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Everything posted by aznmidget448

  1. Having a high level mage with ice barrage is very helpful. The mage will gain a lot of xp because of all the groups of people being barraged and your team will have a higher chance of winning due to the distraction the mage makes. The only problem is paying for all the runes used in this technique :anxious:
  2. If you decide to bring kebabs, remember to bring some fish or cake or something just incase a kebab backfires and you're low on hp and almost about to die :mrgreen:
  3. Just a little something you could add is pressing Ctrl + click to run if you're walking. This could allow you to react quicker than clicking the run button and then running after someone you're chasing or running away.
  4. I would suggest 40 defense to be able to use d-hides (green f2p and black p2p)
  5. Mainly world 1 f2p and world 2 p2p. Nothing other than that. There is a world where you can get law runs (99 or something like that), but other than that, i've never heard of these.
  6. Yeah, froggy hat would look nice. or maybe the lenderhosen (sp?) hat if you have gotten that random event. Once you get enough money, get a green rare (mask, phat), but that takes a while to save up so much money.
  7. Yews will be a decent speed at level 75. From my experience, it took 5-10 minutes for a load in lumby with autoers and running around. I'm not sure about other locations though.
  8. Sound: Full Music: Off Area Sound: 1/2 Windows Media Player for my Music: YAY!
  9. MERCHANTERS who used drop trade to start probably
  10. You missed phats :D Maybe I'll finally be able to buy a santa at the price they're at now!!! YAY! You like playing the role of news reporter, don't you? :P
  11. wow, that's quite a bit. I did it for around two hours and only got 5k #-o Now I'm at mossies in Varrock sewer. Trying my luck there.
  12. a little blog like a journal or a little note pad on the side for your check lists aka something to write "chop 100 willows, go pking with ___ at 10" on... Also, a map of not only the normal ground, but also the building levels, underground caves, etc. would be nice, although that would be a ton of work to find all that data.
  13. Lol, imagine picking up every single coin from the ground. That would be very greedy of you :D lol, but there are probably people who do.
  14. Maple logs are allowed on both f2p and p2p servers, but mainly only p2p use it. It's very uncommon among f2p since there's nowhere to cut it and it's a pointless log since you can't do anything but burn it. Yews and willows would be better choices since the xp/cash would be better.
  15. The longer the break, the more addicting rs will seem when you get back. I have had many experiences with this (i'm unretired now, lol) Maybe create a new goal such as getting a certain amount of money or get a phat. I know i've always wanted a phat...
  16. Grim Reaper Wannabeeeeeee!!!!! jk :wink: I think that's a pretty cool outfit. If you don't have the scythe, go with a skeptre
  17. How much would you have if you didn't leave all those little kills, those 10-100 gps from goblins to guards, behind for another player to pick up? I find myself killing a guard as I walk into the gates of falador and then just leave their drop there and move on. I'm guessing I'd have probably made over 100k if I picked up those drops, which would actually be pretty nice right about now. And all those bones left behind would probably bring me up a prayer level or two. Edit Follow up How much money do you think is lost in the RS economy from people leaving their drops and letting them disappear? I'd say about 10 million gp a day if no crazy guy went and dropped 50 mill before quitting rs :mrgreen:
  18. You made 20 Mill in a week!!! :shock: I feel so nooby right about now :wall: :wall: :wall:
  19. The suspicious tinderbox is probably just there for all those little guys who lose their tinderbox.
  20. If hunting come with armour, then that color armour's phat will probably rise in price :)
  21. My stack of body runes lie in my bank from when I killed goblins :P From last year, I still have some tokkuls and castle war tickets, but nothing else.
  22. Haahaa, that's pretty sweet. I think i'm gonna go there and meet some new people before they come into lumby :mrgreen:
  23. Also works with WC axes. I've always thought people knew about it.
  24. I would go with the money because it is worth much more in my point of view than the armour.
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