minutes of making fire runes is like 5000 essence crafted - you don't have enough csb charge to use them all up. As All is Great said, drops should provide most of your runes. As a keyer, you aren't around gds as much so emp fire might be worth it, but even water surge +30% damage maxes above fire surge +10% damage (312 vs 308). This is where I point and laugh. First of all, I have closer to the OP's stats than anyone else here and probably do more maging in-dungeon (though I haven't done dung in a while) than anyone else here. Second of all, anyone who says you can get through a dungeon mostly maging by picking up runes along the way simply doesn't know what they're talking about. All of the surge spells, sans air surge, require 10 elemental runes of some kind (either water, earth or fire). That means a mere five casts of any non-wind surge surge spell is going to cost you fifty elemental runes. Even assuming you kill everything in a mere five casts-- an absurd assumption-- and your party members give you every elemental rune drop-- a waste of time for them to do-- you're not going to find enough runes to cover the amount of runes you lose casting. Period. You WILL run out of elemental runes, and then you will either have to make more or you will be relegated to using wind surge, which brings me to my next point. 225 fire surges is 2,250 fire runes. Assuming you get three fire runes per essence (thirty fires per 10 essence), that's 750 essence you have to buy. At 50 coins each, that's 37.5K. Depending on the map, you can find that either within seconds of starting the dungeon via a gratuitous drop or a locked chest, or it can take you five minutes of searching or more. Now, assuming it takes you three minutes to find 37.5K, it'lll take you another one to two minutes to craft those essence into runes. That's time lost making runes that you could have spent being some kind of help to your team.
  12. *ahem* FIRE. SURGING. WITH. A. CCS. IS. A. WASTE. You're going to spend-- at the very least-- five minutes making fire runes.
  13. Well, now I'm going to hoard about 50 effigies xD
  14. Because botting involves a 3rd party client playing for you, while this doesn't.
  15. This doesn't bother me in the slightest. If you want to pay an extra $5 for a 10% boost for a week, more power to you.
  16. I would think I was a big cause of claws dropping to 16 or 17M. :P. Then again, I think the reason they were high before was this: How are claws lost in the game? When they held 32M, they were lost in PvP. If you killed someone and they lost claws, you rarely got them as the drop. Now, not many claws are disappearing. You also get people like me getting a very steady 30+ pairs a month... would still be higher cost if less there were less botters Edit: Did some research and the 3 main botting sites didn't have TD bots and there were threads saying it would be impossible to make because there was no way to predict what combat style it would use next. There are probably more advanced botting sites(cant mention; hint: rid are the initials) that aren't as popular that might have a script like that. highly doubt it due to the feedback on those threads though. Maybe those 'bots' were jsut extremely anti-social People can make private scripts lol, doesn't have to be released to the public. People that create their own script to gold farm wouldn't want others using their bot Anyone who could create a successful script for TD's would be better served using their talents elsewhere. As it is, I'm skeptical of there being a TD bot. Though I could be wrong, since I haven't been to TD's in forever).
  17. I like the graphics from RSC. No joke.
  18. Complete waste of an update, tbh. They could have done this any time.
  19. I remember Jddogg. But he quit. We were in RSD about the same time (I think. Or maybe TE). Doesn't matter, either way. I haven't been in RSD for a few years since I got kicked :rolleyes:
  20. Examining everything and picking up nearly everything. My bank is cluttered with so much junk ;\ Edit: Actually, for no real reason, for the longest time, I had to have my cash pile end in either a zero or a five. So I'd typically end up withdrawing something like two or three coins and dropping it on the ground just to keep my cash ending in a multiple of five. Don't do so much anymore, though.
  21. I already unlocked all the Livid Farm spells, so I have zero points. I'm going to be sorely pissed if that causes me to get screwed over compared to someone who has thousands of produce points already saved up because they didn't unlock any of the spells.
  22. Is the chick in the purple plate trying to do the swim?
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