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Everything posted by Sly_Wizard

  1. They do permanently ban folks from the forums. I'm not sure why you think they don't. Now as a bit of a side and totally unrelated note, I take pride in being permanently banned from the RSOF three times, in addition to receiving numerous three days bans, though I can still post.
  2. Hell to the no. There are no words to describe how much I disliked the no wildy/no free trade thing. Even if there are now a ton of bots, I'd prefer this to the latter.
  3. I'm hardly one to defend Jagex, but really. People are blowing this out of proportion. It's a low level item which will have very little, if any, effect. In a way, it reminds me of the mass hysteria surrounding the climbing boot change. People just want something to complain about.
  4. If anything, I'd like Jagex to go back and retweak existing content. Like, for example, making the Chaos Elementals drops a lot better or not making the drop on a dragon full helm to be downright abysmal.
  5. Something people fail to understand. Jagex does get "extra" money when you purchase a game card. The reason a game card costs more than, say, a credit card is because the store adds on its own fees for stocking the game card which don't exist in a credit card transaction.
  6. This thread has convinced me to get one of those katanas, so I can make a picture of me holding it with the caption 'u mad?' underneath.
  7. Since this is the first time Jagex has done as much, so it's hard to call this a 'trend'.
  8. So you're arguing against something which has yet to happen? I do believe you're the one being cynical here.
  9. lol... It's basically a black sword that requires 1 attack to use. Yes, that's worth "mass outrage".
  10. People will complain about anything. If they're just for looks, who cares?
  11. Wanting to see what the drop rate is on some ancient warriors equipment from Chaos Elemental. While waiting... Nothing big. I did laugh, though. I killed like 500 way back when and couldn't get one.
  12. Either I hope you're being sarcastic, or you're talking about f2p. I haven't PK'ed in years, but even I know that you can KO someone who has 89 strength and 600 lp's.
  13. I'm thinking that walking around in a 10 year cape would probably get you snide remarks.
  14. First of all, kudos on the 16+ hour dung. I am never, ever, ever doing Livid Farming again unless Jagex adds some new spells.
  15. How is this desperation? Some people will do this and spend money on Jagex store items they otherwise wouldn't. In the end, Jagex makes money by this. I mean, you do realize that they are a company, yes? I don't see why you're bothering to complain about this. It's nothing more than a promotional offer, and every company does it.
  16. More or less been that way since RS2 came out. Edit: Also, you've got to be pretty dumb to get lured by wildy agility course/axe hut.
  17. Actually you shouldn't move it. I want to know if other parents are seeing this or people in general. I mean it's very obvious jagex has no bot detection other then " hey you here? " ooh you must be a bot!!! Report. No I don't want my children talking to you!! And as for Jagex's banning procedures, they can't even ban REAL bots right, who have been reported multiple times, it's unlikely they'd ban on a case of someone simply not responding. Nah, it happened to one of my close friends, twice. The first time it was a week, the second time it was 30 days. After the second time, he gave Jagex a piece of his mind and they basically told him "[bleep] off or we'll make it permanent." So he responded in kind by permanently quitting the game. They never did like him, since he was one of the most outspoken critics on the RSOF before they banned all of his forum accounts (yeah, he'd subscribe noob accounts just to circumvent the bans). Who could Jagex possibly dislike more than me? Someone whose name you probably recognize: Manitu Ka. Hmmm. I was wondering what happened to him.
  18. Actually you shouldn't move it. I want to know if other parents are seeing this or people in general. I mean it's very obvious jagex has no bot detection other then " hey you here? " ooh you must be a bot!!! Report. No I don't want my children talking to you!! And as for Jagex's banning procedures, they can't even ban REAL bots right, who have been reported multiple times, it's unlikely they'd ban on a case of someone simply not responding. Nah, it happened to one of my close friends, twice. The first time it was a week, the second time it was 30 days. After the second time, he gave Jagex a piece of his mind and they basically told him "[bleep] off or we'll make it permanent." So he responded in kind by permanently quitting the game. They never did like him, since he was one of the most outspoken critics on the RSOF before they banned all of his forum accounts (yeah, he'd subscribe noob accounts just to circumvent the bans). Who could Jagex possibly dislike more than me?
  19. Ehhh, I'll go kill a few revs later on tonight. If I get a drop I'll suicide on a friend and go back, but I'm pretty sure that won't effect the drop rate. I remember a friend and I talking about the very same thing ages ago.
  20. Sucks for the people who pay via pre-paid card, which is probably a majority of people under 18, I'd say. I'd be surprised if Jagex doesn't eventually go back to the old rates.
  21. My favorite J-Mod of all time was Mod Hitesh. He got rid of a bunch of forum black marks for me. ...But that's neither here nor there. Can't say I really care about content J-Mods, personally.
  22. I have a much more effective "bot busting mechanism". It's called standing in the Varrock East bank.
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