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Everything posted by Sly_Wizard

  1. We should make a list of level 80's :mrgreen:
  2. People will complain about anything. This is hardly anything to get upset about.
  3. Was that 999? I can't tell, i'm dyslexic. Totally off-topic, but is the guy on the left wearing a Go-Onger shirt? That totally looks like the emblem they use.
  4. He's had the charms for 99 for a while. If you have them, it doesn't take long to get 99.
  5. Weird. Simon trained summoning?
  6. I don't know why, but I found the picture of the woodcutting bots/gold farmers/whatever you want to call them rather hilarious.
  7. No, it's not. The day someone actually binds a pair of celestial shoes-- or basically anything in the shoe/boot spot-- is the day you can say the system is fine as is. A 3bo guy had p2h, neck and primal boots+gloves bound. So i guess the system is fine?(and those are legitimately good binds for a person looking to dps the absolute fastest dungeon, only the 2h spoils the effectiveness) Fine. You found a guy who bound some boots. It doesn't make the system any less flawed. Say what you will, but you might as well not be allowed to bind some items because virtually no one is going to waste a bind on them. These include any tiered ranged boots, any tiered mage boots and most every of the slayer boot are not worth binding. Sag boots/vambs and celestial boots/gloves are especially a waste, as you can't even use them in a dungeon when you get them unless you kill the boss before finishing the rest of the dungeon. The same is to be said for anything worn in the glove slot, a protector's ward, a guardian's ward, a seeker's charm and a flameburst defender. Because you only get four binds max, people are going to bind the things which give them the biggest stat bonuses and ignore everything else. Late edit: Fixed a grammatical error.
  8. No, it's not. The day someone actually binds a pair of celestial shoes-- or basically anything in the shoe/boot spot-- is the day you can say the system is fine as is.
  9. Because that wouldn't be at all overpowered. Imagine Castle Wars with a Guardian's ward + grounding boots and full sagittarian, or Nex with a hexhunter bow. Corp with a primal spear, etc, etc. It would make Dungeoneering essentially give out the best items in the game, making almost all other methods redundant, as well as making the current chaotics useless, why would you ever choose a chaotic crossbow over a hexhunter bow, what monster do you actually range that doesn't use magic? Not unless Jagex makes it require an obscene amount of tokens and makes them usable for a limited period of time.
  10. Isn't this the first quest with a dungeoneering requirement? I hardly consider that "forcing" dung onto you.
  11. Pretty sure Jagex already said we'd be getting quests for extra bind slots. Well welcomed, imo.
  12. Oh, look. It's the dung police out in force.
  13. Quest might be worth doing. Too bad I haven't much felt like playing the last couple of days.
  14. I should think at the very best it'd equal them. But more likely it'll just act as a bridge weapon better than the lvl 70 stuff (whips etc.) but not as good as the chaotics The 'new' whip will have a higher requirement than chaotic weapons. You can be pretty sure it'll be better.
  15. So instead of Jagex upgrading some useless range weapons (i.e., Zaryte Bow) they instead decide to upgrade a melee weapon which doesn't need to be upgraded. Nice :thumbsup:
  16. Don't be a noob by getting a cele cat bind x2 Anywho, teams are overrated.
  17. I'll take it :thumbsup: On-topic, I kind of used to be "addicted" way back in 2004, but it was really only during the summer, when I had to be playing Runescape at least 12 hours a day. You know you're playing a ton when you're getting about 150K xp per day ranging black dragons with (usually) iron arrows. It didn't really affect my life since it was, well, summer.
  18. (Forgot to take pic of his adv log before he set it to private.)
  19. It is? Because Jagex's financial reports show they've been gaining profit year on year, every year since 2003 when the game really started taking off. But since you're clearly more informed than Jagex's own accountants and lawyers, do tell where you obtained this information. I said player database going down which I extrapolated from this. Man. I've read that three times over and I don't see how you extrapolated that the Runescape player database (?) is going down. Although this: Made me sad. I'm 26, Black, a college graduate and have no children. I'm an anomaly, apparently.
  20. I bought the runic accuracy aura. I knew it was going to be a waste but I did so, anyway. As you'd expect, it's trash. I tried it on mith dragons for a bit. Didn't notice any visible difference in the speed at which I can kill them, plus it only lasted 30 minutes. Nice joke, Jagex.
  21. On a side note, I wonder if the price of robins will sky rocket?
  22. I really do have to laugh at the runic accuracy aura. Four hour cooldown for a 5% increase is mage accuracy for 30 minutes. Sadface.
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