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Everything posted by aznmidget448

  1. You posted 3 pics. One of your avatar, and two of your bank I think. Both in the marketplace. Once because you lost your dragon chain while burning fish sticks (yeah, i read that) and your recent bank sale. Grats on your goal. I wish I could make money that quickly, haahaa. I'm still working my way up to a santa hat #-o Edit 1: I wanna take a close up of Leesters!!!! - i'm f2p.... and if you die, i can steal your phat ;) jk Edit 2: I can't wait until your new blog, Yay!!! Edit 3: I'm ur #1 Fan, haahaa. Nah, I'm just hyped up from pking with rune pick axe and kebabs.... and before that, it was training sword + shield + bow. Try it sometimes if you're really bored
  2. My friend declined the pmod e-mail because he didn't want to be treated differently from the way he currently is treated. People should just treat these mods the way they'd treat any other person.
  3. Good luck. I want a santa and i'm trying to get it with a mix of merchanting and cutting yew logs. Only another 52k years till i can get a santa #-o (I think willov's gonna beat you \ )
  4. Wow, that's really awkward. Probably due to lag. I've seen some things similar to thing, but never with the frog random.
  5. thats if you drop your clue and then fight monsters to get another clue drop, it happened before :wink: But you can't have both clue scrolls at the same time.
  6. No, you can get randoms in a bank. My friend died with all his money in the bank. I had to help him get out of poverty #-o
  7. yeah me too.... :( lol x 3 :P I guess they give you the items in a certain order. It's called a random event for a reason :lol: But that's strange. What range of prayer levels did you go through? If it's something like 1-30, it shouldn't be too many bones, explaining why you didn't get him.
  8. After you have the complete mime outfit, you are supposed to obtain something like 150 gp. Jagex probably forgot to make the connection between the costume room and the random event clothes.
  9. I've had way too many frog events, around 3-4 mime events, and none of freaky forester nor drill demon. I really want the forester's hat to go along with my outfit.
  10. Hey, good luck. I'm just trying to get a santa hat as a wimpy f2p
  11. This happened to me. Got a level 81 account, nice pk'ing stats. I'm level 69, but I was still all "New main, oh yeah." But... YOUR POST SAVED ME! I LOST NOTHING! HOORAY! He did take it back somehow, even though I changed the recoveries. However, he left dragonhide and a bit of mithril on it. Which I took. Haha. It's against the rules to take someone elses account, even if they give it to you. It is also usually a scam. The recovery questions do not reset until a couple days after you set them because if it was a hacker, then you would not be able to get your account back. This scam is used often to make you put all your items onto the "good account" and then when you get used to the account, BAM, all the stuff is gone :shock:
  12. One of my friends (a lvl 122) had an offer to become a runescape mod. He turned it down. Being a mod has its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages include being "cool", able to deal with scammers, autoers, and rule breakers a little better, and to get the silver crown next to your name. My 122 friend turned it down because of all the attention that would be turned towards him and no one would act normally around him. He's already having trouble since he is such a high level and so rich. I tell him to just gimme the money, lol #-o
  13. In general, I avoid buying things. I use skills to get the raw material to level up other skills. The macroers are a nuisance and I just report them as I see them (after trying to talk to them as proof they are macroers : ) I wouldn't mind buying logs from the general store seeing as they would cost less and the macroers will keep selling them no matter what. Only if there was a way to get rid of the macroers.
  14. I don't remember you, but you can add me :D Welcome back!
  15. I hope it does so I can finally get a santa hat, but if it does, i expect it to happen some time after new year where there's a huge break between holidays and people get bored :anxious:
  16. That's pretty cool, although that seems really hard to do.
  17. I'm not. I kind of like them because they scare the autoers away. According to my friend, the autoers have a system where when the mod speaks, they either switch world or run away :D . My friend is a mod :XD:
  18. Dope, half the picture names were the same and google just updated them... Now i have to all my pictures again :evil:
  19. Yay, that will fix my tiny picture problem :)
  20. I never knew there was a bank on top of lumby. That will help me alot :D
  21. Wish I was there. I think I sold a rune plate into the general store in lumbridge and then bought it back and wasted 10k or something. It was fun, haahaa. I found a rune 2h in there once. I bought it and i was happy :XD:
  22. And the people give tips.... on it! :lol: Yeah, I like tip.it's community. You can't find that on any old forum.
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